Meeting Minutes: 1913-07-25 Board

July 25/13 Special meeting of the Board of Director of the
           J. Wiss & Sons div. held this Twenty fifth day
           of July - Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen
           for the consideration of the purchase of property
           # 43 & 45 Littleton Ave.
           Motion made by Fanny B. Wiss and recorded
           by J. Robert Wiss - that the company purchase
           the above mentioned property at a price of
           Seven Thousand dollars $7000.00 and that
           the President, Treasurer be authorized to extract
           the necessary documents therewith - carried.

           The attached written permission to issue,
           mortgage to amount of three thousand five hundred
           ($3500) dollar as part payment of above
           property, was received - signed by (1917)
           nineteen hundred and seventeen share, more
           than the three fourth not recognized according
           to Article V Sec 3 of the constitution and by laws.
           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                               Fanny B. Wiss Sec.