Meeting Minutes: 1913-07-25 Stockholders

Jul 25/13  We, the undersigned subscribers -- stockholders
           of record of J. Wiss & Sons Co., a Corporation of New Jersey,
           hereby agree to the issuing of a mortgage by the Corporation
           to the amount of $3500.00 on plot of ground purchased
           agreeable to resolution of the Board of Directors on the
           corner of Littleton Ave. and 11th Ave., approximately 50 x
           70 ft. -- the purchase price of same $7,000.

                   Frederick C.J. Wiss           - 949 shares
                   Fanny B. Wiss                 - 322   "
                   Furniture for Margarethe Wiss - 646   "
                   and J. B. Wiss                

           The above agreeable to Article V Sec. 3 of the
           constitution and By-Laws page 14.