Meeting Minutes: 1920-04-07 Board

Apr 7/20  Special meeting of the Board of Director of the
          J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss
          at 5 P.M. this seventh day of April Nineteen Hundred
          and Twenty.

          Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss,
          J. Robert Wiss moved that the President be
          authorized and hereby is directed to enter
          into contract with the owner of property located
          at 23,25 & 27 Eleventh Ave. for the purchase
          of the property approximately 78'6" x 52'
          adjoining our property on the south, for the
          sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred ($11,500)
          dollar. Motion carried.

          Motion to adjourn carried.

                                           Jerome B. Wiss Sect.