Meeting Minutes: 1910-01-27 Stockholders

Jan 27/10  Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. 
           held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. 
           Newark N.J. on the twenty seventh day of January Nineteen 
           Hundred and Ten in the afternoon.

           Meeting called to order by the President, present were 
           F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary
           read the notice of the meeting dated Jan 27/10, apply of which
           had been sent to all stockholders of record. 
           Minutes of the 1909 meeting were approved.

           Treasurer report for year ending Dec 31/09 was received
           and ordered on file. On motion of Mr. Rauh all the
           actions of the Board of Director up to date were approved.
           A motion by F.C.J. Wiss secured by H. Rauh that
           section one of article six of the constitution and by laws
           be amended by the following insertion
           was carried by 1996 shares voted.

           It is moved that Section One of Article Six of the
           Constitution and Bylaws be amended by the following insertion:

           * If a stockholder, his heirs or assigns, desire to sell
           their stock or any portion thereof, he must first give to the
           other stockholders, the privilege of buying the same at a price
           to be agreed upon, not more than the book value of the stock,
           as ascertained by the/capital stock and surplus accounts of the Company.

           Above notice carried by 1996 shares.

           The election of director was then proceed with and
           on motion the secretary cast 1996 share represented
           at the meeting for the following - F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh,
           F.B. Wiss, who were declared elected.

           A motion to adjourn, carried.

                                            Fanny B. Wiss Sec.