Meeting Minutes: 1920-01-22 Stockholders

Jan 22/20  The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the
           company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the
           Twenty Second day of January Nineteen Hundred
           and Twenty.

           Meeting called to order by the President at
           this fifteen in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss,
           Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss,
           Frederick H. Rauh and C.A. Thober.

           President read notice of meeting dated Jan 16/20
           copy of which had been sent to all stockholder
           of record.

           Minutes of Stockholder meeting of January 23/19
           were read and approved.

           Treasurer presented report for 1918 ordered on file.
           Report for 1919 was not ready, results depending
           on Income tax reports, claims for which have
           not yet been received. Indications are that
           they will be greater than in 1918.

           President reports practical completions of
           4th floor, to our former 3 story and basement
           building consisting of original main building
           with south and north extension. This work
           was authorized by the Board of Director on
           May 8th, 1919, contract for the building entered
           into on June 25/19 with Fred Kilgur Inc. on
           a business of cast plus with a limit of total cost.

           The expenses to that including special
           equipment, Heating Electrical Lighting &
           amount to about Twenty Three Thousand dollar.
           The President also reports the receipt of written
           reports from F.H. Rauh superintend and from C.A. Thober
           master mechanic covering suggestions
           for the year 1918 and 1919. The reports for 1919
           were read accepted and referred to the Board of
           Director for study and consideration.

           On motion of Norman J. Wiss, seconded by
           Fanny B. Wiss all actions of the Board of Director
           up to date were duly approved.

           F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were
           nominated as Director to serve for the ensuing
           year and until their successor have been
           elected and qualified. There being no other
           nominees, the secretary was directed to cast
           a ballot representing the stockholder present
           representing 1512 shares. The nominees were
           declared elected by 1512 votes.

           There being no further business, a motion
           to adjourn was carried.

                                  Jerome B. Wiss Sect.