500 at Wiss Quit Work:
Hourly Workers Strike in Rejection of Pact Offer

The Newark Evening News, October 1, 1965

1965-10-01 500 at Wiss Quit Work

More than 500 hourly employes of J. Wiss & Sons Co., scissors and shears manufacturer, went on strike this morning at the firm's plants in Newark and Maplewood after rejecting a company offer for a 24-cent hourly pay increase over a three year period.

Orderly picketing began shortly after 8 a.m. at the plants at 33 Littleton Ave., Newark, and at 228 Burnet Ave., Maplewood.

Richard R. Wiss, company president, said the walkout came after members of Local 325. Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Workers, AFL-CIO, rejected the offer approved last night during negotiations at the State Mediation Board.

The company, Wiss said, offered an 11-cent hourly hike in the first year with two additional increase over the next two years until the 24-cent hourly raise was reached.

Wiss said the company also offered "substantial increases" in fringe benefits, pension plan, hospitalization, holidays and vacations. Several language changes were also approved by both the company and union officials, Wiss said.

The current contract expired last night.