Newspaper Ads

cruise-ad-1925-10-19 Monday, October 19, 1925



This cruise of next Feb. 9th visits 16 historic ports, including Venice. Gives almost 3 weeks in Holy Land and Egypt. Has Canadian Pacific management throughout. Sails from New York on the Empress of France, queen of cruise steamships....It is probably the world's greatest 2-months travel experience. Now is none too early for reservations. Literature from your local agent, or E. T. Stebbing, Canadian-Pacific, 344 Madison Ave., at 44th, New York. Personal service if desired.


cruise-ad-1925-10-25 Sunday, October 25, 1925


All this in Egypt
and the Holy Land

Be sure you see all the Holy Land and Egypt. Not only Jerusalem, but also Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee. Not only Cairo, but also Tutankhamen's tomb, Karnak. This cruise gives you almost 3 weeks in Biblical lands. It also includes such unusual ports as Venice, Beyrout, Syracuse, Lisbon. At each place, Canadian Pacific escort, Canadian Pacific standard of service. Always, smoothest arrangements, because the management on ship and shore is that of the world's greatest travel system. Leaving New York February 9, for 64 days.

Queen of Cruiser Steamships

Reservations made now command better accommodations. Helpful, informative literature. At your local agent, or E.T. Stebbing, Canadian Pacific, 344 Madison Ave. at 44th St., New York. Personal service if desired.

Canadian Pacific
World's Greatest Travel System

Reno Evening Gazette 1925 12 02 p03 December 2, 1925
Reno Evening Gazette

See everything worth seeing on your Mediterranean Cruise

Don't pass up any of the world's famous cities or sights offered by this Canadian Pacific Mediterranean cruise. It is planned on the most generous proporations—the most complete of its kind we have ever offered.

It covers 64 days, with 33 on shore—not a day too many. It visits fifteen countries, giving you a comprehensive tour. It spends 19 days in the Holy Land and Egypt—no skimping of time. It includes VENICE, Syracuse, Lisbon, Beyrout – don't miss any of these. It also visits Madeira, Spain, Gilbraltar, Algiers, Athens, Constantinople, Haifa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Alexandria, Cairo, Pyramids and Sphinx, Naples, Pompeii, Monte Carlo, France, England, Canada.

You travel on the luxurious Empress of France—twice chosen by the Prince of Wales for his voyages. Leaves New York Feb, 9, Fares surprisingly low. For information see

Canadian Pacific
World's Greatest Travel System

Fred L. Nason
General Agent Passenger Department
675 Market St., San Francisco, Sutter 158.

Oskaloosa Daily Herald 1925 12 09 p06a
Oskaloosa Daily Herald 1925 12 09 p06b
December 9, 1925 and December 20, 1925
Oskaloosa Daily Herald

Racine Journal News 1925 12 16 p10 December 16, 1925
Racine Journal News

Washington DC Evening Star 1925 12 28 p25 stub December 21 and 28, 1925