Meeting Minutes: 1912-12-10 Board

Dec 10/12  Special meeting of the Board of Director held
           Dec 10th, 1912 at 9:30 A.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss,
           F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh. On motion of J.B. Wiss
           secured by H. Rauh a dividend of Ten (10%) percent
           payable at once out of the surplus of the Company
           was declared.

           On motion of H. Rauh, secured by
           F.B. Wiss the President was authorized to
           purchase at his discretion for the Company,
           the adjourning trade of land, 37 & 39 Littleton
           Ave. approximately 53'x 100' with the building

           No further business, the meeting adjourned.

                                               Fanny B. Wiss Sec.