New Wiss Store:
Ceremony of Ribbon-Cutting at Montclair Tomorrow

The Newark Evening News, June 3, 1948


Mrs. Frederick C.J. Wiss will cut a ribbon at ceremonies to mark opening of a new Wiss jewelry store tomorrow at 9:30 A.M., at 28 Church street, Montclair. Jerome B. Wiss, president of Wiss Sons Inc., and the third generation of his family to head the business, will participate.

Opening of the Montclair store is the highlight of the company's 100th anniversary celebration. The firm has stores in Newark and East Orange. The first store, a small cutlery shop, was opened in Newark in 1848 by Jacob Wiss.

H. Victor Paul, vice president, has announced appointment of Edward A. Talbot as manager of the new branch. Talbot, formerly with Black Starr & Gorham, Inc., and Franklin Simon, was a lieutenant commander in the Navy during the last war.