Whistle on Spree:
Unauthorized Toot Keeps Many Awake

The Newark Evening News, October 16, 1944


"Is the war over?" "Is there an air raid?" "Hey, why's the whistles blowing?" were questions asked at 12:30 A.M. today when telephone operators in police and fire headquarters and newspaper offices suddenly found heavy traffic on their boards.

One thing was certain from information collected on the telephone. There was a whistle blowing between Fairmount avenue and Sixth street and Central and South Orange avenues. Police in radio cars had orders to locate the trouble.

In an unknown manner, the whistle at the J. Wiss & Sons Co. plant, 31 Littleton avenue, went on a toot of its own.

Guards of Breeze Corp. in a plant nearby went to the Wiss plant and aided the skeleton crew there to silence the noisemaker which had kept residents awake more than 20 minutes.