Norman Wiss [Sr] Letter to His Father, 1918

This letter was sent while Norman Wiss was in the service with his new wife. Mildred saved the letter all her years.

Atlanta Ga.

Sunday, Jan. 27, 1918

Dearest Father:

To say the least, your letter came as a great surprise, and a most agreeable one. It was certainly mighty good of you to do so much for us. I want to thank you, but I -- I -- well, I just can't find words which truly express my grateful feelings. You certainly couldn't have picked a better time as far as Mildred and I are concerned. Of course, we have not been hard pressed, but we have been trying to keep from drawing on the bank as little as possible. But when you are boarding out and travelling around, $51 a month doesn't go far. However I am mightily glad to say that Mildred is a very sensible and economical wife and is a very good helpmate. I certainly got a prize when I picked her.

I am very sorry that we could not come up for the party but conditions are such that it is impossible at present. Later on, I expect to come home, at least I will make a strong attempt. You see you are supposed to have a good excuse. Maybe I'll be able to find one when I want to get off. Maybe the dog will help me. I really think he saved me from being confined to camp for 1 week for not having my haversack straight at inspection.

Well, I must close. I hope this letter finds you enjoying the best of health and may you live to see many more birthdays and the fruits of your labor.

Love to all from Mildred and your loving son Norman.

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