Meeting Minutes: 1925-03-30 Board

Mar 30/25  Special meeting of the Board of Director called
           to order by President Wiss at 9:45 A.M. this 30th day of
           March 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss,
           Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss.

           The president reports that he executed an agreement with
           Schaedel & Bro. Inc. for the sale of the Heinisch factory
           property, corner Bruce Street and 13th Avenue, Newark, N. J.

           Schaedel and Bro. Inc. agreeing to purchase same for the
           amount of $70,000. -- $1000. to be paid on signing agreement,
           $4000. to be paid on passing of Title, on or before April 1,

           The transfer of the $25,000. first mortgage on property
           on the Corner of Central Avenue and South 13th Street, and the
           giving of the first mortgage to run for five years, at 6% per
           annum on the property purchased.

           The president also reports that Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc.
           have expressed a desire to be released from the agreement of
           purchase, and their attorney, H. Koehler, requested us to name
           a figure to release his clients.

           The president has verbally proposed to Schaedel & Bro. Co.
           Inc. to modify the terms of sale to enable them to more readily
           make improvements in the property, and secure a better return,
           by waiving the $4000. cash payment, and increase the mortgage
           to $44,000. and accept interest on same at the rate of 4 1/4% per
           annum for the five years, if property is not sold by them at
           an earlier date.

           The following motions were duly made and seconded:

                Resolved that the actions of the president
                as reported above are hereby approved and
                the proper officers of the Company are
                authorized and instructed to execute the
                proper documents to pass Title on terms
                as per agreement, modified as to the $4000.
                payment, and amount of mortgage increased
                to $44,000.

                Resolved that the proper officers are
                authorized and instructed to accept from
                Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc. 4 1/4% interest per
                annum on the mortgage instead of 6% for
                a period of five years, or until sold by
                them if within five years from date of

            RESOLVED that in case of failure by Schaedel & Bro.
            Co. Inc. to live up to their agreement to purchase the
            Heinisch property, Corner Bruce Street & Thirteenth Avenue,
            the proper officers are hereby instructed to take such
            legal action as may be necessary to compel specific
            performance as called for by the original agreement of
            Sale and purchase, and if above action is instituted,
            the modifications of terms outlined in above two
            resolutions are hereby rescinded.

            Motion to adjourn carried.

                                            Jerome B. Wiss Sect.