Meeting Minutes: 1919-01-23 Stockholders

Jan 23/19  The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the
           company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark New Jersey
           on the Twenty Third day of January Nineteen
           Hundred and Nineteen.

           Meeting called to order by the President at 1:50
           P.M. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss,
           J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss,
           C.L. Gairoard, Fred H. Rauh and C.A. Thober.

           Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 17/19
           copy of which had been sent to all stockholder
           of record.

           Minutes of the Stockholder meeting of Jan 24/18
           were read and approved.

           Treasurer report was not ready. The result of
           1918 Business depending on the amount of income
           tax to be paid, but as the tax bill had not yet
           been passed no definite results could be reported,
           but they appeared to be same as 1917 but
           possibly been on account of the high income tax
           as anticipated would have to be paid.

           On motion of C.L. Gairoard, duly seconded
           all the action of the Board of Director up to
           date were approved.

           Fanny B. Wiss offered the following amendments to
           the By-Laws:

           Amend Article III, Section I to read as follows:

           "The officers of the Company shall be a
           President, Vice President, Secretary,
           Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer and one
           person may hold any two of these offices."

           Add to Article IV the following Section:

           Section 4. The Vice President shall, in the
           absence or disability of the President, perform
           all the duties of that office.

           Section 5. The Assistant Treasurer shall,
           under the Treasurer's direction, perform such
           duties of that office as may be assigned to
           him, and in the absence or disability of the
           Treasurer, shall perform all the duties of that office.

           The amendments were declared adopted by a
           vote of 1930 1/2 shares.

           Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss
           were nominated as direction to serve for the ensuing
           year and until their scissor have been elected
           and qualified. There being no other nominee
           the secretary was directed to cast a ballot
           representing the Stockholder present. The nominees
           were declared elected by 1930 1/2 shares.

           The President requested for the files of the company
           written reports covering the previous year
           experiences and condition for the following:

           C.L. Gairoard sales manager, as to selling and
           selling condition, Fred H. Rauh superintendent
           manufacturing conditions and manufactures facilities.
           C.A. Thober - master mechanic, plant.

           There being no further business, a motion to adjourn
           was carried.

                                         Fanny B. Wiss Sec.