Meeting Minutes: 1900-09-25 Board

Meeting of the Board of Directors
of J. Wiss & Sons Co., held at the office
of John R. Hardin, Prudential Building,
Newark, N.J., September 25th, 1900, at
9:15 a.m.

Present, Messrs Frederick C.J.
Wiss, Louis T. Wiss and Albert St. Peal.

President Wiss in the Chair.

The President stated that the
deed had received by the corporation
from Frederick C.J. Wiss and
Louis T. Wiss, for the factory property
in Littleton Avenue, and had also received
bill of sale from Frederick C.
J. Wiss and Louis T. Wiss for the
personal property connected with the
Shear Manufacturing plant and that
the officers had issued the stock in
accordance with the provisions of the
resolution of purchase.

On motion the action of the officers
was notified and the President
was instructed to have the deed for
the real estate recorded.

On motion the meeting then adjourned.