---- 1900-05-31-Stockholders First minutes of the shareholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co, held at the office of John R. Hardin, No. 761 Broad Street, Newark, NJ, the 31st day of May 1900, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Present Messrs. Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and John R. Hardin, being all of the stockholders and persons named in the certificate of incorporation. Mr. F.C.J. Wiss was made Chairman, and Mr. Louis T. Wiss Secretary of the meeting. The secretary read the waiver of notice of the meeting, signed by all of the incorporators, waiving notice of fixing the time and place for the first meeting of the corporation. The waiver was ordered spread on the minutes, and follows. We, the subscribers, being all the incorporating parties named in the certificate of organization of J. Wiss & Sons Co, hereby waive notice of the time, place and purposes of the first meeting of said Company, and do fix this thirty-first day of May Nineteen hundred, at four o'clock in the afternoon, as the time, and the office of John R. Hardin, 765 Broad Street, in the City of Newark, in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey, as the place of the first meeting of said Company. Dated, May 31, 1900. Frederick C.J. Wiss Louis T. Wiss John R. Hardin The secretary read the certificate of incorporation which was ordered spread on the minutes, and follows Certificate of Incorporation of J. Wiss & Sons Co., This is to certify that we, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and John R. Hardin, do hereby associate ourselves into a corporation, under and by virtue of the provisions of an act of the Legislature of New Jersey entitled, "An Act concerning corporations revision of 1896," and the several supplements thereto and amendments thereof, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, and to that end we do by this our certificate set forth. First. The name which we have assumed to designate such corporation, and to be used in its business and dealings is "J. Wiss & Sons Co." Second. The location of the principal office of the corporation in this state is at Numbers 15 to 33 Littleton Avenue, in the City of Newark, in the County of Essex, and the name of the agent therein and in charge thereof upon whom process against the corporation may be served is Frederick C.J. Wiss. Third. The objects for which the corporation is formed, are as follows: - to manufacture, buy, sell and deal in, at wholesale and retail, scissors, tinners snips, razors, knives, and cutlery of every variety, nature and description; manufacture, buy, sell and deal in drop forgings of every description: to undertake and conduct the business of nickel silver and gold plating and japannizing of all kinds; to buy, sell, lease, mortgage, develop or improve lands, buildings, mills, factories and plants, and to erect and maintain or reconstruct and adopt buildings, mills, plants and machinery; to build and equip factories; to open and work mines, and to manufacture sell and dispose of the products there of; to manufactures, buy and sell machines and machinery; to carry on the business of importers of and dealers in at wholesale and retail of all kinds of shears, scissors, tinners snips, razors, knives and cutlery of every nature and descriptions, and also of watches, clocks, jewelry, ornaments, precious stones, articles made wholly or partly of gold, silver or other metals, or of wood or combinations, compositions or imitations thereof; to undertake and carry on the business of manufacturing jewelers and gold and silver smiths; to purchase or otherwise procure, hold and dispose of Letters Patent of the United States and of other countries and licenses thereunder, and inventions and secret processes, and to work under the same, and license others so to do to act as agent for any and all other corporations and individuals, whomever and wheresoever in the conduct of its or their business, and to engage in all businesses or undertakings in any every growing out of, or concerning or relating to any of the objects or purposes herein referred to; to borrow money, issue notes, bonds or other obligations therefor, with or without mortgage or other security; to acquire the good will, rights, property and assets of all bonds, and to undertake the whole or any part of the liabilities of any person, firm or corporation and pay for the same in cash, stock bonds, debentures or other securities of this or any other corporation or other wise; to hold purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of shares of the capital stock, or bonds, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness created by any other corporation of other or any other state or country, and to exercise all the rights and privileges of owners thereof; to have our or more offices to conduct its business, and unlimitedly and without restriction to hold, purchase, mortgage and convey real and personal property out of the state and in other state and in foreign countries; to enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of any land with any person, firm, association or corporation; to guarantee, the settlement of dividends or interest or any share of stock, debentures or other securities issued by, or the performance of any other contract or obligation of any other person or corporation whenever proper, necessary or convenient for the business of this corporation; to do all and everything necessary, suitable, convenient or proper for the accomplishment of any of the purposes, or the attainment of any one or more of the objects herein before stated, or which shall at any their appear for the protection or benefit of this corporation, either as holder of or interested in any property, and in general to carry or any business whether manufacturing, mining or otherwise, and to do any of the things in this certificate set forth as objects, purposes, powers or otherwise, to the same intent and as fully as natural persons might or could do, and in any part of the world, as principal, agents, directions, or otherwise; Fourth, The amount of the total authorized capital stock of the corporation is two hundred thousand dollars, divided into two thousand shares of the per value of our hundred dollars each; The amount of the capital stock with which the incorporation will commence business is our thousand dollars, divided into ten shares of the per value of our hundred dollars each; Fifth, The names and post office addresses of the incorporations and the number of share subscribed for by each are as follows: Frederick C.J. Wiss Newark, n.g. four shares, Louis T. Wiss Newark, n.g. four shares, John R. Hardin Newark, n.g. two shares. Sixth, The existence of the corporation shall begin on the twenty first day of May, Nineteen hundred, and shall continue perpetually. On Witness Whereof, or have hereinto set our hands and seals, this twenty first day of May, nineteen hundred. Signed, sealed and delivered | Frederick C.J. Wiss in the presence of | Louis T. Wiss Algemon T. Sweeney | John R. Hardin State of New Jersey | S.S. County of Essex | Be it remembered that on this twenty second day of May, A.D. Nineteen Hundred before me, a Master in Chambers of New Jersey, personally appeared Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and John R. Hardin, who I am satisfied or the persons mentioned in and who executed the forgoing certificate and I having first made known to them the contents thereof, they did each acknowledge that they signed, sealed and delivered the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed. Algemon T. Sweeney Master in Chambers of New Jersey Mr. Louis T. Wiss proposed the following by-laws, which after discussion were anonymously adopted, By Laws of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. Article I Annual Sec. 1, The annual meeting of the Meeting stockholders shall be held at the principal office of the Company, in the City of Newark, and state of New Jersey, on the Thousand of January in each year, commencing with, the year Nineteen Hundred and One, between the hours of 10 a.m., and four p.m. at which meeting directors shall be elected, reports received, and such other business transacted, as may be necessary or comment. Special Sec. 2, Special meetings of the stock Meetings holders may be called by the press meet, or by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by a third in interest of the stockholders. Notice of Sec. 3, Notice of all meetings of the Meetings stockholders shall be sent by the Secretary to each stockholder by mail at least for plays before the meeting. The notice of any special meeting shall state in a general way the object of the meeting. Quorum Sec. 4, At any meeting of the stock holders a majority of the stock in interest shall constitute for the transaction of business. Article II Management Sec 1. The affairs of the Company shall be managed by a board of five directors to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders and to hold office for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Above amendment was adopted at the regular stockholders meeting held January 27, 1921, at which 1523 shares of stock were represented and were voted in favor of the amendment. Board of Sec 2. The Board of Directors elected Directors at the first meeting of the corporation shall hold office until the annual meeting in the year Nineteen Hundred and One (1901) and until their successors are elected and qualified. Vacancies Sec 3. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by the Board for the unexpired them. Meetings of Sec 4. A meeting of the Board of Board of Directors shall be held immediately Directors after the annual meeting of the stock holders for the purpose of organization, and the transaction of such other business as may come before them. Other regular meetings of the Board shall be held at such these as the Board may determine. Special Sec 5. Special meetings of the Board Meeting may be called by the President or by of Board any two Directors. Sec 6. Notice of the regular meetings of the Board shall be sent by the secretary to each Director, by mail, at least two days before the meeting. Object of Sec 7. Notice of special meetings special of the Board shall state in a Meetings to general way the object of the meeting Rental in and shall be issued by the secretary Notice or resident to each director in time to attend the meeting. The time so allowed, need not, however, exceed two days. Decorum of Sec 8. A majority of the Directors Board shall constitute a minimum for the transaction of business. Article III Officers Sec. 1. The officers of the Company shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer and one person may hold any two of these offices. Above amendment was adopted at a regular Stockholders meeting held January 23, 1919, at which 1930 shares of stock were voted in favor of the amendment. Sec. 2. The officers shall be elected at the first meeting of this Board of Directors following the annual meeting of the stockholders, and shall hold office for one year, and until their successes are elected and qualified unless sooner removed by the Board of Directors. Salaries Sec. 3. The salaries of the officers shall be filled by the Board of Directors, and may be varied at any their, notwithstanding that these may be a specific term named at the term of election. Vacancies Sec. 4. Vacancies among the officers shall be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired them. Article IV President Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the stockholders and Board of Directors, and shall at each annual meeting make a report to the stockholders in writing us to the condition of the Company's plant and business and the outlook for the new-year, and shall perform the in this generally pertaining to his officer. Secretary Sec. 2. The secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the stockholders and Board of Directors, and shall send notice of meetings as directed by these by lands, designating time and place of the meeting. She shall has change of the corporate seal of the Company and of all letters, documents and other papers not pertaining exclusively to other officers of the Company. Treasurer Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall bare change of the books of account, and the funds of the Company shall be kept under his direction in such bank or place of deposit as the Board of Directors may designate. She shall report in writing at the annual meeting of the stockholders, concerning the financial affairs of the Company for the year then closing, and make such other reports as he may at any other time be called on for, by either the stockholders or Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duty, to be approved by the Board of Directors in the sum of $1,000,00. Article V Sec. 1. All monies of the Company shall be kept in the name of the Company in such bank or place of deposit as the Board of Directors may designate and shall be drawn out by checks signed in the corporate name by the Treasurer or Secretary. Sec. 2. Notes of the Company shall not be issued except by resolution passed at a meeting of the Board. Every such resolution shall be spend in fill on the minutes of the meeting. Banks & Sec. 3. No bonds or mortgages shall Mortgages be issued by the Company except with the written consent of three fourths of the stock issued. Article VI Certificate Sec. 1. Each stockholder shall be of Stock given a certificate of stock, signed by the President and Treasurer, and countersigned by the secretary, and bearing the seal of the corporation.* Transfer Sec. 2. The shares of stock shall be of Stock transferable on the books of the corporation only by the Treasurer on presentation to him of the original certificate, with power of attorney to transfer, either endorsed thereon or attached thereto. The original certificate shall then be cancelled and new certificate or certificates of shares issued therefor as authorized. Recognized Sec. 3. Until such transfer is duly made Owner the possessions of the certificate of stock shall not be regarded as vesting any ownership of the same in any other person than the our in whose name the certificate is issued as between the Company and such other holder. Transfer Sec. 4. The transfer book shall be Book closed 20 days previous to the annual meeting of the stockholders, and to the payment of dividends, and no votes shall be received from or dividends paid to any person not registered as such at the time of the closing of the books without the written consent of the registered owner. Dividends Sec. 5. Dividends may be declared by the Board of Directors at any time from profits or accused such lane, and shall be payable as the Board may direct, at any time. Article VII Alterations & Sec. 1. These by-laws may be altered Amendments or amended at any regular meeting of the stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purpose by a vote of two thirds of all the stock issued. Mr. Louis T. Wiss offered the following resolution, which was duly recorded and adopted. Whereas, Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss are the owned of a certain shear manufacturing plant located on Littleton Avenue, in the City of Newark, in the Country of Essex and State of New Jersey, lately acquired by them from Peter Alexander, Trustee in Bankruptcy of the National Shear Company. And whereas the said Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss, have offered to sell the said shear plant, with all the property real and personal connected therewith as acquired by them from the said Peter Alexander Trustee as aforesaid to this corporation for the sum of $199,000, in 1990 shares of the capital stock of this corporation of the per value of $100.00 each. And whereas in the judgement of the stockholders of the corporation such offer is advantages to this corporation, and, should be accepted. Therefore, be it resolved that the stockholders of this corporation do approve of the acceptance of said offer so made by the said Frederick C.J. Wiss, and Louis T. Wiss, and do authorize and request the directors of this corporation, where elected to purchase from the said Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss, the shear manufacturing plant, with all the real and personal property thereto attached, as acquired from Peter Alexander, acquire, trustee in bankrupted, as aforesaid for the sum of our hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars, payable in 1990 shares of the capital stock of the corporation of the four value of the hundred dollars, and the said directors are hereby authorized and requested to do all things necessary, convenient and proper to the acceptance of said offer, and to the acquisition of the property referred to for this corporation. On motion of Mr. Hardin it was proposed to proceed to the election of a Board of Directors to prior until the annual meeting of the corporation in the year 1901. The Chair stated that Albert St. Peal, had acquired two shares of the stock of the corporation, and was qualified to senior as Director. Mr. Hardin nominated for directors Mr. Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert St. Peal. There being no further nominations, the nominations closed and on a ballot Wisses Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert St. Peal were anonymously elected directors to same until the annual meeting in 1901. On motion the meeting then adjoined. ---- 1900-05-31-Board First meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held immediately after the adjournment of the first stockholders meeting at the same place. Present, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert St. Peal, being all of the directors. Mr. Frederick C.J. Wiss was chosen temporary President and Mr. Louis T. Wiss temporary Secretary. On motion of Mr. Peal it was resolved to proceed to the election of officers of the corporation, and the following gentleman ever anonymously elected. President, Frederick C.J. Wiss. Secretary, Louis T. Wiss. Treasurer, Frederick C.J. Wiss. Mr. Peal offered the following resolution which was duly recorded and adopted. Whereas Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss are the owners of a certain shear manufacturing plant located on Littleton Avenue in the City of Newark in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey, lately acquired by them from Peter Alexander, Trustee in bankruptcy of the National Shear Company. And whereas the said Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss had offered to sell the said shear plant, with all the property, seal and personal connected therewith, as acquired by them from the said Peter Alexander, Trustee as aforesaid, to this corporation for the sum of $199,000, payable in 1990 shares of the capital stock of the corporation of the per value of $100.00 each. And whereas, the property so offered is in the judgement of this Board of Directors worth the purchased, and it is advantageous to this corporation to acquire said property and to accept said offer. Therefore, Be it resolved, that this corporation do purchase from Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss the shear manufacturing plant in the recital hereof referred to, and all the real and personal property appertaining thereto, as acquired by the said Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss from Peter Alexander, Trustee in bankruptcy of the National Shear Company, for the sum of $199,000, payable in 1990 changes of the capital stock of this corporation of the per value of one hundred dollars each and the officers of this corporation are hereby authorized on the execution and delivery to this corporation, by the said Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss of proper deeds of conveyance of said real and personal property comprising said Shear plant, the shares of stock accordingly 995 shares to Frederick C.J. Wiss and 995 shares to Louis T. Wiss, and to do all things necessary convenient or proper to the acceptance of the said offer, and the acquisition of the property referred to. The Security and Treasurer were authorized to procure the necessary books of account, seal, stationery for the corporation. The National Newark Banking Company was selected as the bank of deposit for the corporation, and the Treasurer was instructed to open an account in the name of the corporation in that bank. The principal offer of the, corporation within this state, was fixed at nos. 15 to 33 Littleton Avenue in the City of Newark, County of Essex, and State of New Jersey, and Mr. Frederick C.J. Wiss was designated as the agent in change thereof. Mr. John R. Hardin was appointed attorney and counsel to the corporation. Mr. Hardin was instructed to at once prepare all necessary papers and certificates needed in the acquisition of the property purchased by the corporation and necessary to be filed in the officer of the Secretary of State or else where. The proper officers were instructed to prepare and file all necessary statements required by land. The Treasurer stated that the subscriptions of the incorporations for the ten shares of stock mentioned in the certificate of incorporation had been paid in and the money was at the service of the Company. The Secretary subscribed the such of office and the same was ordered recorded on the minutes of the meeting, as follows, State of New Jersey | County of Essex | S.S. I, Louis T. Wiss, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the officer of Secretary of J. Wiss & Sons Co., to which I was elected on the thirty first day of May, nineteen hundred, to the best of my skill and ability, so help me God. Taken, subscribed and | swear this 31st, day of | Louis T. Wiss May, 1900, before me | at Newark, N.J. | John R. Hardin M.C.C. of N.J. On motion the meeting then adjournment. ---- 1900-09-25-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co., held at the office of John R. Hardin, Prudential Building, Newark, N.J., September 25th, 1900, at 9:15 a.m. Present, Messrs Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert St. Peal. President Wiss in the Chair. The President stated that the deed had received by the corporation from Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss, for the factory property in Littleton Avenue, and had also received bill of sale from Frederick C. J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss for the personal property connected with the Shear Manufacturing plant and that the officers had issued the stock in accordance with the provisions of the resolution of purchase. On motion the action of the officers was notified and the President was instructed to have the deed for the real estate recorded. On motion the meeting then adjourned. ---- 1901-01-24-Stockholders Jan 24/01 Annual meeting at the stockholders of the Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company 15 to 33 Littleton Ave, Newark N.J. on the Twenty fourth May of January, Nineteen Hundred and One, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President. Present, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, H. Rauh. The secretary seal the notice of meeting, dated Jan 16/01, copy of notice had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of last meeting seal and approved. Report of the treasurer was seal and ordered on file. The report covered the final of time from formation of the company and including December 31st, 1900. On motion of Mr. H. Rauh all the actions of the Board of Directors, up to date were duly approved. The following nominations were made for directors to serve for the ensuring year, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, Albert H. Paul. The President appointed L.T. Wiss, and H. Rauh as teller, and declared polls open. The teller repeated 1996 voter cast (one vote to each share), and the following elected, - Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert H. Peal. On motion the meeting adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1901-01-24-Board Jan 24/01. Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the office of the Company January 24th, 1901 at 4 P.M. Present, Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss a majority of the director elected this day at the annual meeting of the stockholder. On motion of L.T. Wiss it was received to proceed with the election of officer of the corporation, and the following were nominated and elected, - President Frederick C.J. Wiss, - Secretary Louis T. Wiss; Treasurer Frederick C.J. Wiss. The secretary was registered to prepare and file in the time his oath of office. The treasurer was ordered the format. On motion the meeting then adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1901-02-28-Board Feb 28/01 Meeting of Board of Director held February 28th, 1901 Present - Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss. The secretary out of office duly subscribed below: John R. Hardin M b.b. of N.J. dated Feb 19/01 - Wiss received and ordered on Feb. The treasurer in the sum of One Thousand dollars as required by the by-laws, resumed by Frederick C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss, dated Feb 29/01, was received and ordered on Feb. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1902-01-23-Stockholders Jan 23/02 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company 15 to 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty third day of January nineteen hundred and two, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President. Present, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, H. Rauh. Secretary seal notice of meeting dated Jan 16th, 1902, of which notice had been sent to all stockholders. Minute of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer report was read and ordered on Feb. The report was for the years ending December 31st, 1901. On motion of Mr. H. Rauh all the action of the Board of Director during the year 1901 were duly approved. On motion of L.T. Wiss the election of director for the ensuring year was proceeded with the following were nominated and declared by the teller H. Rauh and L.T. Wiss to be elected by 1996 votes; Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, Albert H. Paul. A motion to adjourn was duly carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1902-01-23-Board Jan 23/02 Meeting of the Board of Directors, held after close of adjourn meeting. President - F.b.j. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss a majority of the director elected this day. The following were elected President - Frederick C.J. Wiss, Secretary - Louis T. Wiss, Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss. On motion the meeting then adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1903-01-22-Stockholders Jan 22/03 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company 15 to 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty second day of January, nineteen hundred and three at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the president. Present Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary real notice of meeting January 15th, 1903, apply of such notice had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of last meeting were real and approved. Treasurer repost was real and ordered filed. Repost worked the final year ending December 31st, 1902. On motion of L.T. Wiss the board action during the year 1902 were duly approved. The nomination and election of director was then proceeded with and the following declared by the teller H. Rauh and L.T. Wiss duly elected by 1996 votes; Frederick b.j. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, H. Rauh. No further business. Motion to adjourn carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1903-01-22-Board Jan 22/03 Meeting of Board of Directors held after close of stockholders meeting. Present F.b.j. Wiss, L.T. Wiss, H. Rauh all the directors elected this day. The following were elected officers: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss, Secretary - Louis T. Wiss, Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1904-01-28-Stockholders Jan 28/04 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty eight day of January nineteen hundred and four. Meeting called to order at half past two in the afternoon, by the President. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 21/04, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Treasurer repost was read, approved and ordered on file. The repost covered the final year ending Dec. 31/03. A motion to ratify the action of the Board of Directors of the year 1903 was carried. The nomination and election of director was then provided with and the following were elected by 1996 votes; F.C.J. Wiss L.T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Motion to adjourn - duly carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1904-01-28-Board Jan 28/04 At the meeting of the Board of Director directly after close of stockholder meeting - the following offer were elected, - President F.C.J. Wiss, Secretary - L.T. Wiss, Treasurer - F.C.J. Wiss. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1904-12-12-Board Dec 12/04 At a special meeting of the full Board of Director held this day a dividend of Ten percent (10%) was declared according to Article VI Sec 5, the same to be payable on December twelfth (12th) 1904. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1905-01-26-Stockholders Jan 26/05 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty Sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Five in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 26/05, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurer repost during the final year ending Dec 31/04 was read and ordered on file. A motion to duly ratify the director action for the year 1904 carried. The nomination and election of director was then proceeded with, and the following declared elected by 1996 votes; F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss, H. Rauh. Motion to adjourn carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1905-01-26-Board Jan 26/05 At the meeting of the Board of Directors held this day directly close of the stockholders meeting, the board organized with the following officers President - F.C.J. Wiss, Secretary - L.T. Wiss, Treasurer - F.C.J. Wiss. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1905-12-27-Board Dec 27/05 At a special meeting of the Board of Director held this day a dividend of Eight percent (8%) was declared according to Article VI Sec 5, payable on the 28th. No other business, the meeting adjourned. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1906-01-25-Stockholders Jan 25/06 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Six in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 25/06, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Treasurer annual report was not readily on account of delay in making new cast sheets. A motion by H. Rauh to ratify the action after director for the year 1905 was carried. It was moved and recorded to re-elected the old Board of Director and the Secretary ordered the cast 1996 shares represented at the meeting for F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss, H. Rauh. No other business, a motion to adjourn was moved and carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1906-01-25-Board Jan 25/06 At a meeting of the directors after the close of stockholders annual meeting, the board organized with the following officers; Present F.C.J. Wiss; Secretary L.T. Wiss; Treasurer F.C.J. Wiss; Motion to adjourn carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1906-03-03-Board Mar 3/06 Special meeting of Board of Director, Treasurer report for 1905 rec'd, read and ordered on file. A motion was carried to distribute One Thousand dollar out of the surplus of the Company to the superintendent and foremen, as on incentive to greater efforts in behalf of the welfare of the Company. Meeting adjourned. ---- 1906-09-19-Board Sep 19/06 Special meeting of Board of Director this day declared a dividend of Seven percent (7%) payable at once. Motion to adjourn then carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1907-01-24-Stockholders Jan 24/07 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty fourth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Seven in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 19/07, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders of record. Minutes of meeting of Jan 25/06. Mar 3/06 and Sep 19/06 were read and approved. Treasurer report for year ending Dec 31/06 was received and ordered on file. A motion by Mr. H Rauh to ratify the director action during 1906 was carried. A motion to reelect the old Board of Director was carried, and the Secretary directed to cast 1996 share represented at the meeting for F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss, H. Rauh. A motion to adjourn - was duly carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1907-01-24-Board Jan 24/07 After close of stockholder meeting, the Board of Directors organized with the following officer: President - F.C.J. Wiss, Secretary - L.T. Wiss, Treasurer - F.C.J. Wiss. It was moved and carried to distribute out of the surplus One Thousand dollars to the superintendent and foremen as a special meantime to greater efforts in behalf of the welfare of the Company - Motion to adjourn carried. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1907-12-06-Board Dec 6/07 At a special meeting this day, the Board of Director - declared a dividend of Eight (8%) percent - payable at once. Louis T. Wiss Sec. ---- 1908-01-23-Stockholders Jan 23/08 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty third day of January Nineteen Hundred and Eight in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss. Notice of meeting dated January 17/08, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders of record was presented by the Secretary. Minutes of the 1907 meeting were approved, Treasurer report for year ending Dec 31/07 was received and pleased on file. The motion of the director for 1907 were approved. The old Board of Director were reelected, secretary casting, the vote of 1984 shares represented at the meeting. F.C.J. Wiss, L.T. Wiss & H. Rauh. No other business - the meeting adjourned. Frederick C.J. Wiss Pres. ---- 1908-01-23-Board Jan 23/08 After close of stockholder meeting, the Board of Directors organized with the following officer: President F.C.J. Wiss, Secretary - Louis T. Wiss, Treasurer - F.C.J. Wiss and then adjourned. Frederick C.J. Wiss Pres. ---- 1908-02-11-Board Feb 11/08 At a special meeting of the Board of Director compared of F.C.J. Wiss and H Rauh, held this day to fill the vacancy in the Board caused by the sudden disease on January 24/08 of our Secretary Louis T. Wiss, Mrs. Fanny B. Wiss was duly elected as director and secretary for the unexpired term and to receive $300.00 for year. Frederick C.J. Wiss Pres. ---- 1908-02-28-Board Feb 28/08 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. at the main office of the Company a February twenty eight, nineteen hundred and eight in the pre-noon. Meeting called to order by President. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh and F.B. Wiss. Oath of office of the secretary, properly executed before a maturity was presented and placed in file. The following motion made by F.C.J. Wiss and recorded by H. Rauh was carried: he it moved that we authorize Miss Ali Shortman to issue and sign checks each checks to be countersigned by Mr. H. Rauh, be it further moved that the National Newark Banking div. be directed to honor our checks so signed and countersigned, and that the N.N.B. div. be notified by the treasurer of this resolution. A motion was carried to distribute at the convenient of the treasurer out of the surplus of the Company Twelve Hundred dollars to the superintend and foremen in recognition of faithful service during the past prosperous year, and as an incentive to greater efforts for the welfare of the Company. It was moved by F.B. Wiss and secured by H. Rauh that the salary of the president - treasurer be increased by one half the salary of our former secretary. No further business - a motion to adjourn was carried. F.B. Wiss ---- 1908-12-29-Board Dec 29/08 At a special meeting this day, the Board of Director declared a dividend of Six (6%) percent, payable at once. F.B. Wiss ---- 1909-01-28-Stockholders Jan 28/09 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty eight day of January Nineteen Hundred and Nine in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read the notice of the meeting dated Jan 23/09, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders of record. Minutes of the 1908 meeting were approved. Treasurer report for year ending Dec 31/08 was received and ordered on file. The motion of the director for 1907 were approved. All the action of the Board of Director up to date were duly approved. The election of directors for the ensuring year was proceed with and on motion the secretary cast 1996 shares represented at the meeting for the following F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh, F.B. Wiss - declared elected. Motion to adjourn was carried. F.B. Wiss ---- 1909-01-28-Board Jan 28/09 After close of stockholder meeting the Board of Director organized with the following officers present: F.C.J. Wiss; Sec. - F.B. Wiss; Treas. - F.C.J. Wiss, motion to adjourn - carried. F.B. Wiss ---- 1909-12-30-Board Dec 30/09 Special meeting of Board of Director Dec 30/09 at nine A.M. On motion of H. Rauh, secured by F.B. Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared - payable at once. On motion of F.B. Wiss secured by H. Rauh, the salary of Pres. - Treas. was advanced $10000, to be effected from January 1/09, Present were F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh, F.B. Wiss. Motion to adjourn - carried. F.B. Wiss ---- 1910-01-27-Stockholders Jan 27/10 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 15-33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred and Ten in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and H. Rauh. Secretary read the notice of the meeting dated Jan 27/10, apply of which had been sent to all stockholders of record. Minutes of the 1909 meeting were approved. Treasurer report for year ending Dec 31/09 was received and ordered on file. On motion of Mr. Rauh all the actions of the Board of Director up to date were approved. A motion by F.C.J. Wiss secured by H. Rauh that section one of article six of the constitution and by laws be amended by the following insertion was carried by 1996 shares voted. It is moved that Section One of Article Six of the Constitution and Bylaws be amended by the following insertion: * If a stockholder, his heirs or assigns, desire to sell their stock or any portion thereof, he must first give to the other stockholders, the privilege of buying the same at a price to be agreed upon, not more than the book value of the stock, as ascertained by the/capital stock and surplus accounts of the Company. Above notice carried by 1996 shares. The election of director was then proceed with and on motion the secretary cast 1996 share represented at the meeting for the following - F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh, F.B. Wiss, who were declared elected. A motion to adjourn, carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1910-01-27-Board Jan 27/10 After close of stockholder meeting the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held a meeting this 27th day of January 1910 - present F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and H. Rauh all the director elected at the annual meeting held this day. The Board organized by the elector of the following officer - President F.C.J. Wiss; Secretary F.B. Wiss; Treasurer - F.C.J. Wiss. There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1910-12-13-Board Dec 13/10 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this 13th day of December. On motion of H. Rauh secured by F.C.J. Wiss, a dividend of 10% was declared payable at once out of the surplus. Motion to adjourn carried. F.C.J. Wiss Treas. ---- 1911-01-26-Stockholders Jan 26/11 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company on the twenty sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Eleven at two o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting called to order. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and H. Rauh representing a majority of stock in interest. Minutes of the 1910 meeting were approved. Treasurer report for final year ending Dec 31/10 was received and ordered on file. The following directors were re-elected for the year F.C.J. Wiss, H. Rauh, F.B. Wiss. No further business, the meeting adjourned. F.C.J. Wiss Treas. ---- 1911-01-26-Board Jan 26/11 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held Jan 26/11 after close of stockholder meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and H. Rauh a majority of director elected at stockholder meeting this day. The Board organized by the election to officer of the following: F.C.J. Wiss - President; J.B. Wiss Secretary; F.C.J. Wiss - Treasurer. No further business, the meeting adjourned. F.C.J. Wiss Treas. ---- 1911-12-19-Board Dec 19/11 Special meeting of the Board of Director held December 19th 1911 at 9:15 A.M. On motion of F.B. Wiss - secured by H. Rauh a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared - payable at once out of the surplus of the Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1912-01-25-Stockholders Jan 25/12 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the 25th day of January 1912 at this twenty in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President, Present F.C.J. Wiss F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh, a majority of stock in interest. Secretary read notice of meeting apply of which had been sent to all stockholders. Minutes of the 1911 meeting were read and approved. Treasurer report was received and ordered on file. The following director were re-elected to secretary for the year, F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1912-01-25-Board Jan 25/12 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Div. held Jan 25/12 after close of stockholder meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, H Rauh, all the director elected at the stockholder meeting this day. The Board organized by election of following officer: F.C.J. Wiss - President; F.B. Wiss - Secretary; F.C.J. Wiss - Treasurer. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1912-05-31-Board May 31/12 Special meeting of the Board of Director held May 31st, 1912 at 9:30 A.M. On motion of H. Rauh secured by J.B. Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared - payable June 1/12 out of the surplus of the Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1912-12-10-Board Dec 10/12 Special meeting of the Board of Director held Dec 10th, 1912 at 9:30 A.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh. On motion of J.B. Wiss secured by H. Rauh a dividend of Ten (10%) percent payable at once out of the surplus of the Company was declared. On motion of H. Rauh, secured by F.B. Wiss the President was authorized to purchase at his discretion for the Company, the adjourning trade of land, 37 & 39 Littleton Ave. approximately 53'x 100' with the building therein. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-01-23-Stockholders Jan 23/13 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Company held at the main office of the Company on the twenty third of January - nineteen hundred thirteen at two o'clock in the afternoon. Meeting called to order by the President. Present - F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh, J.Robert Wiss, a majority of stock in interest. Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 17/13 copy of which had been forwarded to each stockholder of record. Minutes of 1912 meeting were read and approved. Treasurer report was received and ordered on file. The actions of the Board of Directors up to date were duly approved. The proposed purchase of the Eiler property adjourning our further line was considered. The following directors were elected to renew for the ensuring year by a ballot of 1996 shares, F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, H. Rauh. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-01-23-Board Jan 23/13 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held January 23/13 after close of stockholder meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, H. Rauh, all the director elected at the stockholder meeting held this day. The board organized by the election of the following officers: F.C.J. Wiss President, F.B. Wiss Secretary F.C.J. Wiss Treasurer. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-04-13-Board Apr 4/13 Special meeting of the Board of Director, held April 4th, 1913 at 9:45 A.M. On motion of F.B. Wiss secured by H. Rauh a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the Company. The president reports having signed agreements for the purchase of the Eiler property 39 & 41 Littleton Ave. approximately 53 x 100 at the price of $11800.00 and expenses which may amount to about 500.00 to perfect title and commissions. The following motion was made by H. Rauh and recorded by F.B. Wiss: I move to authorize the president to enter into contracts for the erection of a building extending south from present office - to be about 50 ft x 75 ft four story and basement with necessary equipments - also to contract for moving frame building now on Eiler tract to a suitable location on the 86th street of the companies property. Motion carried. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-06-03-Board June 3/13 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held this third day of June Nineteen hundred and thirteen, to fill the vacancy caused by the sudden death of director H. Rauh on May 15, 1913. Meeting called to order at 9:20 A.M. Present: F.C.J. Wiss and Fanny B. Wiss. On motion of Fanny B. Wiss - J Robert Wiss was nominated and elected as a director to newer for the unexpired term of our declared director, and until his successor had been elected. The following resolution made by F.B. Wiss and recorded by J. Robert Wiss, was carried. "Be it moved that we hereby authorize J. Robert Wiss and Fred H. Rauh to sign checks of the corporation, checks signed jointly by either two of the above portion to be a legal draft on the bank of deposit of the corporation. Be it further moved that the treasurer notify the National Newark Banking div. of the passing of above resolution. Motion to adjourn - carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-07-25-Stockholders Jul 25/13 We, the undersigned subscribers -- stockholders of record of J. Wiss & Sons Co., a Corporation of New Jersey, hereby agree to the issuing of a mortgage by the Corporation to the amount of $3500.00 on plot of ground purchased agreeable to resolution of the Board of Directors on the corner of Littleton Ave. and 11th Ave., approximately 50 x 70 ft. -- the purchase price of same $7,000. Frederick C.J. Wiss - 949 shares Fanny B. Wiss - 322 " Furniture for Margarethe Wiss - 646 " and J. B. Wiss The above agreeable to Article V Sec. 3 of the constitution and By-Laws page 14. ---- 1913-07-25-Board July 25/13 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held this Twenty fifth day of July - Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen for the consideration of the purchase of property # 43 & 45 Littleton Ave. Motion made by Fanny B. Wiss and recorded by J. Robert Wiss - that the company purchase the above mentioned property at a price of Seven Thousand dollars $7000.00 and that the President, Treasurer be authorized to extract the necessary documents therewith - carried. The attached written permission to issue, mortgage to amount of three thousand five hundred ($3500) dollar as part payment of above property, was received - signed by (1917) nineteen hundred and seventeen share, more than the three fourth not recognized according to Article V Sec 3 of the constitution and by laws. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1913-10-13-Board Oct 13/13 Special meeting of the Board of Director, held October thirteenth 1913 at 9:30 A.M. On motion of F.B. Wiss secured by J. Robert Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared payable out of the surplus of the Company payment of same to be made at once. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1914-01-22-Stockholders Jan 22/14 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the company on the twenty second day of January nineteen hundred and fourteen in the forenoon. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at nine thirty in the morning. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and Fred H. Rauh representing Anni Rauh, a majority of the stock in interest. Notice of meeting dated January 16, 1914, a copy of which was sent to each stockholder of record was read. All the minutes of 1913 meeting were read and approved. Treasurer report for year ending Dec. 31st, 1913 was received and ordered on file. The action of the Board of Director for the past year were approved. A motion by C.L. Gairoard, recorded by J.R. Wiss was carried, authorizing the president to contract at his discretion for the erection of such building as may be required for the business of the company. The following director* were nominated and elected by 1986 votes to serve for the year and until their successors have been elected. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. * Fred C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. ---- 1914-01-22-Board Jan 22/14 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held January 22 - 1914 after close of stockholder meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss all the director elected at the stockholder meeting held this day. The board organized by the election of the following officer: F.C.J. Wiss President, J.B. Wiss Secretary, F.C.J. Wiss Treasurer. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1914-05-05-Board May 5/14 Special meeting of the Board of Director held May 5th, 1914 at 2:15 P.M. On motion of Fanny B. Wiss recorded by J. Robert Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1914-11-13-Board Nov 13/14 Special meeting of the Board of Director held November 13th, 1914 at 2:15 P.M. On motion of Fanny B. Wiss recorded by J. Robert Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1914-12-13-Board Special meeting of the Board of Directors this Thirtieth day of December, 1914. Meeting called to order at 9:15 A.M. Present were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and Frederick C.J. Wiss. The following resolutions were unanimously carried: RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. RESOLVED that it is advisable to amend Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation to read as follows: "FOURTH: The amount of the total authorized capital stock of the corporation is four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.) divided into four thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each; the amount of the capital stock with which the corporation will commence business is one thousand dollars divided into ten shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each. "Of said capital stock of the corporation, to-wit: Four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.), one hundred thousand dollars, represented by one thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, shall be preferred stock and three hundred thousand dollars, represented by three thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, shall be common stock. No voting powers shall attach to the shares of preferred stock. "The holders of said preferred stock shall be entitled to receive during each fiscal year, out of the net earnings of the company, preferential cumulative dividends at the rate of six per centum (6%) payable quarterly, half yearly or yearly as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine, but shall have no other preference; that is to say, no dividend shall be paid in any year upon the common stock unless and until the preferred stock shall have received dividends at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum from the time of issue thereof. The holders of preferred stock shall not be entitled to any dividend in excess of said six per centum (6%) per annum, but only the holders of the common stock shall be entitled to share in any further dividend which shall be declared or paid in any year." FURTHER RESOLVED that a meeting of the stockholders, to take action on the foregoing resolution be called, to be held at the principal office the Company, 33 Littleton Ave., Newark, N.J., on the eleventh day of January 1914, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1914-12-14-Board Dec 14/14 Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held this fourteenth day of December Nineteen hundred and fourteen to consider and enter into an agreement of consolidation with the R. Heinisch's Sons Co. on lines negotiated between our President and certain stockholders of the Heinisch Co. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 9:30 A.M. President were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and F.C.J. Wiss. A motion was made by Fanny B. Wiss and seconded by J. Robert Wiss that we enter into the agreement. Motion was carried and in conformity therewith the agreement was signed in duplicate by the President and Directors and the corporate seal affixed and attested by the Secretary. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. AGREEMENT, made and entered into this Fourteenth day of December, One Thousand nine hundred and fourteen, by and between J. WISS & SONS CO., a corporation of the State of New Jersey, by its Directors and R. HEINISCH'S SONS CO., a corporation of said State of New Jersey, by its Directors: WHEREAS the principal and registered office of J. Wiss & Sons Co. in the State of New Jersey is at No. 33 Littleton Avenue, in the City of Newark, County of Essex, and Frederick C.J. Wiss is the agent therein, in charge thereof, and upon whom process against said corporation may be served; and WHEREAS the principal and registered office of said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. in the State of New Jersey is at No. 109 Bruce Street in the City of Newark, County of Essex, and Rush E. Heinisch is the agent therein, in charge thereof, and upon whom process against said corporation may be served; and WHEREAS the said J. Wiss & Sons Co. was organized pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled "An Act Concerning Corporations (Revision of 1896), for the purpose of carrying on business of the manufacture and sale of shears, scissors and cutlery and the products thereof and other like articles, and the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. was organized pursuant to the provisions of an WHEREAS the said J. Wiss & Sons Co. was organized pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled "An Act Concerning Corporations (Revision of 1896). for the purpose of carrying on business of the manufacture and sale of shears, scissors and cutlery and the products thereof and other like articles, and the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. was organized pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled "An Act Corning Corporations, approved April 7, 1875, and the several acts supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof, for the purpose of carrying on business of the same or a similar nature, namely, the manufacture or sale of cutlery and other similar articles of manufacture; and WHEREAS the respective Boards of Directors of the said corporations deem it advisable, for the purpose of greater efficiency and economy in management, and in order to obtain a more extended market for the products of the said corporations, as well as for the general welfare of the said corporations, to merge and consolidate them under and pursuant to the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act Concerning Corporations (Revision of 1896)"; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises end of the mutual agreements, covenants, provisions and grants herein contained, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the said parties hereto as follows: ARTICLE I. The Said J. Wiss & Sons Co. and the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. are hereby consolidated into a single corporation under the name of J. Wiss & Sons Co., and the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. does hereby agree to merge into and consolidate with itself said J. Wiss. & Sons Co., hereinafter called "The Consolidated Corporation." ARTICLE II. The corporate name, franchises, rights, immunities and organization of the said J. Wigs & Sons Co. shall remain intact: the corporate name and organization of the said corporation of R. Heinisch's Sons Co., except so far as are continued by statute, shall cease upon the filing of this agreement in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey. ARTICLE III. The said consolidated corporation, in addition to the powers conferred by statute, shall have the powers granted by and shall be subject to and be governed by the amended certificate of incorporation of the said J. Wiss & Sons Co., to be hereafter filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey. ARTICLE IV. The by-laws of the said consolidated corporation shall be the by-laws of the present J. Wiss & Sons Co. until changed or amended as provided therein. ARTICLE V. The Board of Directors of the said consolidated corporation shall be three in number, and the names and places of residence of the first Directors thereof, who shall hold office until their successors are chosen as provided by the by-laws of the said corporation, are as follows: NAMES OF DIRECTORS RESIDENCE Frederick C.J. Wiss, 171 Fairmount Ave., Newark, N. J. Fanny B. Wiss, 83 Johnson Ave., Newark, N. J. J. Robert Wiss, 261 South 8th St., Newark, N. J. The first officers of the said consolidated corporation shall be a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and their names and places of residence are as fallows: OFFICE NAME RESIDENCE President, Frederick C.J. Wiss, 171 Fairmount Ave., Newark, N.J. Secretary, Fanny B. Wiss, 83 Johnson Ave., Newark, N.J. Treasurer, Frederick C.J. Wiss, 171 Fairmount Ave., Newark, N.J. ARTICLE VI. The capital stock of the consolidated corporation if Four Hundred Thousand ($400,000.) dollars, divided into four thousand shares of the par value of One hundred ($100.) dollars each, consisting of three thousand shares of common stock and one thousand shares of six per cent cumulative preferred stock. The rights of the holders of the said common stock and the preferred stock, respectively, shall be set forth in Said amended certificate of incorporation of the said J. Wiss & Sons Co., a copy of the proposed amendments marked Exhibit F" being hereto annexed and made a part hereof. ARTICLE VII. The said corporations are merged and consolidated upon the understanding and agreement that the present indebtedness of each of the said corporations shall be assumed in full by the consolidated corporation. ARTICLE VIII. All property, real, personal and mixed, of the said corporations parties hereto, shall vest in the said consolidated corporation immediately upon the adoption of this agreement by the stockholders of the said corporations, and the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. shall execute and do all assignments, assurances in the law and things necessary to vest the title to such property in the said consolidated corporation, and otherwise to carry out the purpose of this agreement. ARTICLE IX. The manner of converting the capital stock of the corporations parties hereto into the capital stock of the consolidated corporation shall be as follows: All present holders of stock of J. Wiss & Sons Co. shall continue to hold the same certificates of stock which they now hold, and such certificates shall represent a like number of shares of the common stock of the consolidated corporation. The present value of the stock of the R. Heinisch's Sons Co. shall be determined as follows: (a) Real Estate (factory plot 230' x 110', with buildings thereon), machinery, tools, fixtures, &c., are to be valued at.............. $65,000. (b) Merchandise, materials, supplies, &c., are to be inventoried at the same rates as applied to the July, 1914, inventory of J. Wiss & Sons Co; as to merchandise finished or unfinished, an allowance of 30% shall be added to said inventoried values of said items; all goods not inventoried by J. Wiss & Sons Co. shall be valued at figures mutually agreed upon. (c) Cash on hand and in bank at the true amount of same at the date of transfer. (d) Accounts Receivable and Bills Receivable. mutually agreed to be good, to be inventoried at their face value. (e) Patents, good-will and all other assets to be included in the above without further consideration. From the total of the above gross assets shall be deducted the following items : Real Estate Mortgage, covering the factory premises.................$12,000. Bills and Accounts Payable to the amount actually owing at the date of transfer, together with any and all other liabilities of obligations. The net assets as determined by the above base figures to be divided by 1196, this being the number of shares of stock outstanding of the R. Heinisch's Sons Co., and the quotient thus obtained shall determine the value of each share of stock of said Company. Each of the Stockholders of the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. shall be entitled to one share of six per cent cumulative preferred stock of the said consolidated corporation for each $100.00 represented by his stock in the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. at its present value figured upon the basis as above set forth. That is to say, each holder of the stock in the R. Heinisch's Sons Co. shall receive in exchange for said stock an amount of cumulative preferred stock at per value equal in amount to the value in dollars as above determined of each share of said R. Heinisch's Song Co.'s stock multiplied by the number of shares held by him in said R. Heinisch's Sons Co. ARTICLE X. Any stockholder of the said R. Heinisch's Sons Co., upon presenting his certificate of stock and surrendering the same to be cancelled at the registered office in of this state of the consolidated company, shall be entitled to receive a certificate for the proper number of shares of the capital stock of the said consolidated corporation, pursuant to Article IX in this agreement, and to be registered as a stockholder in said consolidated corporation. ARTICLE XI. The consolidated corporation shall pay all expenses of merger and consolidation, including legal expenses. ARTICLE XII. The principal office of said consolidated corporation in the State of New Jersey is at No. 33 Littleton Avenue, in the City of Newark, County of Essex, and Frederick C.J. Wiss is the agent therein, in charge thereof, upon whom process against the company may be served. ARTICLE XIII. This agreement shall be submitted to the stockholders of each of the corporations parties hereto and as provided by law, and shall take effect and be deemed and taken to be the agreement and act of merger and consolidation of the said corporations upon the adoption thereof by the votes of the holders of two-thirds of all the shares of the capital stock of each of said corporations, and upon the doing of such other acts and things as shall be required by said "Act Concerning Corporations, Revision of 1896" and the several supplements thereto and Acts amendatory thereof. This agreement is subject to the approval in writing of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners of the State of New Jersey. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties to this agreement have, in pursuance of a resolution passed by the Board of Directors of each of the said corporations at meetings thereof, duly and regularly held held, at which a quorum was present, caused the respective seals of said corporations to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their respective Presidents and attested by their respective Secretaries, all thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. For J. Wiss & Sons Co. Frederick C.J. Wiss President. For J. Wiss & Sons Co. Attest: Frederick C.J. Wiss Fanny B. Wiss President. Secretary. ) Frederick C.J. Wiss ) Directors ) Fanny B. Wiss ) ) J. Robert Wiss FOR R. HEINISCH'S SONS CO. R.E. Heinisch President. Attest: E.A. Heinisch Secretary. ) Florence L. Heinisch ) ) E.A. Heinisch ) ) D.W. Van Tine Directors ) ) R.E. Heinisch ) ) C. Hauf, Jr. ) ) Jos. D. Gallagher ---- 1915-01-11-Stockholders Special meeting of the Stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the principal office of the company, Monday, January 11, 1915, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. pursuant to the following notice: To the Stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. A special meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. will be held on the eleventh day of January, One thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the principal office of the Company, No. 33 Littleton Ave., Newark, N.J., for the purpose of taking into consideration a certain agreement for merging or consolidating the said corporation with the R. Heinisch's Sons Co., made by the Directors of the said respective corporations on the Fourteenth day of December, One thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. A copy of said agreement of consolidation and merger is on file in the principal office of this Company and can there be examined by you at any time during business hours. Dated Newark, N.J., December 19, 1914. Fanny B. Wiss Secretary. Mr. Frederick C.J. Wiss, President, in the chair. Present in person Frederick C.J. Wiss - 951 shares Fanny B. Wiss ............... 322 " Fanny B. Wiss, guardian for Margarethe Wiss 323 shares Fanny B. Wiss, " " Jerome B. Wiss 323 " C.L. Gairoard, 47 shares J. Robert Wiss, 10 " Present by proxy Annie Rauh, by Frederick H. Rauh, proxy, 12 shares Florence S. Taylor, by Frederick C.J. Wiss proxy, 10 shares John R. Hardin " " " " " 2 " Total 2000 shares representing the entire outstanding capital stock as issued. The president stated that an agreement for the merger of this company with the R. Heinisch Sons Co. was entered into by the boards of directors of the respective companies on the Fourteenth day of December One thousand nine hundred and fourteen, which agreement is now presented to the Stockholders for consideration and is as follows: For copy of agreement referred to above see pages 46 to 52 inclusive of this minutes book. Mr. W.L. Morgan was appointed teller. Fanny B. Wiss moved that the Stockholders of this company give their assent in writing to the perfecting of the consolidation or merger on the terms and conditions and in the manner set forth in said agreement. The vote was taken by ballot and upon the report from the teller that 2000 shares had been voted, all in favor of the consummation of said agreement, the motion was declared carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 o'clock. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. Special meeting of the Stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. called at the registered office of the company this Eleventh day of January, One Thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at 11:00 o'clock A.M., pursuant to the following notice: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. will be held on the 11th day of January, 1915, at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the principal office of the Company, No. 33 Littleton Avenue, Newark, N.J., for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following resolution, duly passed by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on the 30th day of December, 1914, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting: RESOLVED that it is advisable to amend Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation to read as follows: "The amount of the total authorized capital stock of the corporation is four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) divided into four thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each; the amount of the capital stock with which the corporation will commence business is one thousand dollars divided into ten shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each. "Of said capital stock of the corporation, to-wit: Four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000), one hundred thousand dollars, represented by one thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, shall be preferred stock and three hundred thousand dollars, represented by three thousand shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each, shall be common stock. No voting powers shall attach to the shares of preferred stock. "The holders of said preferred stock shall be entitled to receive during each fiscal year, out of the net earnings of the company, preferential cumulative dividends at the rate of six per centum (6%) payable quarterly, half yearly or yearly as the Board of Directors shall from time to time determine, but shall have no other preference; that is to say, no dividend shall be paid in any year upon the common stock unless and until the preferred stock shall have received dividends at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum from the time of issue thereof. The holders of preferred stock shall not be entitled to any dividend in excess of said six per centum (6%) per annum, but only the holders of the common stock shall be entitled to share in any further dividend which shall be declared or paid in any year." Dated Newark, N. J., Dec. 30, 1914. Fanny B. Wiss, Secretary. Mr. Frederick C.J. Wiss, the President, was in the chair. Mr. Wiss explained that the meeting was called for the purpose of considering the resolution of the Board of Directors duly passed on the 30th day of December 1914, and set forth in the notice of the meeting. Mr. W. L. Morgan was appointed teller. Mr. J. Robert Wiss moved that the resolution be approved and that the Certificate of Incorporation be duly amended to read as follows: For resolution see notice of meeting above. The motion was duly seconded by Mr. Gairoard, and a vote being had by ballot upon the report of the teller that 2,000 shares had been voted in favor of said amendment, the motion was duly declared passed. Mr. J. Robert Wiss moved that the Secretary be instructed to prepare such certificates of stock and other papers as might be necessary to effect the changes as required by the amended Certificate of Incorporation. This motion being duly seconded and put to a vote was unanimously passed. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1915-01-28-Stockholders Jan 28/15 Annual meeting of the Stockholders of J. Wiss. Sons Co. held at the main office of the Company, 33 Littleton Avenue, Newark, J., on the Twenty-eighth day of January, Nineteen hundred and fifteen. Meeting called to order at 2:10 P.M. by the President. Present - F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wise, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh - representing the interests of Annie Rauh. Notice of meeting dated January Twentieth, Nineteen hundred and fifteen, a copy of which was sent to each Stockholder of record, was read. Minutes of the Stockholders and Director meetings of January 22, 1914, May 5, 1914, and November 13, 1914, were read and approved with instructions to add to the Stockholders meeting of January 22, 1914, the names of the directors elected at the meeting, which were omitted from the original records of the meeting. The Treasurer's report for the year 1914 was received and accepted subject, however, to the correction of any errors, which may be detected later on. It being explained by the Treasurer that due to the Heinisch merger and change of the system of accounting he was not quite satisfied with the report as rendered. On motion of Fanny B. Wiss, seconded by F.H. Rauh, all the actions of the Board of Directors for the past year were approved. C.L. Gairoard moved that the President be authorized to contract at his discretion for the erection of such buildings as may be required for the business for the future. Motion was seconded by J. Robert Wiss and duly carried. The following resolution made by Fanny B. Wiss and seconded by C.L. Gairoard was carried: Be it resolved that the item of Good Will amounting to $50,000.00 carried as an asset on the books of the Company be, and is hereby eliminated, from the accounts of the Company and charged against the surplus account. The Treasurer is hereby instructed to have the proper entries made on the books and records of the Company agreeable to this resolution. The following motion was made by J. Robert Wiss and seconded by Fanny B. Wiss: Be it resolved that the Treasurer be authorized to issue notes in the name of the Company to an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 for paying the liabilities of the R. Heinisch's Sons Co. merged with the J. Wiss & Sons Co. which merger was entered into by the Board of Directors on the Fourteenth day of December Nineteen hundred and Fourteen, and passed upon by the unanimous sanction of the Stockholders at a special meeting held on January 11, 1915. Motion carried. The President reports that he received from the Department of State certified copy of the agreement of consolidation between the J. Wiss & Sons Co. and the R. Heinisch's Sons Co. forming the J. Wiss & Sons Co. The President also reports that he received copy of Certificate of Amendment of the Charter of J. Wiss & Sons Co. increasing its capital stock to $400,000.00. The following were nominated as Directors for the ensuing year and until their successors have been elected: F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss. There being no other nominations the nominations were closed and the Secretary ordered to cast the ballot for above nominees, who were duly declared elected by the Chair having received 1986 votes. On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by J. Robert Wiss the motion was made to adjourn and duly carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held January Twenty-eighth, Nineteen hundred and fifteen, after close of Stockholders meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, all the Directors elected at the Stockholders meeting held this day. The Board perfected its organization by the election of the following officers: F.C.J. Wiss, President Fanny B. Wiss, Secretary F.C.J. Wiss, Treasurer There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1915-10-05-Board Oct 5/15 Special meeting of the Board of Director held October 5 - 1915. On motion of J. Robert Wiss, seconded by F.C.J. Wiss, a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Meeting called to order at 8 A.M. by the President. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1915-12-29-Board Dec 29/15 Special meeting of the Board of Director held December 29 - 1915 at 9 o'clock in the morning. On motion of J. Robert Wiss seconded a dividend of Ten (10%) percent was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1915-11-26-Board Nov 26/15 Special meeting of the Board of Director held November twenty sixth, nineteen hundred and fifteen. The following motion was made by J.R. Wiss and duly seconded. A motion that we pay to our president this year an extra compensation of three thousand dollar in view of the extra responsibility incurred until the Heinisch, motion and extra with in connection therewith and extra with close to building new office building further move that his compensation be increased from January 1st nineteen hundred and sixteen to fifteen thousand dollar. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1916-01-27-Stockholders Jan 27/16 Annual meeting of the Stockholder of the J. Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty seventh day of January Nineteen hundred and sixteen. Meeting called to order by the president at 3:05 P.M. Present were F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, M. Wiss, F. Taylor, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh representing Mr. H. Rauh and F.C.J Wiss. Notice of meeting dated January Twenty was read. Minutes of the Stockholder meeting of Jan 28th, 1915 were read and approved. The Treasurer reports that he is not ready to submit the annual report but from available estimates the profit in excess of eighty thousand dollar. The Wiss factory herein has received direct benefit by sale of advanced price, less selling expenses. Motion by Fanny B. Wiss to accept the report was carried. On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by F.H. Rauh, all the action of the director for the past year were approved. The following were nominated as director to serve for the ensuing year and until their successor have been elected and qualified Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss. Then being no other nomination, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot for the nominees for the 1998 shares represented at the meeting. F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J.R. Wiss were declared elected. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn made by C.L. Gairoard and duly seconded was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1916-01-27-Board Meeting of the Board of Director of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held January Twenty Seventh 1916. Meeting called to order at 3:40 P.M. The Board perfected its organization by the election of the following officer: Fred C.J. Wiss - President Fanny B. Wiss - Secretary F.C.J. Wiss - Treasurer There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1916-09-13-Board Sep 13/16 Special meeting of the Board of Director held September Thirteenth Nineteen hundred and sixteen. Meeting called to order by the president at 8:30 A.M. On motion of J. Robert Wiss duly seconded a dividend of Ten percent (10%) was declared on the common stock of the company payable at once out of the surplus of the company. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1916-11-13-Board Nov 13/16 Special meeting of the board of director held November Thirteenth Nineteen hundred and sixteen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at 9 A.M. J. Robert Wiss made a motion, seconded by Fanny B. Wiss that we declare a dividend of Ten percent (10%) on the common stock of the company payable at once out of the surplus of the company. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1916-12-12-Board Dec 12/16 Special meeting of the Board of Director held December 12th, 1916 at 3 P.M. On motion of J. Robert Wiss duly seconded by F.C.J. Wiss, a dividend of Ten percent (10%) was declared on the common stock payable at once out of the surplus of the company. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-01-25-Board Jan 25/17 Special meeting of the board of director held on the Twenty fifth day of January Nineteen hundred and seventeen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at 2 P.M. The treasurer reported that he had after same negotiation purchased on behalf of the company with funds in the treasurer One hundred and forty shares of the companies stock of par value of Fourteen Thousand dollar at Thirteen Thousand dollar flat. Fanny B. Wiss merged and J. Robert Wiss seconded that the (140) One Hundred and Forty shares of preferred stock be retired and are hereby cancelled of record. Motion carried. Purchase was consummated Jan 6th, 1917. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-01-25-Stockholders Jan 25/17 Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company, 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred and seventeen. Meeting called to order by the president at 2:10 P.M. Present were F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Margarethe Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard and F.H. Rauh representing Mr. H. Rauh. Notice of meeting dated January 20th, 1917 was read. Minutes of Stockholder meeting of Jan 27/16 were read and approved. The treasurer exhibited the December 31/16 statement of book-keeper showing a satisfactory year, but final report was not completed. On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by M. Wiss all the action of the Board of Director for the past year were approved. Fred. C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were nominated as director to serve for the ensuing year and until their successor have been elected and qualified. There being no other nominations, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot for the nominees of the 1998 shares represented at the meeting F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were declared elected. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-01-25-Board-2 Jan 25/17 Meeting of the Board of Director of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held January 25th, 1917 after close of Stockholders meeting. Meeting called to order at 3 P.M. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, all the director elected at the stockholders meeting held this day. The Board perfected its organization by the election of the following officer: Fred C.J. Wiss, President Fanny B. Wiss, Secretary Fred C.J. Wiss, Treasurer Fanny B. Wiss moved that the salary of F.C.J. Wiss be twenty thousand dollar from January 1st, 1917, motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss, motion carried. Motion to adjourn and seconded carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-03-22-Board Mar 22/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held on the twenty second day of March 1917. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at Ten A.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J.R. Wiss. The following motion was made and carried. Resolved that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to sell the fifty (50) shares of Essex and Hudson company stock held by this company. The above 50 shares of stock were actually dispose off in payment of dividend declared at a special meeting of the Board of Director held October Fifth Nineteen Hundred Seventeen. Dividend was paid October 14th, 1915 as per entry in leash-journal "L" pay 220. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-04-10-Board Apr 10/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this tenth day of April nineteen hundred and seventeen. Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by president Wiss, Present F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following motion was made and carried. Resolved that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to sell the One hundred (100) shares Union and Middlesex Lighting company stock held by this company. The above one hundred shares of stock were actually disposed off in payment of dividend declared at a special meeting held Oct 5th, 1915 by the Board of Director and paid on. October 14th, 1915 as per entry in leash-journal "L" pay 220 Motion to adjourn - carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-05-16-Board May 16/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Sixteenth day of May Nineteen Hundred and seventeen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at 9:35 A.M. Present - F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss On motion of J. Robert Wiss seconded by F.B. Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the stock of the company was declared, payable at once out of the surplus of the company. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-07-16-Board July 16/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the president this sixteenth day of July 1917 at 9 o'clock in the morning. Present, F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss. Motion made by J. Robert Wiss and seconded by F.B. Wiss that the President is hereby authorized to enter into contract for the erection and equipment of a two story addition approximately 22 ft by 45 ft to the North end of forge shop. Motion carried. Motion by F.B. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss that the $12000. Mortgage on the Heinisch Wiss plant paid off in August at the next interest due date - carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-09-13-Board Sep 13/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held the thirteenth day of September 1917. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 2:50 P.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. On motion of J. Robert Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company was declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-09-29-Board Sep 29/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Twenty ninth day of September, Nineteen hundred and Seventeen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at 10:15 A.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss offered the following resolution, duly seconded by F.B. Wiss. The President is hereby specifically authorized and directed to sign contract No. 1053 for the signal corp., United States Army, to furnish material described in order No. 10190 for the sum of Nine Thousand one hundred and sixty seven dollar and fifteen cents ($9167.15). There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-12-13-Board Dec 13/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held the Thirteenth day of December 1917. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 2:45 P.M. Present were F.B. Wiss, J.R. Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss. On motion of J.R. Wiss seconded by J.B. Wiss a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company was declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. The following motion by F.B. Wiss and seconded by J. Robert Wiss was carried. Resolved that order to No. 174 Sec. 4 in the vault of the National Newark Banking Co. standing in the name of this company shall be by any one of the following named severally Frederick C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss. F.B. Wiss moved and J.R. Wiss seconded the following motion: The president is hereby authorized to sign contract for a garage to be erected in areas of 35 to 39 Littleton Ave. the cast of same to be allot 1600.00 dollar. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1917-12-29-Board Dec 29/17 Special meeting of the Board of Director held the twenty ninth day of December Nineteen seventeen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at 10:45 A.M. Present were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss made a motion, seconded by Fanny B. Wiss, that the company declare a dividend of Twenty (20) percent on the common stock, payable at once out of the earning of the company. Motion carried. The following resolution made by F.B. Wiss and seconded by J. Robert Wiss was carried. Resolved that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to sell the seventy (70) shares worker-wheeler preferred stock held by and in the name of this company. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-01-10-Board Jan 10/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held the tenth day of January 1918. Meeting called to order at 2:15 P.M. by president Wiss. Present were F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss made the following resolution. Resolved that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to sell the forty (40) shares in the 106th fourteenth made building and loan association stock held by and in the name of this company. Motion seconded by Fanny B. Wiss and carried. There being no further business a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-01-23-Board Jan 23/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held the twenty third day of January Nineteen hundred and eighteen. Meeting called to order by president Wiss at Two o'clock. Present were F.B. Wiss J. Robert Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss. The following motion was offered, seconded and carried. Whereas it is the opinion of the Director of this company that certain employer should be allowed, from time to time the purchasing common stock and thus obtain a stockholder interest in the affair of the company; Be it resolved that the Director recorded to the stockholder of this company that authority be given at the next annual meeting of the stockholder to offer the common stock of this company to such employee and in such amounts as the Director may designated, at a pre-equal approximately to the book value per share as fixed by the Director at the time of offer. Motion to adjourn was carried. ---- 1918-01-24-Stockholders Jan 24/18 Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty fourth day of January Nineteen Hundred and eighteen. Meeting called to order by the president at 2:20 P.M. All common stock issued, represented in person or by proxy. Notice of meeting dated January 14th, 1918 was read. Minutes of the Stockholder meeting of January 25th, 1917 were read and approved. The Treasurer report was not ready due to delays in issuing income tax report for 1917, the results of the business depending on the income and excess profit taxes to be paid for the year of 1917. On motion duly seconded all the action of the Board of Director for the past year were approved. Agreeable to a recommendation by the Board of Director and resolution passed at their special meeting held January 23rd, 1918 the following was proposed, seconded and unanimously adopted. Whereas, the Director of this company have recommended that certain employees be allowed, from time to time, the appropriate of purchasing common stock now in the treasury of this company and thus obtain stockholder. WHEREAS, The Directors of this Company have recommended that certain employees be allowed, from time to time, the privilege of purchasing common stock now in the treasury of this Company and thus obtain stockholders' interest in the affairs of the Company: BE IT RESOLVED that the Directors and proper officers of this Company be authorized to officer, from time to time, for sale and to issue to such employees and in such amounts as the Directors may designate, common stock of this Company at a price equal approximately to the book value per share as fixed by the Directors at the time of offer; the total amount of such stock so issued not to exceed 100 shares; this stock to be taken from the unissued common stock now in the treasury of the Company. Be it resolved that the Director and proper officer of this company be authorized to offer from time to time, for sale and to issue to such employees and in such amounts as the Director may designate, common stock of this company at a price equal approximately to the book value per share as fixed by the director at the time of offer; the total amount of such stock so issued not to exceed One Hundred (100) shares; this stock to be taken from the unissued common stock now in the treasury of the company. Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were nominated as direction to serve for the ensuing year and until their successor have been elected and qualified. There being no other nomination the secretary was directed to cast a ballot representing 2000 shares for the nominees declaring this duly elected. Motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-01-24-Board Jan 24/18 Meeting of the Board of Director of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held January 24th, 1918 after close of the Stockholder meeting. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and Fenny B. Wiss all the director elected at the stockholder meeting held this day. The board perfected its organization by the election of the following officer: Frederick C.J. Wiss - President Fanny B. Wiss - Secretary Frederick C.J. Wiss - Treasurer Fanny B. Wiss moved that the salary of the President - Treasurer be increased 20% from January 1st, 1918 seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to make the secretaries salary Six Hundred dollar for year - carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-03-09-Board Mar 9/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this ninth day of March 1918. Meeting called to order at 10:15 A.M. a adjourn being present. Agreeable to a resolution of the stockholder passed at the annual meeting held on the twenty fourth day of January nineteen hundred and eighteen six shares of the common stock of the corporation Four Hundred ($400.00) dollar per share were offered and sold to employees as follow - Frederick H. Rauh 2 1/2 shares Carl Alfred Thober 2 " J. Robert Wiss 1 1/2 " The Treasurer and Secretary were instructed to issue and deliver above shares. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-04-05-Board April 5/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Fifth day of April 1918. Meeting called to order at 3:45 P.M. by the president. On motion of J. Robert Wiss duly seconded and carried a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company was declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-06-06-Board June 6/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Sixth day of June 1918. Meeting called to order by the President at 8:30 A.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company payable at once out of the surplus, motion seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-06-24-Board June 24/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Twenty Fourth day of June 1918. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Resolved: That the checks of the corporation on the National Newark and Essex Banking Co. he signed individually by the Treasurer by any two of the following - J. Robert Wiss, Frederick H. Rauh. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. June 24/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Twenty fourth day of June Nineteen hundred and eighteen. The following resolution was moved seconded and carried; Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby in authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, a contract with the United States Government, No. H134N dated June 17, 1918, for the delivery of shares amounting approximately to $3770.00. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation a contract with the United States Government, No. H135N, dated June 17,1918, for the delivery of shares amounting approximately to $7858.00. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-07-12-Board July 12/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this twelfth day of July Nineteen hundred and eighteen. Meeting called to order by President Wiss. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. Fanny B. Wiss made the following motion: Resolved: That the Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to sell the ninety (90) shares of stock of the "Manufacturer Liability Insurance Company of New Jersey" held by this company - motion duly seconded and carried. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, a contract with L.W. Lang, 1st Lieut. Sam C.N.A. No. 506 dated June 26, 1918 for the delivery of share amounting approximately to $61,014,43. Fanny B. Wiss moved that Eight and One half (8 1/2) shares of common stock of the corporation @ Four Hundred ($400.00) dollar of shares be offered and sold to the following employees. Frederick H. Rauh 2 1/2 shares, C.F. Thober 3 shares, J. Robert Wiss 3 shares, motion seconded and carried. Fanny B. Wiss made a motion that the Board of Director recommend to the Stockholder the creation of the affair of Vice President and change of Reinstitution necessary therefor, motion seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-07-17-Board July 17/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this seventeenth day of July, Nineteen hundred and Eighteen. Meeting called to order by the president at 3:45 in the afternoon - present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in this name and under the seal of the corporation a contract with L.W. Lang 1st Lieut, San, C.N.A. acting for and in behalf of the United States of America, No. 765 dated July 13, 1918, for the delivery of scissor amounting approximately to $625.00. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-08-06-Board Aug 6/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 3:30 P.M. Aug 6/18. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J.R. Wiss. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the president of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, a contract with M.A. Reasoner, Lieut. Colonel, Medical Corp. National Army, acting for and in behalf of the United States of America dated August 3rd, 1918 for the delivery of scissor amounting approximately to $1206.25. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the president of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, a contract with Frank L. McCartney, Cap. sanitary C.N.H. acting for and in behalf of the United States of America, No. 914 dated August 1st, 1918, for the delivery of scissor amounting approximately to $3000.00. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-08-19-Board Aug 19/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 2:15 P.M. Aug 19/18. Present F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the president of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, contract No. 10004 with Captain John R. Halt Reserve Corp. U.S. Army in behalf of the United States of America, dated the 12th, day of August 1918, for the delivery of shear amounting approximately to $4350.00. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-08-28-Board Aug 28/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 4:15 P.M. August 28/18. Present F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss. The following resolution was presented and adjusted Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, contract for Work Order No. P12437-972M, dated the 23rd day of July 1918, with C.W. Watson, Lt. Col. Ordnum [needs research] N.H., in behalf of the United States of America, for delivery of shear amounting approximately to $5770.14. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-08-29-Board Aug 29/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this Twenty ninth day of August nineteen hundred and Eighteen. Meeting called to order at 3:30 in the afternoon. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following resolution was presented and adopted. Resolved: That the resident of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, contract No. 506 dated the 26th, day of June 1918, with Frank L. McCartney, Capt., Sam Co., in behalf of the United States of America, for delivery of surgical scissor amounting approximately to $61,015.33. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-09-11-Board Sept 11/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 9:45 A.M. this Eleventh day of September Nineteen hundred and Eighteen. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus funds of the corporate, duly seconded and motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-11-13-Board Nov 13/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 8:15 A.M. this Thirteenth day of November Nineteen hundred and Eighteen. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus funds of the corporate, seconded and motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-12-13-Board Dec 13/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 4:30 P.M. this Thirteenth day of December, Nineteen hundred and Eighteen. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus funds of the corporation, motion seconded and motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-11-15-Board Nov 15/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the President this 15th day of November nineteen hundred and eighteen. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J.R. Wiss. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into, execute and deliver in the name and under the seal of the corporation, contract No. 43303, dated November 4th, 1918 with the Paymaster several United States Mary in behalf of the United States of America, for the delivery of amounting approximately to $13,089,60. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1918-12-03-Board Dec 3/18 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the President this 3rd day of December nineteen hundred and eighteen at 2:30 afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, Resolved: That the President-Treasurer be paid an additional salary of $6000 and the Secretary $3000, for the year 1918 due to increase of business and value of their senior. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-01-23-Stockholders Jan 23/19 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark New Jersey on the Twenty Third day of January Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Meeting called to order by the President at 1:50 P.M. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, Fred H. Rauh and C.A. Thober. Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 17/19 copy of which had been sent to all stockholder of record. Minutes of the Stockholder meeting of Jan 24/18 were read and approved. Treasurer report was not ready. The result of 1918 Business depending on the amount of income tax to be paid, but as the tax bill had not yet been passed no definite results could be reported, but they appeared to be same as 1917 but possibly been on account of the high income tax as anticipated would have to be paid. On motion of C.L. Gairoard, duly seconded all the action of the Board of Director up to date were approved. Fanny B. Wiss offered the following amendments to the By-Laws: Amend Article III, Section I to read as follows: "The officers of the Company shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer and one person may hold any two of these offices." Add to Article IV the following Section: Section 4. The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform all the duties of that office. Section 5. The Assistant Treasurer shall, under the Treasurer's direction, perform such duties of that office as may be assigned to him, and in the absence or disability of the Treasurer, shall perform all the duties of that office. The amendments were declared adopted by a vote of 1930 1/2 shares. Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were nominated as direction to serve for the ensuing year and until their scissor have been elected and qualified. There being no other nominee the secretary was directed to cast a ballot representing the Stockholder present. The nominees were declared elected by 1930 1/2 shares. The President requested for the files of the company written reports covering the previous year experiences and condition for the following: C.L. Gairoard sales manager, as to selling and selling condition, Fred H. Rauh superintendent manufacturing conditions and manufactures facilities. C.A. Thober - master mechanic, plant. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-01-23-Board Jan 23/19 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held January 23rd, 1919 at 2:20 P.M. after close of Stockholder meeting. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, all the director elected at the Stockholder meeting held this day. On motion of J. Robert Wiss it was resolved to proceed with the election of officer of the company and the following were nominated and elected. President - Fred C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Fanny B. Wiss Treasurer - Fred C.J. Wiss Assistant Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Motion to make the salary of Vice President One Hundred dollar of minutes - carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-01-28-Board Jan 28/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 4 P.M. this Twenty eighth day of January Nineteen hundred and nineteen. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. On motion duly carried the salary of the President-Treasurer was made Thirty Thousand dollar for year and the salary of the Secretary was made Thirty six hundred dollar for year. Motion to adjourn carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-03-06-Board March 6/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held this Sixth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Present Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following resolution was presented and adopted. Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the Secretary of the Treasury through the several supply committee, to formed as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1919 and ending June 30th, 1920, material supplier and equipment described in the several schedule of supplier, such items on which the price have been entered. A motion to adjourn was carried. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-03-31-Board Mar 31/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held this Thirty first day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. Fanny B. Wiss tendered her resignation as secretary to take effect April 1st, 1919. Resignation accepted with regrets. Jerome B. Wiss was nominated as secretary to fill unexpired term of Fanny B. Wiss and elected. Motion was made and duly seconded that agreeable to resolution passed at Stockholder meeting of January 24th, 1918, the Board of Director offer to J. Robert Wiss, Fred A. Rauh and C.A. Thober stock of the company at Four Hundred ($400) dollar per share to an amount not exceeding their extra allowance for recent six month of 1918, now to their credit on the books of the company. Motion carried. There being no further business before the board, a motion to adjourn was made and passed. Fanny B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-04-21-Board Apr 21/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held this twenty first day of April Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. A income being present the following resolution was presented and adopted. Resolved: That the President of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the Postmaster General of the United States, to formed as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1919 and ending June 30th, 1920, such supplier described in the proposal and specifications for supplier for the Postal Service on which the price has been entered by this company. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-05-08-Board May 8/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the president at Eleven A.M. this Eight day of May Nineteen hundred and Nineteen. All Director present. A motion by J. Robert Wiss seconded by F.B. Wiss was carried, authorizing the president to enter into contract for the election of a fourth floor on our existing 3 story and basement factory building facing Littleton Avenue. The following motion by F.B. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss was carried. Resolved: That access to safe deposit box #174 Sec.4 in the vault of the National Newark and Essex Banking Co. shall be any one of the following named severally Frederick C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss. Motion by F.B. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss that the salaries of Vice President and of the Assistant Treasurer, be fixed at Forty Eight Hundred ($4800.00) dollar each per year commencing January 1st, 1919, carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-05-13-Board May 13/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President at 8:05 A.M. this Thirteenth day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus funds of the company, duly seconded and motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-06-27-Board June 27/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held June Twenty Seventh Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, called to order at 11 A.M. Present F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus funds of the company, motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sec. ---- 1919-07-22-Board July 22/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held this Twenty Second day of July Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Meeting called to order by the President at 2:45 P.M. J. Robert Wiss offered the following - Resolved: that the check of the corporation on the National Newark and Essex Banking Co. be signed individually by the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer; or by J. Robert Wiss countersigned by C.R. Kierstead or Frederick H. Rauh - carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1919-09-24-Board Sep 24/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President this Twenty fourth day of September Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen at 9:45 in the morning. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that Four (4) share of common treasury stock of the company be sold agreeable to resolution of the Stockholder passed at the annual meeting of January 24th, 1918, at the price of Four Hundred ($400.00) dollar per share to C.A. Thober and that the proper officer are hereby directed to issue the necessary certificate on receipt of payment for same. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1919-09-29-Board Sep 29/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at Nine o'clock in the morning this Twenty ninth day of September Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1919-12-15-Board Dec 15/19 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at Nine o'clock in the forenoon of this Fifteenth day of December Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company, payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-01-22-Stockholders Jan 22/20 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty Second day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Meeting called to order by the President at this fifteen in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Frederick H. Rauh and C.A. Thober. President read notice of meeting dated Jan 16/20 copy of which had been sent to all stockholder of record. Minutes of Stockholder meeting of January 23/19 were read and approved. Treasurer presented report for 1918 ordered on file. Report for 1919 was not ready, results depending on Income tax reports, claims for which have not yet been received. Indications are that they will be greater than in 1918. President reports practical completions of 4th floor, to our former 3 story and basement building consisting of original main building with south and north extension. This work was authorized by the Board of Director on May 8th, 1919, contract for the building entered into on June 25/19 with Fred Kilgur Inc. on a business of cast plus with a limit of total cost. The expenses to that including special equipment, Heating Electrical Lighting & amount to about Twenty Three Thousand dollar. The President also reports the receipt of written reports from F.H. Rauh superintend and from C.A. Thober master mechanic covering suggestions for the year 1918 and 1919. The reports for 1919 were read accepted and referred to the Board of Director for study and consideration. On motion of Norman J. Wiss, seconded by Fanny B. Wiss all actions of the Board of Director up to date were duly approved. F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were nominated as Director to serve for the ensuing year and until their successor have been elected and qualified. There being no other nominees, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot representing the stockholder present representing 1512 shares. The nominees were declared elected by 1512 votes. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-01-22-Board Jan 22/20 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder this Twenty Second day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty, held at close of Stockholder meeting. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss constituting the full Board elected. On motion it was resolved to proceed with the election of officer of the company and the following were nominated and elected, President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Fred C.J. Wiss Assistant Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss J. Robert Wiss moved. The officer be paid for 1920 service the same amount of salaries as during 1919 and if the business continues profitable during the year that they be credited with the following additional amount Pres. Eleven Thousand dollar; Vice Pres. Fifty Hundred dollar; Treas. Nine Thousand dollar; Asst. Treas. Fifty Two hundred dollar; Sec. Twenty Four Hundred dollar. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. ---- 1920-02-04-Board Feb 4/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President this fourth day of February Nineteen Hundred and Twenty at Nine Fifty in the morning. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The following resolution was presented and adopted: Resolved that the Treasurer of this corporation be and hereby is instructed to execute a power of Treasurer into Samuel Sachs and John C. Nanileleaf, committee of participation Series B No. 19 representing a Balance of $782.84 due from Herman Boker & Company who failed about January 1st, 1915, and it is further resolved that the seal of the corporation be affirmed to above mentioned transfer. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-02-28-Board Feb 28/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President this Twenty Eighth day of February Nineteen Hundred and Twenty at Eight Thirty in the morning. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that Five (5) shares of common Treasury stock of the company be sold agreeable to resolution of the stockholder passed at the annual meeting of January 24th, 1918, and at the price of Four Hundred ($400.00) dollar per share to Frederick H. Rauh and that the proper officer are hereby directed to issue the necessary certificate, on receipt of payment for same. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-04-06-Board Apr 6/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 4 P.M. this sixth day of April Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-04-07-Board Apr 7/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 5 P.M. this seventh day of April Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that the President be authorized and hereby is directed to enter into contract with the owner of property located at 23,25 & 27 Eleventh Ave. for the purchase of the property approximately 78'6" x 52' adjoining our property on the south, for the sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred ($11,500) dollar. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-05-18-Board May 18/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 3:30 P.M. this Eighteenth day of May Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-05-22-Board May 22/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 10:45 A.M. this Twenty Second day of May Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. J. Robert Wiss moved that the Treasurer is authorized and hereby directed to subscribe Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4500) toward the formation of a Fine & other line Insurance company by the Manufacturer Association of New Jersey as attained in their curricular letter dated May 15th, 1920. Motion carried. It was order that a copy of letter referred to above and a copy of the subscription be filed with the record of the company. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-07-14-Board July 14/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 1:15 P.M. this Fourteenth day of July Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-09-01-Board Sept 1/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 5 P.M. this First day of September Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that the action of the President is entering into and signing contract for the property adjourn our property purchased on the worth approximately 25' x 120' fronting on Littleton Ave. with Three floor plate building for the sum of Eight Thousand Seven Hundred ($8700) dollar on August 30th, 1920 is hereby approved. Motion carried. J. Robert Wiss moved that six (6) shares of common treasury stock be sold to Carl A. Thober agreeable to resolution of the stockholder passed at the annual meeting of January 24th, 1918 and at the price of Four Hundred and Fifty dollar ($450.00) per share and that the proper officer are hereby directed to issue the necessary certificate on receipt of payment for same. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-09-23-Board Sept 23/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 1:35 P.M. this Twenty Third day of September Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. J. Robert Wiss offered the following: Resolved: That the president of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the war department to furnish supplier described in the proposal and specifically known as curricular G.2125 Jef. Rpl. 304, dated Jeffersonville, Ind. September 16, 1920, on which the price has been entered by this company. Resolution carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-12-15-Board Dec 15/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 1:45 P.M. this Fifteenth day of December Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1920-12-30-Board Dec 30/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 9 o'clock in the morning of this Thirtieth day of December Nineteen Hundred and Twenty. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. The President reports that the business of the company for the year closing had been the largest in its history and although conducted under strenuous labor and critical financial conditions has produced profitable results. In view of the above report J. Robert Wiss moved that the affair are entitled to and be credited on the books of the company with the additional contingent salaries as set forth in a resolution of the Board of Director adopted at a meeting held January twenty second nineteen hundred and twenty; he furthermore moved that the treasurer is hereby instructed to pay these additional salaries at his discretion. Motion adopted. Motion to adjourn adopted. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-01-27-Stockholders Jan 27/21 The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the Twenty Seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One. Meeting called to order by the President Wiss at two seven in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Frederick H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and represented by proxy Charlotte S. Wiss & Grace V. Wiss. A total of fifteen hundred and twenty three (1523) shares represented in person or by proxy. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January twenty Nineteen Hundred twenty one copy of which was transmitted to all stockholder of record. Minutes of Stockholder meeting of January 22/20 were read and approved. Treasurer report for 1919 was read, approved and ordered on file. Report for 1920 was not completed, statement of assets and liabilities read. Frederick H. Rauh made verbal report as to factory conditions and increased production. He will make written report within 2 weeks. The President report the purchase of property known as 23, 25 & 27 Eleventh Avenue adjourning the companies holding for the sum of $11500.00 allowing a Building Loan. Mortgage of about $3340, to remain on the property, size of the property is approximately 78'6" x 52' and is covered by 3 story 3 family building, 1-2 1/2 story 1 family house and 2 - 1 story stores all frame construction. The property at #11 Littleton Ave. adjourning our north line was also purchased for the sum of $8700.00 size of plat 25' x 120' with 3 story frame flats. There was erected during the year a garage for employees on the plat in rear of 6th, st house 24'8" x 46' using old roof we had on hard from old room of factory at an approximate expense of $3200. At north end of property in rear of #11 Littleton Ave. There was erected a storage shed. The President reported that business prospects for the year were rather discouraging due to drop in price greatly caused by the importation of German scissors at very low price. To meet these condition we made reduction in selling price of about 22% on sold steel scissor and about 12 1/2% on steel laid trimmers. Factory wages were reduced about 15%. We are also using all the influence we can to secure a suitable and satisfactory import duty for our line of goods. On motion of Fanny B. Wiss seconded by Frederick H. Rauh all actions of the Board of Director to date were duly approved. A motion was made by Fanny B. Wiss, seconded by Frederick H. Rauh to amend section 1 of article II of the by-laws to read as follows: Section 1 - The affairs of the company shall be managed by a board of five directors to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders and to hold office for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Above amendment was declared adopted by a vote of 1523 shares, cast at the stockholders meeting held January 27th, 1921. "The affair of the company shall be managed by a board of five directors to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders and to hold office for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified." Above amendment was declared adopted by a vote of 1523 shares. Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss were nominated as director to serve for the ensuing year. There being no further nominees the secretary was directed to cast a ballot representing the stockholder present. The secretary cast the ballot as directed. The nominees we declared elected by 1523 votes. There being no further business before the stockholder, a motion to adjourn was carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-01-27-Board Jan 27/21 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the stockholder this Twenty Seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty One held a close of stockholder and called to order at 3 o'clock P.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, J.B. Wiss and N.F. Wiss, comprising the full board elected. On motion it was resolved to proceed with the election of officer of the company and the following were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Ass. Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Norman F. Wiss moved that the offered salaries be continued on the same cases as during 1920. Motion adopted. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-04-05-Board Apr 5/21 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order at 9 A.M. this fifth day of April, nineteen hundred and twenty one. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion carried having been seconded by J.R. Wiss, Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-11-15-Board Nov 15/21 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 8:45 A.M. this Fifteenth day of November, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss and N.F. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-11-28-Board Nov 28/21 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:15 A.M. this twenty eighth day of November, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One. On motion of N.F. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss, the following resolution was offered and duly passed; Resolved: that the Assistant Treasurer of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the secretary of the treasury through the general supply committee to furnish as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year, beginning January 1st, 1922 and ending June 30th, 1922, material supplier and equipment described in the supplemental specification and proposals for supplier such items on which the price have been entered. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1921-12-20-Board Dec 20/21 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 9:35 A.M. this twentieth day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One. Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss and N.F. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Wiss and duly carried, J. Robert Wiss moved that the action of the president is subscribing in the name of the company. Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollar toward the formation of a Five Insurance Company by the Manufacturer Association of New Jersey as outlined in their circular letter dated Sep. 1-1921 be and hereby is approved, furthermore be it approved that in payment of the six hundred and fifty four (654) shares allotted to our company amounting to Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and Ten ($9810.00) dollar, Ten Thousand dollar of Liberty Loan Bonds of the Third issue were used. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. The President reports that above bonds were taken at par in payment of the trust certificate allotted according to the letter of Manufacturer Association of New Jersey, dated Nov 28, 1921, and that interest from September 15th, 1921 would be paid. Sep. 15/21 being the date up to which the US Government had paid interest on the bonds. The two letter of the Manufacturer Association referred to above, were ordered placed on file. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-01-26-Stockholders Article Sec. IV. The Vice President shall, in the absence or IV disability of the President, perform all the duties of that office. Sec. V. The Assistant Treasurer shall, under the Treasurer's direction, perform such duties of that office as may be assigned to him and in the absence or disability of the Treasurer shall perform all the duties of that office. Above additions to By-Laws were adopted at a regular Norman F. Wiss moved that Section 1, of Article V, of the By-Laws be amended by the addition of the words "or by such person or persons as may be authorized to sign by resolution passed by the Board of Directors", so that Section 1, will read as follows: "All monies of the Company shall be kept in the name of the Company in such bank or places of deposit as the Board of Directors may designate, and shall be drawn out by checks signed in the corporate name by the Treasurer or Secretary, or by such person or persons as may be authorized to so sign by resolution passed by the Board of Directors". ---- 1922-01-26-Board Jan 26/22 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons elected by the Stockholders this Twenty Sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two held at close of Stockholder meeting and called to order at 4 o'clock P.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and N.F. Wiss comprising the entire board elected. On motion it was resolved to proceed with the election of officer of the company and the following were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Norman F. Wiss moved that the officer salaries be continued on the same case as during 1921. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn adopted. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-03-06-Board March 6/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the Vice President at 2:45 P.M. this sixth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. On motion of J.R. Wiss seconded by J.B. Wiss the following resolution was offered and duly passed. Resolved: That the assistant treasurer of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the Secretary of the Treasury through the general supply committee to furnish as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1922 and ending December 31, 1922, material, supplier and equipment described in the supplemental specifications and proposals for supplier, such items on which the prices have been entered. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-04-27-Board Apr 27/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 3:30 P.M. this Twenty Seventh day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-05-08-Board May 8/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the Vice President at 2:45 P.M. this eighth day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. On motion of J.R. Wiss seconded by J.B. Wiss the following resolution was offered and duly passed. Resolved: That Norman F. Wiss the assistant treasurer of this corporation be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the Commissioner of Indian Affair to furnish as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1922 and ending June 30, 1923, material, supplier and equipment such items on which the prices have been entered. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-05-11-Board May 11/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the Vice President at 2:45 P.M. this eleventh day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. On motion of J.R. Wiss seconded by J.B. Wiss the following resolution was offered and duly passed. Resolved: That Norman F. Wiss the assistant treasurer of this corporation, be and hereby is authorized to enter into a proposal with the Postmaster General to furnish as may be ordered from time to time during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1922 and ending June 30, 1923, material, supplier and equipment such items on which the prices have been entered. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-06-12-Board June 12/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 2:40 P.M. this Twelfth day of June, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, N.F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-08-07-Board Aug 7/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10 A.M. this 7th day of August, 1922. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, N.F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-10-12-Board Oct 12/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 8:15 A.M. this 12th day of October, 1922. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J.R. Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-11-20-Board Nov 20/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 5:15 P.M. this Twentieth day of November, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J.R. Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-12-23-Board Dec 23/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:30 A.M. this 23rd day of December 1922. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss. N.F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1922-12-29-Board Dec 29/22 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order at 9:40 A.M. this Twenty Ninth day of December, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Two. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved and J. Robert Wiss seconded the following: It is moved that we pay Frederick H. Rauh the sum of Twenty five Hundred dollar in addition to the wages provided for otherwise. This sum is in recognize of new patterns furthered by him and improvement introduced by him in the processor of manufacture as well as the unusual interest he is taking in the business all of which tend towards greater financial success. It is further moved that the treasurer is hereby directed to pay him said amount. Motion carried. N.F. Wiss moved that Five (5) shares of the common treasurer stock be sold to Frederick H. Rauh as provided for in resolution passed at stockholder meeting of January 24th, 1918, and at the price of Five Hundred ($500.00) dollar of share, and that the proper officer are hereby directed to issue the necessary certificate on receipt of payment for same. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-01-25-Stockholders Jan 25/23 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred and twenty three. Meeting called to order by Vice Pres. J. Robert Wiss at two ten in the afternoon, present in person were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and represented by proxy - Fred C.J. Wiss and C.S. Wiss matching a total of Fifteen Hundred and seventy five shares represented. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 15th, 1923, a copy of which was transmitted to each common stockholder of record. Minutes of the stockholder meeting of Jan 26/23 were read and approved. The report of Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard was read and ordered on file. The report of C.A. Thober - master mechanic was read and ordered on file. The Treasurer report dated December 31st, 1922 was read discussed and ordered placed on file. On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by Fred H. Rauh all action of the Board of Director up to date were approved. The following were nominated as director to serve for the ensuing year and until their successor are elected and qualified: Fred C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, there being no other nominees, the secretary was directed to cast a ballot represents the stockholder at the meeting. The secretary cast the ballot and the nominees were declared elected by 1575 votes. A motion made by F.H. Rauh seconded by C.L. Gairoard was unanimously carried. This motion continued the thought that the stockholder express their approach to their President F.C.J. Wiss for his successful conduct of the business during 1921 & 1922, the results of which are now no apparent in that our business is continued to be on a round basis due to his business methods. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-01-25-Board Jan 25/23 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the stockholder this Twenty Fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty three held at the close of stockholder meeting and called to order at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss a majority of the Board elected. On motion it was resolved to proceed with the election of officer of the company. The following were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the officers salaries be continued on the same bases as during the previous year. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-02-07-Board Feb 7/23 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 3:30 P.M. this Seventh day of February Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Three. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. On motion of N.F. Wiss, seconded by J.R. Wiss it was resolved that the check of the R. Heinisch Son work on the National Newark & Essex Banking Company be signed individually by the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer of J. Wiss & Sons Co., or by the joint signature of J. Robert Wiss and C.R. Kierstead. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-03-19-Board Mar. 19/23 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 4.25 P.M. this 19th day of March - 1923. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-06-01-Board June 1/23 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 4 P.M. this 1st day of June - 1923. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-08-07-Board Aug 7/23 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:45 A.M. this 7th day of August - 1923. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, N.F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-10-25-Board Oct 25/23 Special Meeting of the Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, held this Twenty-Fifth day of October 1923. Meeting called to order by President Wiss. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, and Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made the following motion: Resolved, that the Treasurer be authorized, and hereby is authorized, to indorse and redeem, through the proper channels, a bond of the Dominion of Canada amounting to $5000, due November 1, 1923. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss, and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1923-11-15-Board Nov 15/23 Special meeting called to order by President Wiss at 8:30 A.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-01-17-Board Jan 17/24 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 5 P.M. this 17th day of January 1924. Present were Fred C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-01-24-Stockholders Jan 24/24 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty fourth day of January Nineteen Hundred and twenty four. Meeting called to order by Vice Pres. Wiss at two ten in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, F.S. Taylor, F.W. Sinon, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and represented by proxy - F.H. Rauh. Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 18th copy of which was transmitted to each common stockholder of record. Minutes of the stockholder meeting of January 25th 1923 were read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of Jan 25/23 were read. The report of Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard was read and ordered on file. The report of Superintend F.H. Rauh was read and ordered on file. The report of C.A. Thober - master mechanic was read and ordered on file. The report of R.E. Heinisch was read and ordered on file. C.H. Thober suggested that we install Electric Power in the Heinisch plant in preference to new boiler on which the Boiler Insurance Co. restricted the pressure to a point hardly sufficient to economically or efficiently. F.H. Rauh reports that we now purchase the entire output of Norman & Nail scissor made by Newark Scissor. The Treasurer report was not complete but on motion of F.H. Rauh was accepted and ordered on file subject to revision. A motion approving the action of the director during the past year was adopted. The following were elected as director by 1745 votes represented at the meeting. F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-01-24-Board Jan 24/24 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the stockholder this Twenty Fourth day of January Nineteen Hundred and Twenty four, held at the close of the stockholder meeting and called to order at Four thirty in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, all the directors elected at the stockholder meeting. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice President - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the officers salaries be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-04-01-Board Apr 1/24 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:25 A.M. this first day of April 1924. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, J. B. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. It was moved, seconded and motion carried - that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. President Wiss reports that negotiation for the purchase of the Valley Forge plant at $100,000 had not as yet been successful but believe that the property could be secured for $125,000, but did not approve of purchasing at this figure. An appraisal by Architect Frederick Phelps amounted to $162,000, based on present cost less a depreciation of 25% on the 4 story buildings and 50% depreciation on the balance of the buildings. It is estimated that a gross rental of $22,000, could be secured at an expense of about $15,000, which include 6% on cost of plant at $125,000. Motion made and carried that the president be authorized to offer the Valley Forge a sum not to exceed $115,000. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-08-15-Board Aug 15/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:30 A.M. this 15th day of August Nineteen Hundred twenty five. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared, and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and duly carried. The following resolution was adopted. Resolved, that access to safe No. 174 Sec. 4 in the vault of the National & Essex Banking Co. standing in the name of this company shall be by any two of the following named: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and to Frederick C.J. Wiss severally. It was agreed to give to Berry Bros the agency up to January 1st 1925 for the Heinisch Plant at $80,000, including Boiler, Engine, Generator and Main Line of shafting, J. Robert Wiss made a Motion that $80,000 should be asking for. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-09-26-Board Sep 26/24 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 9:30 A.M. this Twenty Sixth day of September Nineteen Hundred Twenty Four. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.Robert Wiss and Norman.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that we pay a dividend of Five (5%) percent on the common stock of the company and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-10-20-Board Oct 20/24 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order at 9:30 A.M. this Twentieth day of October Nineteen Hundred Twenty Four. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.Robert Wiss and Norman.F. Wiss. N.F. Wiss moved that we pay a dividend of Five (5%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1924-12-29-Board Dec 29/24 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9 A.M. this Twenty Ninth day of December Nineteen Hundred Twenty Four. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.Robert Wiss and Norman.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-01-22-Stockholders Jan 22/25 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty second day of January Nineteen Hundred and twenty five. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 215 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J. B. Wiss, F. S. Taylor, N. W. Sinon, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and representing 1745 shares. Represented by proxy G. V. Wiss and L. R. Foster. Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 16/25 copy of which was transmitted to each stockholder of common stock. Minutes of the stockholder meeting dated January 24th 1924 were read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of Jan 24th 1924 representing the organization of the board was read. President Wiss read his report, referring to the purchase of the Valley Forge property, Sixth St. adjourning our property, changes made therein adopting then to be used in connection with our manufacturing and for rental purposes, with approximate expense therefore. The moving of the Heinisch machinery tools and stock and consolidation with the Wiss Plant, was also covered. Report accepted and ordered placed on file. The very interesting report of our Superintendent was read and very much appreciated. It covered our Labor conditions during 1924 and made companies with 1923 & 1922 conditions changes in machinery, improvement in same and in methods of manufacturing were gone into fully including installation of new departments due to consolidating the Wiss & Heinisch facilities for production. The making of our screw and installing of machinery for this work was fully covered. Not the least interesting parties of the report related to Human Relation in Industry as discussed at the L. George conference which H. Rauh attended. There was also an interesting chapter touching on his 25 year of service with the J. Wiss & Sons Co. and changes during that time. Master Mechanic Thober reported the completion of screw making department, Election and steam heating rearrangement necessary in making the Valley Forge buildings suitable for tenants and for our user in moving Heinisch to our plant. Report accepted. The report of C.L. Gairoard was read, accepted and ordered placed on file. The report covered general information relating to sale and costs of selling advertising, relations with the Kraeuter Co. in the distribution of goods and our efforts to interest the department stores in the distribution of our goods. Treasurer report for the year 1924 was not completed. C.L. Gairoard made a motion that the Stockholder give to F.C.J. Wiss a vote of appreciation for his successful management of the affair of the corporation organized 25 year this coming May. Motion unanimously carried. A motion approving the actions of the director during the past year was adopted. The following were nominated and elected by two thousand and forty five (2045) votes represented at the meeting, as director to serve for the following year and until their successor have been elected: Fred C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Fanny B. Wiss. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-01-22-Board Jan 22/25 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder this Twenty Second day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty Five, held at the close of the Stockholder meeting and called to order at 3:50 P.M. All the director elected at stockholder meeting were present. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice Pres. - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss The president was authorized and directed to negotiate for the sale of the Heinisch plant located at the South West corner of Bruce St. and 13th Ave. It was moved that the officer salaries be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-03-30-Board Mar 30/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:45 A.M. this 30th day of March 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss. The president reports that he executed an agreement with Schaedel & Bro. Inc. for the sale of the Heinisch factory property, corner Bruce Street and 13th Avenue, Newark, N. J. Schaedel and Bro. Inc. agreeing to purchase same for the amount of $70,000. -- $1000. to be paid on signing agreement, $4000. to be paid on passing of Title, on or before April 1, 1925. The transfer of the $25,000. first mortgage on property on the Corner of Central Avenue and South 13th Street, and the giving of the first mortgage to run for five years, at 6% per annum on the property purchased. The president also reports that Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc. have expressed a desire to be released from the agreement of purchase, and their attorney, H. Koehler, requested us to name a figure to release his clients. The president has verbally proposed to Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc. to modify the terms of sale to enable them to more readily make improvements in the property, and secure a better return, by waiving the $4000. cash payment, and increase the mortgage to $44,000. and accept interest on same at the rate of 4 1/4% per annum for the five years, if property is not sold by them at an earlier date. The following motions were duly made and seconded: Resolved that the actions of the president as reported above are hereby approved and the proper officers of the Company are authorized and instructed to execute the proper documents to pass Title on terms as per agreement, modified as to the $4000. payment, and amount of mortgage increased to $44,000. Resolved that the proper officers are authorized and instructed to accept from Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc. 4 1/4% interest per annum on the mortgage instead of 6% for a period of five years, or until sold by them if within five years from date of mortgage. RESOLVED that in case of failure by Schaedel & Bro. Co. Inc. to live up to their agreement to purchase the Heinisch property, Corner Bruce Street & Thirteenth Avenue, the proper officers are hereby instructed to take such legal action as may be necessary to compel specific performance as called for by the original agreement of Sale and purchase, and if above action is instituted, the modifications of terms outlined in above two resolutions are hereby rescinded. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-05-04-Board May 4/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss this 4th day of May 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.Robert Wiss and Norman.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-07-07-Board July 7/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 2:30 P.M. this 7th day of July 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.Robert Wiss and Norman.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Five (5%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-10-16-Board Oct 16/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10:15 A.M. this 16th day of October 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss. Jerome B. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-11-23-Board Nov 23/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:15 A.M. this 23rd, day of November 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. J. Robert Wiss made a motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss that we accept the offer of $55,000. made by American Metal Bed Co. for the Heinisch Plant Bruce St. and Thirteenth Ave. Newark N.J. Term $5000. cash and balance $50,000. Mortgage to sum 10 year @ 6% Int. with providing to pay an accept on 30 days notice. The proper officers are hereby authorized and instructed to execute the necessary documents in connection with this sale. Motion carried. Schaedel & Bro. Inc. having failed to live up to their agreement to purchase the Heinisch property and due to the fact that the building foundation encroached on public property (the Street), we had very little change of compelling "specific performance" in the counts of changes according to previous verdicts and therefore did not proceed against them. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1925-12-28-Board Dec 28/25 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10 A.M. this 28th day of December 1925. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss assistant treasurer moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-01-28-Stockholders Jan 28/26 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty eight day of January Nineteen Hundred and twenty six. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 215 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J. B. Wiss, F. S. Taylor, N. W. Sinon, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and representing 1676 shares and constituting a quorum. Secretary read notice of meeting dated Jan 20th 1926 copy of which was transmitted to each stockholder of common stock. Minutes of the stockholder meeting dated January 22, 1925 were read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of Jan 22nd 1925 reporting the organization of the board was read. President made a sheet verbal report on general condition, Principal change being the installation of posting machines in the office work by which account receivable are automatically totaled daily and individual statements of accounts made at time of posting and therefore ready for mailing at all time. Norman F. Wiss reports sale for the year about 10% long also that greater efforts were made to secure direct trade with better class of retail dealer and department stores. There were held during Christmas season 40 demonstrations in department stores, $5000 more was spent in advertising than during 1925. Made connection with Dodge-Seymens Co. exporting here to represent us in the Far East. Mr. Seymens was connected with the former shear manufacturer the Seymens Cutlery Co. Imports of German scissors are quite considerable in quantity but at prices somewhat higher. Treasurer reports as of Dec 31, 1924 & Dec 31, 1925 accepted subject to final corrections. The very interesting and enlightening report of superintendent Rauh was listed to with much interest and unamend accepted with and ordered placed on file. A motion approving the actions of the director during the past year was adopted. The following were nominated as director and elected by (1676) sixteen hundred and seventy six votes represented at the meeting to serve for the following year and until their successor have been elected: Fred C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Fanny B. Wiss. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-01-28-Board Jan 28/26 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder this Twenty Eighth day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty Six, held at the close of the Stockholder meeting and called to order at 3:45 P.M. All the director elected at stockholder meeting were present. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice Pres. - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the salaries of the officer be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-02-23-Board Feb 23/26 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by Vice President J.R. Wiss at 10:05 A.M. this 23rd day of February 1926. Present were N.F. Wiss, J. B. Wiss and J.R. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made a motion that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stock holder of common stock. Motion seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-04-26-Board Apr 26/26 Special meeting of the Board of Director held this 26th day of April 1926. Present were J.R. Wiss, J. B. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. A motion was made and carried - that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stock holder of common stock. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-08-25-Board Aug 25/26 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the President at 10:15 A.M. this 25th day of August 1926. Treasurer reports sufficient cost funds on hand to made a 10% dividend advisable. J. Robert Wiss made the following motion, seconded by Norman F. Wiss - That we declare a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company and hereby is declared the same payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stock holder of common stock of the company. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-10-26-Board Oct 26/26 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:05 A.M. this 26th day of October 1926. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss, N.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of common stock of the company. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1926-12-03-Board Dec 3/26 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:20 A.M. this 3rd day of December 1926. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss, N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made a motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss as follows - Be it moved that we pay a dividend of Ten (10%) on the common stock of the company and hereby is declared and payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of record of the company at this date. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-01-27-Stockholders Jan 27/27 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred and twenty seven. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 210 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J. B. Wiss, F. S. Taylor, N. W. Sinon, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and representing 1722 shares and constituting a quorum. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 19-1927, copy of which was transmitted to each stockholder of common stock. Minutes of the stockholder meeting of January 28-1926 were read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of January 28-1926 reporting the organization of the board was read. Master mechanic C. A. Thober reported as to general condition of plant and equipment, referring to increased cost of material on screw. Increased cost of coal due principal to coal stock. Greater efficiency of the boiler due to better system of utilization of all water from heating system. This installation to be followed by elimination of all main shaft and belt and installation of motor in place of same. Report accepted with thanks. Superintendent Fred H. Rauh presented an elaborate and concise report relating to manufacturing condition of labor production costs of goods in compares to previous year, rates of wages and manufacturing facilities, labor turnover and other interesting facts relating to the business. The report was very enlightening and accepted with thanks and ordered placed on file. Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard presented his report covering our advertising and selling problem with costs and results, with reason and, the trade conditions in various sections of the country and abroad. He also verbally explained price cutting of various conditions and particulars Heinisch apparent financial condition. Report accepted and ordered placed on file. Treasurer report read and approved. Motion approving the actions of the director during the past year was adopted. The following were nominated as director and elected by (1722) seventeen hundred and twenty two votes, to serve for the year and until their successor have been elected: Fred C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Fanny B. Wiss. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-01-27-Board Jan 27/27 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder this Twenty Seventh day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty Seven, held at the close of the Stockholder meeting, called to order at 4.30 P.M. All the director except Fanny B. Wiss were present. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice Pres. - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the salaries of the officer be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-04-19-Board Apr 19/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss this 19th day of April Nineteen Hundred twenty seven. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that the Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to purchase for the company and preferred stock of the company as may be offered him at par and upon purchase of same he is hereby instanced to retire the stock and cancel off record. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten percent (10%) on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable on April 25th, out of the surplus of the company. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-06-22-Board Jun 22/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10:20 A.M. this twenty second day of June, Nineteen Hundred twenty seven. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss. Treasurer report sufficient cash funds on hand to pay a dividend of 10% on the common stock. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten percent (10%) on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-06-29-Board Jun 29/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 8:50 A.M. this twenty ninth day of June, Nineteen Hundred twenty seven. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss and N.F. Wiss. The Assistant Treasurer reports that we have received a cablegram from Abdul Halim -- one of our best and oldest customers in Calcutta, India -- dated May 31, 1927, to the effect: "Please give bond to Abdur Rohman. I shall guarantee." It appears that Abdur Rohman is a nephew of Abdul Halim, and came to the United States with the India representatives to officiate at the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition. Abdur Rohman had a permit to stay in the States for one year, but for certain reasons -- to study -- desires to remain a longer period. It appears he can remain 6 months longer upon furnishing to the Government a suitable bond in the amount of $500. A short time after receipt of the cablegram, Abdur Rohman called upon us with a cablegram from his uncle, stating that he had requested us to go on his bond. We communicated with Dodge & Seymour, Ltd., our Calcutta representatives in New York, who, in turn, communicated with their Calcutta office and procured the deposit of $500 from Abdul Halim, to secure us in going on the required Government bond. The following motion was proposed by Norman F. Wiss, seconded by J. Robert Wiss, and unanimously carried: "WHEREAS, this Company as a business accommodation to a client in Calcutta, India, has agreed to indemnify the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY on a certain bond and extension agreement which it has executed for ABDUR RAHMAN and has protected itself by requiring the said client to deposit with its Calcutta Correspondent the sum of Five Hundred and 00/100 ($500.00) Dollars and as a result of such agreement and such deposit is materially interested in this matter and has applied to the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY for the said bond and extension agreement; and "WHEREAS, the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY is willing to execute such bond and extension agreement as surety upon being furnished with the written indemnity of this Company, therefore, be it "RESOLVED, that the proper executing officers of the Company be and hereby are authorized to execute on behalf of the Company, any agreement or agreements of indemnity required by the MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY as a pre-requisite to the execution of said bond and extension agreement for ABOUR RAHMAN in connection with the matter described in the agreement of indemnity required by said MASSACHUSETTS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY and the proper attesting officer of the Company be and hereby is authorized to affix the corporate seal to such agreement or agreements of indemnity and subscribe his name hereto, attesting the same." Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-10-31-Board Oct 31/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 4.05 P.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss, N.F. Wiss. The following resolution offered by N.F. Wiss, seconded by J.R. Wiss was carried. RESOLVED: That the president of this corporation is authorized and directed to enter into a contract Nos-5457, dated October 24th, 1927, with the Navy Department, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, to furnish such material and supplies as described therein, and at such prices as have been quoted. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-11-16-Board Nov 16/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the President at 10 A.M. this 16th day of November 1927. J. Robert Wiss made a motion that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1927-12-28-Board Dec 28/27 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss this 28th day of December, 1927. J. Robert Wiss made a motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss that the Treasurer be authorized and instructed to dispose of 100 Rights of the Associated Gas and Electric Company registered in the name of J. Wiss & Sons Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-01-26-Stockholders Jan 26/28 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty sixth day of January, Nineteen Hundred and twenty eight. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 2:15 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss, J. B. Wiss, F. S. Taylor, N. W. Sinon, Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober and representing 2033 shares and constituting a quorum. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 14-1928, copy of which was transmitted to each stockholder of record of common stock. Minutes of the stockholder meeting of January 27th, 1927 was read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of January 27-1927 reporting the organization of the Board of Director was read. Master mechanic Thober made a comprehensive report as to the operation of Die department, Press room Forge shop, General Equipment, Engine & Boiler room, Electrical Equipment & Screw Department. One of the smaller hammers was renewed and a new drop of 1600 lbs installed. 126,550 more forges were produced than during 1926. Automatic stoker installed a year ago effected assuring of approximate $1500 and therefore pay for itself in 2 to 2 1/2 year. A number of small motors have been installed, we now use about 440 H.P. Public Service bills amounted to $11,168.53 and we sold to our tenants $3,588.23 making cost to us $7,580.30. Production in screw department has been increased. Report accepted with thanks and ordered on file. Superintendent Fred H. Rauh presented an elaborate report covering time worked, payroll individual earnings with companies of same item for previous year. Labor turnover, Foreman Training, New goods with their apparent results. The report also covered a number of suggestion for further investigation. Report accepted with thanks and ordered placed on file. Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard presented his report, sharing a less of about 6% in value of shipments compared with previous year, with explanation the following off demonstration were held in 49 stores in the West and in 69 stores in the East, with sales of $180,000. The report mention the general instability of the industry and changes taken place. Report accepted with thanks and ordered on file. Treasurer report read and approved. Motion approving the actions of the director during the past year was adopted. The following were nominated & elected to serve as directors by 2033 shares F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss, N.F. Wiss, F.B. Wiss, J.B. Wiss. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-01-26-Board Jan 26/28 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder this Twenty Sixth day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty Eight, held at the close of the Stockholder meeting, called to order at 4.30 P.M. All the director elected were present. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice Pres. - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the salaries of the officer be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Motion seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-02-06-Board Feb 6/28 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by the President at 10:30 A.M. this sixth day of February 1928. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made a motion that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable out of the surplus of the company on February 24th, 1928 to stockholder of common stock. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-04-25-Board Apr 25/28 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:25 A.M. this 25th day of April 1928. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of record of the common stock. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-06-25-Board June 25/28 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10:15 A.M. this 25th day of June 1928. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made a motion seconded by J.R. Wiss that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of record of the common stock. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-08-13-Board Aug 13/28 Special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company on this 13th day of August, 1928. Meeting called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss. President were: F.C.J. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss constituting a quorum. Norman F. Wiss made the following motion -- RESOLVED that the Treasurer be authorized and hereby is authorized to deposit with the Chase National Bank, for Committee of Re-organization, Certificate No.NY9415 for 100 shares of 7% Preferred Stock of the International Paper Company. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-09-25-Board Sept 25/28 Special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the principal office of the company on September 25, 1928. Meeting called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss constituting a quorum. Norman F. Wiss made the following motion: Resolved that we approve of the sale and transfer in blank, by F.C.J. Wiss, a duly elected officer, of 11.135 shares of Associated Gas and Electric Common Stock class "A", through Du Bosque, DeWitt & Company - the above stock consisting of 8 certificates. We also approve of F.C.J. Wiss having signed the transfers duly witnessed by Secretary Jerome B. Wiss. Seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-10-25-Board Oct 25/28 Special meeting of the Board of Director of J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 2:45 P.M. this 25th day of October 1928. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss made a motion that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of record of the common stock. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1928-12-10-Board Dec 10/28 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 9:15 A.M. this 10th day of December 1928. Treasurer reports cash on hand of approximately Eighty thousand dollar. Norman F. Wiss made a motion that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent be declared on the common stock of the company and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company to stockholder of record of common stock. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-01-24-Stockholders Jan 24/29 The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the twenty fourth day of January, Nineteen Hundred and twenty nine. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 2:05 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss, M.W. Sinon Jerome B. Wiss, Lena R. Foster, Charlotte S. Wiss C.L. Gairoard, J. Robert Wiss, Florence S. Taylor Norman F. Wiss, Fred H. Rauh, Carl A. Thober representing 1745 shares out of total outstanding of 2047 shares of common stock issued. Secretary read notice of meeting dated January 12th 1929, copy of which was transmitted to each stockholder of record of common stock. Minutes of stockholder meeting of January 26th, 1928 were read and approved. Minutes of Director meeting of January 26th, 1928 recording the organization of the Board were read. Master mechanic Thober report was read and ordered on file. The report treats as to condition relating to the Die department, Forge shop, Pressure Engine and Boiler room, load consumed with costs, Electrical service, Screw Department, General equipment etc. Superintendent Fred H. Rauh's interesting and enlightening report was read and ordered placed on file. The labor situation in our plant was analyzed very thorough as effecting production and earnings. New liner commented on with their prospects of success, and costs as effecting their sales. Savings and advancing expenses were treated in an informational manner. Welfare features were explained and our policy in keeping abreast of the times touched upon throughout the report. The report of Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard was read and ordered on file. The report treats not only with the amount of our sales and companies but also points out changes in the distribution of our products and in trade relations and general methods of merchandizing effecting all liner of goods. Treasurer report was read, accepted and ordered placed on file. Motion approving the actions of the director during the past year was adopted. C.L. Gairoard offered a motion duly seconded and carried to the effect that the director look into the matter of recapitalizing the company so that the surplus be added to capital. Jerome B. Wiss made a motion seconded by Florence W. Taylor that the director install a system of audits of the company's book carried. The following were nominated & elected to serve as Director for the coming year and until their successor have been elected and qualified - Fred C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Fanny B. Wiss all were elected by 1745 votes. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-01-24-Board Jan 24/29 Meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by the Stockholder held this Twenty Fourth day of January Nineteen Hundred Twenty Nine, after close of the Stockholder meeting, called to order at 3:30 P.M. All the directors were present. The following officer were nominated and elected: President - Frederick C.J. Wiss Vice Pres. - J. Robert Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss Treasurer - Frederick C.J. Wiss Asst. Treas. - Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the salaries of the officer be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Seconded and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-02-06-Board Feb 6/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 10:15 A.M. this sixth day of February 1929. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock of the company be declared and hereby is declared payable out of the surplus of the company on February 25th, 1929 to stockholder of common stock. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-04-06-Board Apr 6/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President Wiss at 9:35 A.M. - April 6th, 1929. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss. Motion duly made by N.F. Wiss seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried. Resolved that the action of the treasurer in opening a bank account in the name of R. Heinisch Sons works at the United States Trust Co. of Newark N.J., be hereby approved. Further resolved that the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Vice President have power to individually sign check drawn on this account. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-04-23-Board Apr 23/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order this 23rd day of April 1929 at 9:30 A.M. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, N.F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss. J. B. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-06-18-Board June 18/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 11:25 A.M. this 18th day of June 1929. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and N.F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-08-26-Board Aug 26/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to to order by President Wiss at 10:15 A.M. this 26th day of August 1929. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out of the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-10-24-Board Oct 24/29 Special meeting of the Board of Director called to order by President Wiss at 2:45 P.M. this 24th day of October 1929. Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss & N.F. Wiss. J.R. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten (10%) percent on the common stock be declared and hereby is declared payable at once out the surplus of the company. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1929-12-23-Board I, Jerome B. Wiss, Secretary of J. Wiss & Sons Company, do certify that the following resolution was unanimously adopted at a special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, held at the principal office of the Company, 33 Littleton Avenue, Newark, New Jersey, on Monday, December 23, 1929. "BE IT RESOLVED that the President or Vice-President and the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer of this Company be, and they hereby are empowered to endorse, sell and transfer, and deliver from time to time any and all stocks, bonds, notes and other securities for and on behalf of this company." J. WISS & SONS COMPANY. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. This resolution is still in force and effect as no change has been made since the resolution was unanimously adopted on December 23, 1929. J. WISS & SONS COMPANY. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-01-23-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of J. WISS & SONS COMPANY was held at the main office of the Company, 33 Littleton Avenue, Newark, New Jersey, on the 23rd day of January, 1930. The meeting called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss at 2:05 o'clock in the afternoon. Present were: Frederick C.J. Wiss -- Fannie B. Wiss -- Jerome B. Wiss -- M.W. Sinon -- C.L. Gairoard -- F.H. Rauh -- Lena R. Foster -- Charlotte S. Wiss -- Florence W. Taylor -- J. Robert Wiss -- Norman F. Wiss, representing a total of 1727 Shares, out of a total outstanding of 2047 Shares of Common Stock issued. The Secretary read the notice of the Meeting dated January 10, 1930, a copy of which was transmitted to each share holder on record of common stock. Minutes of Stockholders Meeting of January 24th, 1929, were read and approved. Minutes of Directors Meeting of January 24th, 1929, recording the organization of the Board of Directors was read and approved. Master Mechanic Thober's report was read, approved, and accepted with thanks. The report of Superintendent Rauh was also read, approved, and accepted with thanks -- as well as that of Sales Manager, C.L. Gairoard. The report of the Treasurer was read, approved, and ordered on file. The actions of the Board of Directors for the past year were also approved. Meeting adjourned at 3:30 o'clock. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-01-23-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. WISS & SONS COMPANY, elected by Stockholders, held this 23rd day of January, 1930, after close of Stockholders Meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the Directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: PRESIDENT: Frederick C.J. Wiss VICE PRESIDENT: J. Robert Wiss SECRETARY: Jerome B. Wiss TREASURER: Frederick C.J. Wiss ASST. TREASURER: Norman F. Wiss It was moved that the salaries of the Officers be continued on the same basis as during the previous year. Seconded and carried. Motion made by Norman F. Wiss and seconded by Jerome B. Wiss, that a dividend of 10% be paid out of the surplus funds of the Corporation, payable February 21st, 1930. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-04-25-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss at 5:00 p.m. on the 25th day of April 1930. Present were: F.C.J. Wiss - J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus of the Company at once to Stockholders, of even date. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-06-10-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss at 3:00 p.m. on June 10, 1930. Present were: F.C.J. Wiss - J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that $25,000 be borrowed for ninety days (90 days). Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-06-24-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called. to order by President F .C .J. Wiss at 11:45 a.m. on the 24th day of June, 1930. Present were: F.C.J. Wiss - J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of l0% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus of the Company as of June 27th. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-08-28-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th day of August, 1930. Present were: F.C.J. Wiss - J.Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus of the Company at once to Stockholders, of even date. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion made by J. Robert Wiss to sell ten Bonds of the Standard Gas and Electric Company, 6%, carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-10-23-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by President F.C.J. Wiss at 1:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of October, 1930. Present were: F.C.J. Wiss - J.Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus of the Company as of even date. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1930-12-06-Board A special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by Vice President J. Robert Wiss, at 5:00 p.m. on the 6th day of December, 1930. Present were: Jerome B. Wiss - J.Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus of the Company at once to stockholders, of even date. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-01-22-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the corporation on January 22nd, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Wiss at 2:15 P.M. There were present: F.C.J. Wiss Florence w. Taylor Norman F. Wiss, Frederick H. Rauh Jerome B. Wiss, Lena Foster J. Robert Wiss, C.L. Gairoard Fanny B. Wiss, M.W. Sinon, making a total of 1745 shares represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous years annual stockholders meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the organization meeting of the directors was read and approved. Master Mechanic Thober's report on the physical condition of the plant was read and accepted with thanks. Sales Manager Gairoard's report on sales conditions was read and accepted with thanks. Supt. Rauh's report on the manufacturing facilities and employment conditions was read and accepted with thanks. The Treasurer's report not being fully completed was submitted in brief and ordered filed pending a final report from the Treasurer. The actions of the directors for the past year were unanimously approved. The nomination for directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old board namely: F.C.J. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss Norman F. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss. J. Robert Wiss, A motion was made by F.C.J. Wiss and seconded by J.B. Wiss that the directors be authorized to look into the matter of payment by check instead of cash of the weekly payroll. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-01-22-Board Immediately following the election of the directors, a meeting was held of the new board. There were present: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss Fanny B. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Vice President Wiss took the chair. The meeting was opened for the nomination of officers. The following officers were elected: F.C.J. Wiss, President J. Robert Wiss, Vice President F.C.J. Wiss, Treasurer Norman F. Wiss, Asst. Treasurer Jerome B. Wiss, Secretary Motion was made by Jerome B. Wiss and seconded by Fanny B. Wiss that the salaries of the officers be reduced by 10 to 15% for the year 1931. After discussing this motion it was not brought to a vote and the motion was withdrawn. Upon a motion made by J. Robert Wiss and seconded by Norman F. Wiss the salaries of the officers would continued at the same rate as last year. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-03-31-Board [There is a difference between the heading and body dates. Heading date assumed.] A Special meeting of the board of directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held on April 20th, 1931. There were present: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss Upon a motion made and seconded and duly passed, the Treasurer was ordered to pay a dividend of 5% out of the surplus funds of the corporation immediately,to stockholders of even date. Being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-04-20-Board A Special meeting of the board of directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held on April 20th 1931. There were present: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss F.C.J. Wiss Upon a motion made and seconded and duly passed, the Treasurer was ordered to pay a dividend of 5% out of the surplus funds of the corporation on April 24th to stockholders of even date. Being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-06-23-Board A Special meeting of the board of directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held on June 23rd, 1931. There were present: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Upon a motion made and seconded and duly passed, the Treasurer was ordered to pay a dividend of 5% out of the surplus funds of the corporation on June 25th, to stockholders of even date. Being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. The Directors considered the future conduct of the business and decided to create an advisory board to consist of the above three Directors and representatives from the manufacturing and selling ends of the business. It was felt that such a body would tend to strengthen the close bond which exists between the management, the manufacturing department and the selling department, and give to all a more comprehensive understanding of the various problems with which each is confronted. Since it is necessary to have the stockholders pass by a 2/3 majority any change in the by-laws of our company, the following resolution will be presented at the annual meeting for the approval of the stockholders. Resolved that Article 2, Section 1, be changed to read: "The affairs of the company shall be managed by a Board of 3 Directors to be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders, and to hold office for l year and until their successors are elected and qualified." The words underlined "3 Directors" is the change which is contemplated. The present by-laws read 5 Directors. The executors of the Estate of Frederick C. J. Wiss also filed with the Board the Surrogate's Notice of the appointment of the executors, same being Florence Wiss-Taylor -- J. Robert Wiss -- Norman F. Wiss. There being no further business, the Meeting Adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-07-01-Board At a special meeting of the Directors held this A.M. a motion was made by Norman F. Wiss, seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried, that all ordinary traveling expenses incurred by the officers shall be borne by the officers incurring such expenses. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-09-24-Board A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the Essex Club, Newark, New Jersey, September 24, 1931. There were present: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Meeting called to order by J. Robert Wiss at 1 P.M. J. Robert Wiss presented some figures showing the manner in which the long continued depression had reflected itself in loss of profits to the business, and suggested that the salaries of officers and certain other key men be reduced. Upon motion made by Jerome B. Wiss, seconded by Norman F. Wiss, the figures presented by J. Robert Wiss were passed, and the reduction of salaries of officers and certain other key men was accepted. There being no further business, the Meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-11-02-Board A special meeting of the Board of Directors was held on November 2nd, 1931 at 3 p.m., for the purpose of electing a director to fill the vacancy caused by the death of our dear President and Treasurer, Frederick C.J. Wiss. Present were: Fannie B. Wiss J. Robert Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Norman F. Wiss Charlotte S. Wiss was unanimously elected as a fifth Director. The Directors then decided to elect a President and Treasurer to fill the two vacant offices and the following were unanimously elected to serve for the balance of the year or until their successors are elected and qualify: President - J. Robert Wiss Vice President - Norman F. Wiss Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Assistant Treasurer - Jerome B. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-11-11-Board At a special Meeting of the Board of Directors which were present, J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: "BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer, and in his absence, the President or Assistant Treasurer, is hereby authorized to make payments from the funds of this Company on deposit with banking institutions, according to the checks of this Company." "FURTHER RESOLVED that all previous authorizations be and are herewith rescinded." There being no further business, the Meeting Adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1931-11-18-Board At a special Meeting of the Board of Directors which were present, J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss offered the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Treasurer, severally, or the President and Assistant Treasurer -- or, the President and the Secretary, jointly, shall have access to the safe deposit box of this Company. There being no further business, the Meeting Adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1932-01-18-Board A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors called to order by President J. Robert Wiss at 9:00 A.M. on the 18th day of January, 1932. Present were: J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once to Stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1932-01-28-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the Main Office of the Corporation on January 28, l932. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2: 15 p .m. Present were: J. Robert Wiss Florence w. Taylor Norman F. Wiss Frederick H. Rauh Jerome B. Wiss Lena Foster Charlotte S.Wiss C. A. Thober Fanny B. Wiss C. L. Gairoard M. w. Sinon Grace Wiss Making a total of 2045 shares represented. The Secretary read the notice of the Call for the meeting. The Minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting were read and approved. - The Minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. - Master Mechanic Thober's report on the physical condition of the plant was read and accepted with thanks. - Sales Manager Gairoard's report on sales conditions was read and accepted with thanks. - Superintendent Rauh's report on the manufacturing facilities and employment conditions was read and accepted with thanks. - The Treasurer's report was submitted, approved, and ordered on file. The nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old Board -- namely: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss Fanny B. Wiss Charlotte S. Wiss There being no further business, the Meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1932-01-28-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by Stockholders, held this 28th day of January, 1932, after close of Stockholders' Meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President - J. Robert Wiss Vice President - Norman F. Wiss Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Assistant Treasurer - Jerome B. Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss It was moved, seconded and carried, that the salaries of the officers be revised, resulting in a total reduction and saving to the company of approximately $20,000. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1932-09-14-Board A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held at the main office of the corporation on Wednesday, September 14th, 1932. Meeting called to order by President Wiss at 11:30 A.M. There were present: J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - and Jerome B. Wiss. A motion was made by Norman F. Wiss, seconded by Jerome B. Wiss, and unanimously passed. RESOLVED: that payments of the Company monies are to be made for all ordinary and usual business purposes only, and that no monies or securities of the Company shall be loaned to stockholders, directors, officers, or affiliated companies without a special meeting of the Board of Directors having been called and passed upon any such loan. A motion was made by Norman F. Wiss, seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and unanimously passed: "Be it resolved that the President or Vice President, and the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer and Secretary of this Company be, and they are empowered to endorse, seal and transfer and deliver from time to time any and all stock, bonds, notes and other securities for and on behalf of this company with the requirement that the signature of two individuals as officers appear. RESOLVED: that access to the safe deposit box of this Company, at the National Newark & Essex Banking Company, shall be by any two of the following officers jointly: - J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1932-10-02-Board A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October 2, 1932. Present were: J. Robert Wiss Norman F. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss J. Robert Wiss presented figures showing the manner in which the long continued depression had reflected itself in loss of profits to the business, and suggested that the salaries of officers and certain other key men be further reduced. Upon motion of Jerome B. Wiss, seconded by Norman F. Wiss, the motion to reduce officers' salaries and the salaries of certain other key men, was adopted effective as of October 1st. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-01-26-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 26, 1933. The Meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:15. - 2045 Shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous year's Annual Stockholders' Meeting, and the minutes of the Organization Meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Salesmanager Gairoard's, and Master Mechanic Thober's reports were read and accepted with thanks. Secretary Rauh also submitted report of meetings of Advisory Board. The Treasurer's report was submitted, and approved, and ordered on file. The actions of the directors and executive officers for the past year were unanimously approved. The nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old Board. There being no further business, the Meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-01-26-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. elected by Stockholders, held this 26th day of January, 1933, after close of Stockholders' Meeting, called to order at 4 P.M. All the Directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President - J. Robert Wiss Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Vice President - Norman F. Wiss Ass't. Treasurer - Jerome B. Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss It was moved, seconded, and carried, that the salaries of the officers be continued on the reduced basis of October 1, 1932 unless business conditions shall warrant further reductions. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-06-08-Board A special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the Company's office on June 8th, 1933. There were present J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss. The President called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. Upon a motion made by Norman F. Wiss and seconded by Jerome B. Wiss, and duly passed, the Treasurer was ordered to pay out of the surplus funds of the Corporation to stockholders of even date four dividends of 5 percent these dividends to be paid on June 8th, 1933 - August 1st, 1933 - October 1st, 1933 - December 1st, 1933. A further motion was made by Norman F. Wiss and seconded by Jerome B. Wiss, and duly passed, that the regular preferred dividends be paid June 15th, 1933 and December 15th, 1933. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-08-10-Board A special meeting of the Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the corporation on Thursday, August 10th, l933. There were present J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss. The President called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. Norman F. Wiss made the following motion which was seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and unanimously carried. Resolved: That any funds at any time standing to the credit of this corporation in the National Newark and Essex Banking Company, the United States Trust Company, or any other depository, shall be subject to withdrawal upon checks when signed or drawn on behalf of this corporation by any two of the following individuals: J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - Jerome B. Wiss - Raymond F. Kierstead. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the National Newark and Essex Banking Company and the United States Trust Company immediately. That this resolution is to be effective as of Monday morning, August 14th, 1933. Being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-09-14-Board A Special Meeting of the Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held at the main office of the Corporation on Thursday, September 14th. There were present J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - and Jerome B. Wiss. The President called the meeting to order at 9 A.M. The question of installing a new engine and generator to make our own electricity was discussed at great length and, as our present engine was obsolete and 35 years' old, a motion was made by Norman F. Wiss, and seconded by Jerome B. Wiss, and duly passed, to enter into a contract with the Skinner Uniflow Engine Co. to install a new Power Plant. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1933-12-28-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - Jerome B. Wiss. Treasurer authorized to loan $5,000 to Wiss Sons, Inc. on their demand note, at 5 percent. Adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-01-25-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 25, 1934. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:10 P.M. - 2043 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The Minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the Minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Salesmanager Gairoard's and Master Mechanic Thober's reports were read and accepted with thanks and ordered on file. Secretary Rauh also submitted report of meetings of Advisory Board. The Treasurer's report was submitted and approved, and ordered on file. The actions of the directors and executive officers for the past year were unanimously approved. The nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old board. Under new business it was suggested that the directors look into buying J.H. Hardin, Sr.'s two shares of stock, and enter into contract with Pinking Shears Corporation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-01-25-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 25th day of January 1934, after close of stockholders meeting - called to order at 3:30 P.M. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President - J. Robert Wiss Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Vice " - Norman F. Wiss Asst. " - Jerome B. Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss It was moved, seconded, and carried that the salaries of the officers be continued on the reduced basis of October, 1932. Jerome B. Wiss was authorized to offer J. B. Hardin book value for his stock to be bought for the account of the Company. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-01-25-Board-2 Special meeting of Director J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-01-31-Board On January 31, 1934 Purchased two Shares Common Stock from J.R. Hardin for $1187.16, and cancelled off record. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-03-13-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. It was moved and seconded that Norman F. Wiss is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Pinking Shears Corporation of New York, concerning selling and manufacturing of Pinking Shears. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-05-03-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. It was moved and seconded that Norman F. Wiss is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Alliance Manufacturing Company of Alliance, Ohio, concerning licensing and manufacturing grass shears. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-05-21-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-06-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-09-06-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Jerome B. Wiss moved that J. Wiss & Sons Company advance $6,000 to the Wiss Realty Company until January 1st, to help pay for the erection of building at 17-19 West Park Street. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1934-10-30-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. ---- 1935-01-24-Stockholders The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Co. was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 24, 1935. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:10 P.M. - 2043 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The Minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the Minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Salesmanager Gairoard's and Master Mechanic Thober's reports were read and accepted with thanks and. ordered on file. Secretary Rauh also submitted report of meetings of Advisory Board. The Treasurer's report was submitted and approved, and ordered on file. The actions of the directors and executive officers for the past year were unanimously approved. The nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old board. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-01-24-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 24th day of January 1935, after close of stockholders meeting - called to order at 3:30 P.M. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President - J. Robert Wiss Treasurer - Norman F. Wiss Vice " - Norman F. Wiss Asst. " - Jerome B. Wiss Secretary - Jerome B. Wiss It was moved, seconded, and carried that the salaries of the officers be continued on the reduced basis of October, 1932. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-03-10-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-03-11-Board Special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co., held on the 11th day of March, 1935, on motion duly seconded and carried it was. RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to open a special bank account in behalf of this Company with the National Newark & Essex Banking Co. FURTHER RESOLVED, that until otherwise ordered, said bank be, and hereby is authorized to make payments in amounts of not over Five ($5.00) Dollars from this special fund of this Company on deposit with it upon and according to the special check of this Company signed individually by either J. R. Wiss, N. F. Wiss, C. R. Kierstead or R. A. Marshall. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-05-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-08-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-10-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-10-16-Board At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, at which were present J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Norman F. Wiss, Treasurer, be, and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with C. W. Young & Company of New York for the purpose of having them act as our financial advisors for the handling of securities of our Company. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-11-22-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Charlotte S. Wiss. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the Common Stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once, to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Charlotte S. Wiss and carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-12-18-Board Special meeting of Board of Directors at which were present J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5% on the common stock of the company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the company at once to stockholders of even date. Motioned seconded by J. B. Wiss and carried. J. B. Wiss moved that the salaries of the officers for the year 1936 be fixed as follows: J. Robert Wiss $18,000., Norman F. Wiss $18,000. and Jerome B. Wiss $12,000. Motion seconded by N. F. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1935-12-20-Board At a special meeting of the Board of Directors the following were present: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss. Jerome B. Wiss moved that the President and Vice President be authorized to sign a petition protesting against certain city ordinances concerning the issuance of bonds by the City of Newark, for the purpose of erecting a new City Hospital and a new High School. AND FURTHER RESOLVED: That the same be submitted to a referendum of the voters. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-01-23-Stockholders The annual meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 23, 1936. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:15 p.m. l980 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Sales Manager Gairoard's, and Master Mechanic Thober's, and Treasurer's reports were accepted with thanks and ordered on file. The actions of the directors for the past year were unanimously approved, ratified and confirmed. Nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old board. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-01-23-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 23d day of January, 1936, after the close of the stockholders' meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President: J. Robert Wiss Vice President: Norman F. Wiss Treasurer: Norman F. Wiss Ass't. Treasurer: Jerome B. Wiss Secretary: Jerome B. Wiss Fanny B. Wiss moved, seconded by Norman F. Wiss, that a dividend of 7-1/2% percent be paid as of February 1, 1936 out of surplus. It was regularly moved and seconded that the salaries of the officers be continued at the same bases as at present. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-04-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 7-1/2 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-06-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and . Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 7-1/2 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-08-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 7-1/2 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-09-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-10-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-11-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-12-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1936-12-18-Board Special Meeting of Directors: J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 20 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable out of the surplus funds of the Company at once to stockholders of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-01-03-Board At a special meeting of the Board of Directors at which were present J.R. Wiss, J.B. Wiss and N.F. Wiss it was regularly moved and seconded that the salaries of the officers be fixed for the year as follows J.R. Wiss, President, $22,500, N .F. Wiss, Vice-President & Treasurer, $22,500, and J.B. Wiss, Secretary, $16,500. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn, carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-01-28-Stockholders The annual meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 28, 1937. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:15 p.m. 2045 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Sales Manager Gairoard's, and Master Mechanic Thober's, and Treasurer's reports were accepted with thanks and ordered on file. The actions of the directors for the past year were unanimously approved, ratified and confirmed. Motion made by Mr. C. L. Gairoard that Mr. Rauh and Mr. Thober put in writing their suggestions as to what pay changes should be made to equalize certain rates in factory and lay it before the executive board for consideration. Motion seconded by Mr. Rauh and carried. Nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of the old board. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-01-28-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 28th day of January, 1937, after the close of the stockholders' meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President: J. Robert Wiss Vice President: Norman F. Wiss Treasurer: Norman F. Wiss Ass't. Treasurer: Jerome B. Wiss Secretary: Jerome B. Wiss Fanny B. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable February 2nd to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. It was regularly moved and seconded that the salaries of the officers be continued at the same bases as at present. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-04-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable at once to stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-06-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 15 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-06-15-Board At a special meeting of the Board of Directors, at which were present J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, it was regularly moved and seconded that the semi-annual preferred dividend be paid at once to stockholders of record of even date. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-07-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-08-02-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 15 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-11-01-Board Special meeting of Director J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Jerome B. Wiss moved that Norman F. Wiss be authorized to spend up to $3,000 to investigate electric razor patents, pending law suit, and make working model. Motion seconded by J. Robert Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-11-10-Board Special meeting of the directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office, Newark, New Jersey, on November 10, 1937, at which were present J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, constituting a quorum, who were present and voting throughout. A motion was made by Norman F. Wiss, seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and unanimously passed. RESOLVED that the President and Treasurer be and are empowered to borrow on the company notes the sum of $50,000.00 from the National Newark & Essex Banking Company. Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable on November 15, 1937, to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-12-15-Board At a special meeting of the Board of Directors, at which were present J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and Norman F. Wiss, it was regularly moved and seconded that the semi-annual preferred dividend be paid at once to stockholders of record of even date. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1937-12-22-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-01-27-Stockholders The annual meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 27, 1938. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:15 p.m. 1843 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Sales Manager Gairoard's, and Master Mechanic Thober's, and Treasurer's reports were accepted with thanks and ordered on file. The actions of the directors for the past year were unanimously approved, ratified and confirmed. Nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Richard R. Wiss, Margarethe Wiss Sinon. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-01-27-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 27th day of January, 1938, after the close of the stockholders' meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President: J. Robert Wiss Vice President: Norman F. Wiss Treasurer: Norman F. Wiss Ass't. Treasurer: Richard R. Wiss Secretary: Jerome B. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable February 1st to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. It was regularly moved and seconded that the salaries of the officers be continued at the same bases as at present. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-01-28-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, and Richard R. Wiss: Motion made by Jerome B. Wiss that the salary of President J. Robert Wiss be reduced $6000. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. Motion made by Norman F. Wiss that Richard R. Wiss, as Assistant Treasurer, be paid a salary of $6000. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-04-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable April 12 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-06-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-08-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-09-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-10-01-Board Special Meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-11-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1938-12-01-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable at once to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-01-26-Stockholders The annual meeting of the stockholders of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at the main office of the Corporation on January 26, 1939. The meeting was called to order by President Wiss at 2:15 p.m. 1985 shares were represented. The Secretary read the notice of the call for the meeting. The minutes for the previous year's annual stockholders' meeting, and the minutes of the organization meeting of the directors were read and approved. The President's, Superintendent Rauh's, Sales Manager Gairoard's, and Master Mechanic Thober's, and Treasurer's reports were accepted with thanks and ordered on file. The actions of the directors for the past year were unanimously approved, ratified and confirmed. Nomination of five directors to serve for the coming year resulted in the unanimous election of J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, Richard R. Wiss, Margarethe Wiss Sinon. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-01-26-Board Meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company, elected by stockholders, held this 26th day of January, 1939, after the close of the stockholders' meeting, called to order at 3:30 p.m. All the directors were present. The following officers were nominated and elected: President: J. Robert Wiss Vice President: Norman F. Wiss Treasurer: Norman F. Wiss Ass't. Treasurer: Richard R. Wiss Secretary: Jerome B. Wiss Jerome B. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company be declared payable February 14th to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Norman F. Wiss and carried. It was regularly moved and seconded that the salaries of the officers be continued at the same bases as at present. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-03-05-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable March 6 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-04-14-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable April 15 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-05-14-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable May 15 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-06-03-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable June 9 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-06-20-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable June 21 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-07-11-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable July 12 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-08-03-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable August 9 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-09-13-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 5 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable September 14 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-10-15-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable October 16 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-11-13-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable November 14 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect. ---- 1939-12-05-Board Special meeting of Directors J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss, and Jerome B. Wiss: Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of 10 percent on the common stock of the Company to be declared payable December 6 to the stockholders of record of even date. Motion seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and carried. Motion to adjourn carried. Jerome B. Wiss Sect.