Wiss Family, Fairmount Cemetery, Newark, NJ

Over the years, members of the Wiss family purchased three outdoor lots and a private room in the mausoleum. There is space available in all locations for family members.

Fairmount F-25 thumbnail The first Wiss outside lot was purchased by Jacob Wiss on April 24, 1860. Cost unknown. It is Section F, Lot No. 25. It is near the original entrance on South Orange Ave. There are eight people buried here, though the official records only show seven. Ferdinand and Jacob Wiss died a day apart from diphtheria, and were buried together in one coffin.

Lot Q - 2 thumbnail The second Wiss outside lot was bought by Fanny Baker Wiss on January 25, 1908 for $847 ($1.50 per square foot). This is the day after her husband Louis died. It is Lot 142 in Section Q. This is in the circle in the middle of the cemetery, where the most important monuments are located. The third outside lot, Lot 141, was purchased by Frederick C.J. Wiss for another $847 on April 29, 1908. This is the left side of the pie-shaped lot. No one is buried on that side, as he also bought the private room before anyone on his branch of the family died. The second purchase gave the combined lot an area of 1133 sq. ft.

Crypt Door thumbnail The Wiss Private Room was bought by Frederick C.J. Wiss on February 8, 1927 for the price of $9,000. This was when the mausoleum was opened. The room has a stained glass window with the Virgin Mary holding Jesus.

Fairmount Deed thumbnail Fairmount Cemetery Association Deed: Fanny B. Wiss: Section Q, No. 142. From 1908.

Fairmount Cemetery map thumbnail A cemetery map circa 1934. A reproduction of this map is still distributed today.

Fairmount Cemetery map thumbnail A Google Map with pins at the Wiss locations in the cemetery.

Richard Wiss letter thumbnail Letter from Richard Wiss to Mrs. Margarethe W. Sinon [Gretchen Wiss Sinon]. Discusses request from Fairmount Cemetery of $2000 for lot maintenance. Dated November 1, 1963.

Bratz letter thumbnail Letter from Clayton O. Braatz of Fairmount Association to Mrs. F.W. Sinon [Gretchen Wiss Sinon] dated November 19, 1963. Letter discusses lot upkeep costs and a $1500 endowment. No note of an endowment on this lot is in the cemetery's records. Includes plot diagram of Section Q, Lots 141 and 142; and envelope.

Fairmount Cemetery stationery thumbnail Fairmount Cemetery's website.

Wikipedia icon A page on the cemetery at Wikipedia.