Meeting Minutes: 1921-01-27 Stockholders

Jan 27/21  The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the
           company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the
           Twenty Seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred
           and Twenty One.

           Meeting called to order by the President Wiss at
           two seven in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss,
           Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss,
           Norman F. Wiss, Frederick H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and
           represented by proxy Charlotte S. Wiss & Grace V. Wiss.
           A total of fifteen hundred and twenty three
           (1523) shares represented in person or by proxy.

           Secretary read notice of meeting dated January
           twenty Nineteen Hundred twenty one copy of 
           which was transmitted to all stockholder
           of record.

           Minutes of Stockholder meeting of January 22/20
           were read and approved.

           Treasurer report for 1919 was read, approved and
           ordered on file. Report for 1920 was not completed, 
           statement of assets and liabilities read.

           Frederick H. Rauh made verbal report as to
           factory conditions and increased production.
           He will make written report within 2 weeks.

           The President report the purchase of property
           known as 23, 25 & 27 Eleventh Avenue adjourning
           the companies holding for the sum of $11500.00
           allowing a Building Loan. Mortgage of about $3340,
           to remain on the property, size of the property is
           approximately 78'6" x 52' and is covered by 
           3 story 3 family building, 1-2 1/2 story 1 family house
           and 2 - 1 story stores all frame construction.

           The property at #11 Littleton Ave. adjourning our
           north line was also purchased for the sum
           of $8700.00 size of plat 25' x 120' with 3 story
           frame flats. There was erected during the
           year a garage for employees on the plat in
           rear of 6th, st house 24'8" x 46' using old 
           roof we had on hard from old room of factory
           at an approximate expense of $3200. At north
           end of property in rear of #11 Littleton Ave. There
           was erected a storage shed.

           The President reported that business prospects for the
           year were rather discouraging due to drop in price
           greatly caused by the importation of German
           scissors at very low price. To meet these condition
           we made reduction in selling price of about 22%
           on sold steel scissor and about 12 1/2% on steel
           laid trimmers. Factory wages were reduced
           about 15%. We are also using all the influence
           we can to secure a suitable and satisfactory
           import duty for our line of goods.

           On motion of Fanny B. Wiss seconded by
           Frederick H. Rauh all actions of the Board of 
           Director to date were duly approved.

           A motion was made by Fanny B. Wiss,
           seconded by Frederick H. Rauh to amend section 1
           of article II of the by-laws to read as follows:
           Section 1 - The affairs of the company shall
           be managed by a board of five directors to be
           elected by ballot at the annual meeting of
           the stockholders and to hold office for the
           term of one year and until their successors
           are elected and qualified.

           Above amendment was declared adopted by a vote of
           1523 shares, cast at the stockholders meeting held
           January 27th, 1921.

           "The affair of the company shall be managed
            by a board of five directors to be elected by
            ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders
            and to hold office for the term of one year and
            until their successors are elected and qualified."

            Above amendment was declared adopted by a
            vote of 1523 shares.

            Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss,
            Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss were
            nominated as director to serve for the ensuing
            year. There being no further nominees the
            secretary was directed to cast a ballot representing
            the stockholder present. The secretary cast the
            ballot as directed. The nominees we declared
            elected by 1523 votes.

            There being no further business before the
            stockholder, a motion to adjourn was

                                           Jerome B. Wiss Sect.