Gretchen Wiss Sinon Notes

Gretchen wrote these notes on January 20th 1960.

The following information was received from Usa & Gertrude Wyss of 22 Gurzelngasse Solothurn and prepared for them by Robert Stockli of Neuendorf (where Christian Wyss from in Fulenbach in 1780) lived from the time of his marriage to Catherine Zeltner in 1803 to 1814 when he moved to Solothurn to a large farm known as "The Rosegg."

The seven page report on Christian Wyss, Roseggers prepared by Robert Stockli.
An Extended Wyss Genealogical Tree.

Their children were as follows:
1.Josephb. 1804 died 1845
2.Joseph Christian b. 1805 died 1888
3.Maria Catherineb. 1807 (married in 1836) date of death unknown
4.A.M. Ursaletteb. 1809 died 1891
5.A. Mariab. 1811 died 1811 (died either at birth or in infancy)
6.A. Elizabethb. 1812 (married 1838) date of death unknown
7.A. Ma. Barbarab. 1813 died 1854
8.Elizabethb. 1815 died 1850
9.Johannab. 1816 died 1894
10.Jacobb. 1817 died 1880
11.Frans Josephb. 1820 died 1887
12.Thereseb. 1821 died 1821 (died either at birth or infancy)

I wonder where you got the information that Jacob was one of 7 children of Christian Wyss. According to the information sent me he was one of 12 children of Christian Wyss and Catherine Zeltner. Two died either at birth or during infancy. Only the five oldest were born in Solothurn, the others were born in nearby Neuendorf.

Christian (Jacob's father was the son of another Christian) whose wife's name was Anna Maria Lack, hence the many Anna Maria's, though I believe that of the A's were Amalia - as the A.M. Elizabeth b. 1809 who lived until 1891 and was visited by Frederick C.J. Wiss and his sister Augusta Amalea (my Uncle Fred and Aunt Gussie) was known as Amalia and her sister Johanna was known as Hanalie.

Information about the family of Jacob Wiss who came to America from Solothurn, Switzerland in 1847.

I saw the record in the Staatsarchiv of the Canton of Solothurn (in the summer of 1959) of a passport issued to "Wyss, Jakob, Messerschmied (cutler), Heimatort: Neuendorf; Bestemmung: Amerika." A man named Fritz Kirchhofer showed me the book containing this information and took me to a stationary store run by Usa and Gertrude Wyss at Gurzelngasse 21 Solothurn. (Their father's name was Alfred Wyss and they have pictures given to them in 1906 by Uncle Fred and Aunt Lottie of themselves, also of Florence, Robert and Norman). They think we are related through our great grandfathers, but are going to look up the records in Neuendorf (a town in the Canton of Solothurn not far from the town of Solothurn) and let me know.

Today (January 20th 1960), to try to get information to send them about Jacob Wiss, I went to Fairmount Cemetery (Section F, Lot 25 not more than 75 feet from the receiving vault near the South Orange Ave entrance) and found the Jacob Wiss monument, after going to the cemetery office near Central Ave entrance which gave me the following information:

The monument, however, has the following names and dates - not only the aboved mentioned Jacob who died Oct 10, 1854 at the age of four, but also Ferdinand who died Sept 30, 1854 at the age of 1 year, 10 months. These are the two oldest children of Jacob and Maria Wiss, the older brothers of Mary, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis Theodore Wiss and Augusta Wiss. They died of diphtheria just a day apart and since the cemetery lists only a grave for Jacob (grave 4) and the monument gives both Jacob and Ferdinand I think both must be buried in grave 4. back of the little children's monument (or marker) on which the inscription is washed away and illegible.

Jacob, according to the cemetery information given to me, bought plot in 1860, yet his sons Jacob and Ferdinand died in 1854. When I told this to Gertrude Ungrich daughter of Mary Wiss Ungrich, oldest daughter of Jacob, Gertrude said her mother had told her that at the time of the death of Jacob and Ferdinand their mother was looking after someone who was sick with cholera (!) and couldn't take care of them or come to the funeral (I suppose she was quarantined). Also they had no plot, so the children were buried "some place else temporarily" and moved to the Wiss plot after it was bought. (6 years later!)

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