Meeting Minutes: 1927-04-19 Board

Apr 19/27  Special meeting of the Board of Director called
           to order by President Wiss this 19th day of April
           Nineteen Hundred twenty seven.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Norman
           F. Wiss.

           Norman F. Wiss moved that the Treasurer
           be and hereby is authorized to purchase for the
           company and preferred stock of the company
           as may be offered him at par and upon
           purchase of same he is hereby instanced to
           retire the stock and cancel off record.

           Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried.
           J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of
           Ten percent (10%) on the common stock of the
           company be declared and hereby is declared
           payable on April 25th, out of the surplus of
           the company.

            Motion to adjourn carried.

                                           Jerome B. Wiss Sect.