This is a small start. There are 690 hits for Wiss in The Item at
Millburn Public Library. And that doesn't include searching for the Denton Taylor family.
Short Hills Society Notes & News of the Week:
- April 26, 1935
B. Carlisle Haynes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Carlisle Haynes of Delbarton drive, will entertain at dinner, Friday night, later taking his guests to the dance at the Braeburn Country Club. Guests will include Misses Faith Kirkbride, Nancy Muroth and Mary Whitney, and Norman Wiss, Jr., and John Wolf. [Source JPEG]
- August 2, 1935
Norman Wiss, Jr., has joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road, at their Summer place at Avon. He recently returned from a month's motor and canoe trip through Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Wiss are entertaining as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Chandler and daughter of Maplewood. Mrs. Wiss was on the committee in charge of the children's party held last week at the Avon Club. She was among the guests at a luncheon given Tuesday by Mrs. Arthur Salman, Jr, of Brooklyn, at her Summer place at Avon. [Source JPEG]
- September 3, 1937
Norman Wiss Jr., of Oaklawn road, was a member of the cast of "Snapshots" the annual review staged at the Avon Club, Avon-by-the-Sea, last Saturday night. Norman, who returned recently from a trip to Havana, obtained a native costume and learned the rhumba routine. The Wisses have a summer home in Avon. [Source JPEG]
- November 18, 1938
Norman Wiss Jr., and two classmates at Yale, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road. They attended the Yale-Princeton game, Saturday. [Source JPEG]
- December 15, 1939
Norman Wiss Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiss of Oaklawn road, is expected home from Yale next Wednesday for the Christmas Holidays. His brother Kenneth, a student at the Choate School, will arrive home Thursday. [Source JPEG]
- March 28, 1941
Mrs. Norman F. Wiss and sons Norman Jr., Kenneth and Frederick of Oaklawn drive, will return from Fort Lauderdale this week-end. On Monday, Norman, will resume his studies at Yale and Kenneth and Frederick at the Choate School. [Source PDF]
- May 30, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn drive, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Monroe of Taylor road, and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Barnes of Montview avenue, attended the May festivities at the Choate School, Wallingford, Conn., last week-end. Their sons, Kenneth Wiss, Perry Monroe and Ross Barnes, are members of this year's graduating class. Kenneth will enter the Wharton School at the University of Penn., next
fall, Perry Monroe, Princeton and Ross Barnes will enter Princeton August 1 for the new three year engineering course. [Source PDF]
- July 4, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn drive, have been hosts at a series of out-door steak suppers on their terrace. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wiss with their son Frederick, left for Avon, where they opened their summer home. Norman Jr., is in the business world this season and will not go to Avon. Kenneth will leave on a motor trip next week, with Billy Keller of Summit. They will stop in Texas, California and Wyoming, before concluding their extensive trip. Mrs. Frank Cruselle of Atlanta, GA, was a guest at the Wiss
home, recently. [Source PDF]
- September 5, 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Wiss of South Orange, were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Drake at the Essex and Sussex Hotel, Spring Lake, over Labor Day week-end. [Source PDF]
- November 21, 1941
Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road entertained her regular bridge club on Monday afternoon for luncheon and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Wiss attended the Yale-Princeton football game last Saturday and had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. David Chandler. After the game, Norman Wiss Jr., and his roommate Ned DeVivier of New York City entertained at a cocktail party. Another son, Frederick Wiss, student at Choate, was also present. [Source JPEG]
- July 3, 1942
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road, will leave for Avon this week-end where they will spend most of the summer. The Wisses entertained for 12 on Saturday night with an outdoor steak dinner. [Source PDF]
- October 16, 1942
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn drive, attended a house party last week-end, given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morton, formerly of South Orange, and now of Fairhaven. [Source PDF]
- December 4, 1942
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road, will be hosts at a dinner party for twelve Saturday night before the A.W.V.S. sponsored Hi Ho Show. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cook of Far Hills will be the guests of honor. Mr. Cook, well-known entertainer and Radio Star, will share the stellar role for the evening with Miss Lucille Manners. Mr. and Mrs. Wiss returned the middle of the week from Hot Springs, Va. [Source PDF]
- May 21, 1943
Kenneth Wiss is home from Lehigh University for a ten days' vacation. He expects to receive his orders for active duty with the Army about June 1st. His brother Frederick, a sophomore at Yale, who is home for a month, is a member of the Marine Corps. Their brother Technical Corporal 5th Grade, Norman Wiss Jr., is attending Officer's Candidate School at Fort Monmouth. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road. [Source JPEG]
- September 24, 1943
The Norman F. Wisses of Oaklawn road, returned last Friday from their home in Avon, where they spent the summer. [Source PDF]
- November 5, 1943
Cpl N.F. Wiss, Jr., Miss Coulter To Wed
Mr. and Mrs. William Summey Coulter of Greensboro, N.C, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ann Coulter, to Cpl. Norman Frederick Wiss, Jr., U.S.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiss of Oaklawn road.
