Nab Woman In Gem Theft

The Newark Evening News, May 16, 1952

1952-05-16 Nab Woman In Gem Theft

East Orange police today announced the arrest of a Newark woman on a charge of stealing a tray of 11 diamond rings valued at $4,093 from the Wiss Jewelry store, 554 Central avenue, East Orange, March 7.

The woman Mrs. Dorothy Glass, 23, of 117 Rose terrace, was held without bail for the Grand Jury by Acting Magistrate Stasse of East Orange on three counts of larceny, including two of shoplifting.

Mrs. Glass was arrested at her home Tuesday by Newark and East Orange detectives after three of the rings were recovered by the Newark police pawnshop detail. Police said she admitted pawning the rings, worth $1,225, for a total of $67, but she denied she had stolen them. The rings were identified as among the missing Wiss rings.