Meeting Minutes: 1927-06-29 Board

Jun 29/27  Special meeting of the Board of Director called to
           order by President Wiss at 8:50 A.M. this twenty
           ninth day of June, Nineteen Hundred twenty seven.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss and N.F. Wiss.

           The Assistant Treasurer reports that we have received a
           cablegram from Abdul Halim -- one of our best and oldest
           customers in Calcutta, India -- dated May 31, 1927, to
           the effect:

           "Please give bond to Abdur Rohman. I shall guarantee."

            It appears that Abdur Rohman is a nephew of Abdul Halim,
            and came to the United States with the India representatives
            to officiate at the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition.

            Abdur Rohman had a permit to stay in the States for one
            year, but for certain reasons -- to study -- desires to
            remain a longer period.

            It appears he can remain 6 months longer upon furnishing
            to the Government a suitable bond in the amount of $500.

            A short time after receipt of the cablegram, Abdur Rohman
            called upon us with a cablegram from his uncle, stating
            that he had requested us to go on his bond.

            We communicated with Dodge & Seymour, Ltd., our Calcutta
            representatives in New York, who, in turn, communicated
            with their Calcutta office and procured the deposit of
            $500 from Abdul Halim, to secure us in going on the 
            required Government bond.

            The following motion was proposed by Norman F. Wiss,
            seconded by J. Robert Wiss, and unanimously carried:

            "WHEREAS, this Company as a business accommodation to
             a client in Calcutta, India, has agreed to indemnify
             certain bond and extension agreement which it has
             executed for ABDUR RAHMAN and has protected itself by
             requiring the said client to deposit with its Calcutta
             Correspondent the sum of Five Hundred and 00/100
             ($500.00) Dollars and as a result of such agreement and
             such deposit is materially interested in this matter
             and has applied to the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND
             INSURANCE COMPANY for the said bond and extension 
             agreement; and

              COMPANY is willing to execute such bond and extension
              agreement as surety upon being furnished with the
              written indemnity of this Company, therefore, be it

              "RESOLVED, that the proper executing officers of the
               Company be and hereby are authorized to execute on
               behalf of the Company, any agreement or agreements of
               indemnity required by the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND
               INSURANCE COMPANY as a pre-requisite to the execution
               of said bond and extension agreement for ABOUR RAHMAN
               in connection with the matter described in the 
               agreement of indemnity required by said MASSACHUSETTS 
               BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY and the proper 
               attesting officer of the Company be and hereby is authorized
               to affix the corporate seal to such agreement or
               agreements of indemnity and subscribe his name hereto,
               attesting the same."

               Motion to adjourn carried.

                                                Jerome B. Wiss Sect.