Miss Coulter was graduated from Dwight School, Englewood, in 1939 and attended Smith College. She studied art at the Art Students League of New York under Raphael Soyer. She made her debut in 1940 at the Debutante Ball in Raleigh.
Miss Coulter is an engineering aide at Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Long Island. On her father's side, she is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Summey Coulter. Her maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. William S. Long Jr., of Graham, N.C. Her great grandfather, Dr. William S. Long was founder and first president of Elon College, North Carolina.
Corporal Wiss is a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University 1942. Following graduation from college and before enlisting in the Signal Corps, he was employed as an engineer in Western Electric
Company, Kearny. He is a grandson of Mrs. Frederick C.J. Wiss of East Orange and the late Mr. Wiss and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Hugh Sommer of Newark and East Orange. Corporal Wiss is stationed at Fort Monmouth. [Source PDF]
- December 31, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Wiss of Oaklawn road, had their three sons at home for the Christmas weekend. Cpl. Norman F. Wiss Jr., of the Army Air Base, New Orleans, La., and his bride, the former Miss Ann Coulter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Coulter of
Greensboro, N.C.; Pvt. Frederick Wiss, UJ3.M.C.R. a V-12 student at Yale University and Pfc Kenneth Wiss, S.U. student at Lehigh University. Mr. and Mrs. Wiss were hosts on Christmas at a family dinner party. Their guests included Dr. and Mrs. W. Denton Taylor,
Seaman William Taylor of Short Hills, Mrs. Frederick c.J. Wiss of East Orange, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiss of South Orange, and Mrs. Karl Corby of Washington. [Source PDF]
- August 3, 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road are staying in Avon. Recently visiting them there was their son, Corporal Kenneth Wiss, USA, of the Engineers Combat Battalion. Corporal Wiss is stationed at Camp Pickett, Virginia. [Source PDF]
- December 13, 1945
Mrs. William Summey Coulter of Greensboro, North Carolina, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiss of Oaklawn road. She spent the weekend in New York with Mr. Coulter who arrived Wednesday. Their daughter, Mrs. Norman Wiss, Jr., is now staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wiss and they are all hoping that Norman Jr. who has been in the Philippines these past twenty-two months will reach Short Hills in time for a white Christmas. [Source JPEG]
- February 14, 1941
THE GARDEN STUDY CLUB of Short Hills will meet Monday February 17th at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Norman Wiss, Oaklawn drive. A story entitled, "How Does Your Garden Grow", will be told on the screen by Lowell Thomas. [Page 11] [Source PDF]
- November 13, 1942
THE GARDEN Study Club of Short Hills will meet November 16 at the home of Mrs. Norman Wiss, Oaklawn drive. Mrs. Berry Hiss will speak of her Mexican trip and show lantern slides. Luncheon at the William Pitt Tavern. [Front page] [Source PDF]
Stand Alone Articles:
- November 28, 1941
Christmas Seal Sales Aids Township
Nearly a half million Christmas Seals were this week mailed to Millburn and Short. Hills residents, by community Christmas
Seal chairman, Mrs. Norman Wiss. The formal opening date of the nationwide sale was Monday, November 24th. Mrs. Wiss directs attention to the fact the local campaign is conducted by the Neighborhood Association, as the authorized community agency representing county, state, and national tuberculosis organizations. The association is permitted to apply the bulk of the proceeds locally, to health work coordinated with other activities of the Neighborhood Association.
"The nationwide campaign to 'Fight Tuberculosis'" says Mrs. Wiss, "is thus adopted to our community situation and made to serve our own needs. We are fortunate enough to have a small tuberculosis problem, but as in all communities, there are many health problems for which our Seal proceeds are vitally needed, and this, in turn, is recognized as first-class tuberculosis
William F. Cassedy Jr., is continuing as Treasurer of the local drive. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Essex County Tuberculosis League [Source JPEG] [Source Issue's PDF]
- December 19, 1941
Xmas Seal Sales $1,134.
Millburn Christmas Seal receipts on Wednesday, totaled $1,134,50. This is 67 percent of
last year's final figure, says Wm. Cassedy, Jr., Treasurer for the local drive. Mrs. Norman Wiss, is issuing an appeal for prompt responses in view of the oncoming emergency appeal of the Red Cross. She says, "Ill health in our midst is a fifth columnist we cannot allow these days. Christmas Seal money is used to support our community public health nursing. It thus protects us against tuberculosis and against other health hazards to our citizens." [Source PDF]