Newark Plant Case Before NLRB Today

The Newark Evening News, March 1939

1939-03-xx Plant Case Before NLRB Today

Hearing is being conducted today by Special Examiner Elliott L. Biskind of the National Labor Relations Board at Federal Building here on a complaint of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, CIO affiliate, alleging unfair labor practices at the Newark plant of J. Wiss & Sons Co. The sessions, which began yesterday, are expected to continue a week.

General denial of the allegations was made by the company, which will call witnesses the latter part of the week. Under a consent motion, members of the Wiss Employees' Independent Union were permitted to join in the defense.

The complaint alleged the company discharged Henry Nolan August 11, 1937, because he had joined the electrical union and "had engaged in activities for collective bargaining;" that the concern furthered organization of the independent union and had "dominated and contributed" to its support, and has warned employees not to join the electrical union under threat of discharge.

Details of the complaint were presented the examiner through Ned Brant, CIO organizer. Chester W. Hoy represents the electrical union, Norbury C. Murray the defendant company and Charles C. Pilgrim the independent union.