Meeting Minutes: 1924-04-01 Board

Apr 1/24  Special meeting of the Board of Director called 
          to order by President Wiss at 9:25 A.M. this first
          day of April 1924.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, J. B. Wiss and
           N.F. Wiss.

           It was moved, seconded and motion carried - that a
           dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common 
           stock of the company be declared, and hereby is 
           declared payable at once out of the surplus of 
           the company.

           President Wiss reports that negotiation for the
           purchase of the Valley Forge plant at $100,000
           had not as yet been successful but believe that
           the property could be secured for $125,000, but
           did not approve of purchasing at this figure.

           An appraisal by Architect Frederick Phelps
           amounted to $162,000, based on present cost less
           a depreciation of 25% on the 4 story buildings and
           50% depreciation on the balance of the buildings.

           It is estimated that a gross rental of $22,000,
           could be secured at an expense of about $15,000,
           which include 6% on cost of plant at $125,000.

           Motion made and carried that the president
           be authorized to offer the Valley Forge a sum
           not to exceed $115,000.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                       Jerome B. Wiss Sect.