Wiss Sets

Wiss sold weekly sets and travel sets. The offerings varied over time.
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Box for Six Razors
A velvet lined box that holds a half dozen razors. It does not appear in either catalog. (In the picture are non Wiss razors used as props.) This item passed through eBay in April 2009.
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Canvas Pouch For a Dozen Razors
This is not in either catalog. It appears to be a sales assortment. Stamped at the bottom of each slot are razor model numbers (44, I-45, 2X-45, 46, X46, I-45, 2M-65, 65, I-65, 20-65, 85, Y85). This item passed through eBay in April 2010.
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Seven Day Razor Set
This set gets prominent coverage in the catalogs: 1907 page 55 and 1912 page 70. This item passed through eBay in August 2008.