Meeting Minutes: 1901-01-24 Stockholders

Jan 24/01 Annual meeting at the stockholders of the
          Wiss & Sons div. held at the main office of the Company
          15 to 33 Littleton Ave, Newark N.J. on the Twenty fourth May
          of January, Nineteen Hundred and One, at two o'clock in
          the afternoon.

          Meeting called to order by the President.

          Present, Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss, H. Rauh.

          The secretary seal the notice of meeting, dated Jan 16/01,
          copy of notice had been sent to all stockholders.

          Minutes of last meeting seal and approved.

          Report of the treasurer was seal and ordered on file.
          The report covered the final of time from formation of the company
          and including December 31st, 1900.

          On motion of Mr. H. Rauh all the actions of the
          Board of Directors, up to date were duly approved.

          The following nominations were made for directors
          to serve for the ensuring year, Frederick C.J. Wiss,
          Louis T. Wiss, Albert H. Paul.

          The President appointed L.T. Wiss, and H. Rauh as
          teller, and declared polls open.

          The teller repeated 1996 voter cast (one vote to each share),
          and the following elected, - Frederick C.J. Wiss, Louis T. Wiss
          and Albert H. Peal.

          On motion the meeting adjourned.

                                               Louis T. Wiss Sec.