Meeting Minutes: 1923-10-25 Board

Oct 25/23  Special Meeting of the Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company,
           held this Twenty-Fifth day of October 1923.

           Meeting called to order by President Wiss. Present were
           F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, and Norman F. Wiss.
           Norman F. Wiss made the following motion:

           Resolved, that the Treasurer be authorized,
           and hereby is authorized, to indorse and
           redeem, through the proper channels, a bond
           of the Dominion of Canada amounting to $5000,
           due November 1, 1923.

           Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss, and carried.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                         Jerome B. Wiss Sect.