Meeting Minutes: 1928-08-13 Board

Aug 13/28  Special meeting of the Board of Directors
           of J. Wiss & Sons Company on this 13th day
           of August, 1928.

           Meeting called to order by President F.C.J.

           President were: F.C.J. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss
           and Jerome B. Wiss constituting a quorum.

           Norman F. Wiss made the following
           motion -- RESOLVED that the Treasurer be authorized
           and hereby is authorized to deposit with
           the Chase National Bank, for Committee of
           Re-organization, Certificate No.NY9415 for
           100 shares of 7% Preferred Stock of the
           International Paper Company. Motion
           seconded by Jerome B. Wiss.
           Motion carried.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                        Jerome B. Wiss Sect.