Meeting Minutes: 1929-04-06 Board

Apr 6/29   Special meeting of the Board of Director of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss
           at 9:35 A.M. - April 6th, 1929.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss.

           Motion duly made by N.F. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss
           and carried. Resolved that the action of the
           treasurer in opening a bank account in
           the name of R. Heinisch Sons works at the
           United States Trust Co. of Newark N.J., be
           hereby approved.

           Further resolved that the Treasurer, Assistant
           Treasurer and Vice President have power to
           individually sign check drawn on this account.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                          Jerome B. Wiss Sect.