Mildred Wiss Pictures: Europe Grand Tour Spring 1961

235 pictures covering six countries: Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, France and England. Included a Rhine River cruise.

Mildred Wiss remarried in December 1959. She's now Mildred Wiss Smith. This trip was taken in the Spring of 1961. With no born Wiss on the trip, Switzerland was skipped over. The trip was started in Southern Europe when it was Spring there, and continued in Northern Europe when it was Spring there. There were six plane flights. Three drivers are pictured. Presumably there was a variety of drivers for each of the five legs and languages of the trip.

Pictures were taken with a Kodak Retina IIc on Kodachrome film. Slides were scanned at 3000 dpi with a Nikon Coolscan 5000 (introduced 2003). Software used was VueScan.

Countries Visited:

Spain (48 pictures)
Bull Fight thumbnail
Italy (62 pictures)
Ara Coelis thumbnail
Austria (18 pictures)
Schonbrunn Palace thumbnail
Germany (46 pictures)
Pfalzgrafenstein Castle thumbnail
France (32 pictures)
Place-de-la-Concorde thumbnail
England (28 pictures)
Tower Bridge thumbnail

The flights:

Locations Visited and Photographed:







Click for Google Map Showing Locations
map thumbnail

Some of the Hotels Stayed At: