Samuel Briskman Pictures

Pictures of Samuel Briskman with various other people. The people pictured below, and the Waldorf event, are discussed in the obituary.

The pictures were given to me by Dr. Jeffrey Briskman of Brooklyn, NY. He got them from Esther Briskman (1920) of Queens, NY, wife of Herbert Briskman (1912-1993). Herbert was son of Beila (1883-1959) who was Sam's sister. Esther was a family "bibliographer."

Clicking the web-sized pictures will bring up full-sized ones.

Sam Briskman is on the left. Harry Hershfield (the humorist and cartoonist) is on the right. Taken at The New York Cardiac Home's 15th Annual Dinner on December 1, 1951 at the Waldorf Astoria. You can see the difference in the bowties. Harry tied his tie, while Sam has a pre-tied one, that got pressed flat. Photographer: Mac A. Shain (b. 1916, d. 9 July 2015).

Sam Briskman and Harry Hershfield

Sam Briskman, Susan Wagner (wife of Mayor Robert Wagner, Jr.) and, and Harry Hershfield. This and the next were taken at the same time. It is possible these pictures date to February 19, 1958, when Sam Briskman was presented with this Bronze Medallion, which is highest award conferred upon civilians by The City of New York.

Sam Briskman, Susan Wagner, and Harry Hershfield

Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Jr. on the left with Samuel Briskman on the right.

Mayor Robert Wagner and Sam Briskman

Harry Hershfield is the first on the left. Minna and Samuel Briskman on the far right. The others are unknown, but should be identifiable. If you know, my e-mail is on the home page.

Harry Hershfield, others, and Minna and Sam Briskman

An annual dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria to raise money for the New York Cardiac Center. Samuel and Minna Briskman are third and fourth from the left.

Sam and Minna Briskman, and others at the Waldorf