Table of Contents:
c1936. This one is very rare. It is seen in hinged pink/silver boxes, both with a bottom ledge and without the ledge. And the shears either has a paint groove, or it does not. This is a color change from the one above, with italics added to the Use side for emphasis.
The design and color changed in the next version. It now matches the box. On the Care side, Shears is misspelled in the first paragraph, and the wording changed to have more emphasis in the last paragraph.
On the Care side: the paragraph numbers were removed, the Shears misspelling was corrected, but the word's article was removed. The sentence structure was changed in the second paragraph. And "at regular service charges" was added at the end.
Same as before, but now in a bolder print.
In the early 1940s they switched to square. Maybe they wanted to reduce the paper waste when cutting. Or maybe to show off a pinked edge. The bottom is straight, and the other three sides are pinked. The logo in the lower left was on the Model C boxes from mid-1930s to the beginning of 1950.
In 1948 they added "100 Years of Quality Shears" and the postal zone.
"More Than 100 Years of" makes this 1949 and January 1950 only. The January 1950 came with the new green box. This one is rare.
Reprinted in 1948.