Meeting Minutes: 1917-01-25 Stockholders

Jan 25/17  Annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the
           company, 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the
           Twenty fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred and

           Meeting called to order by the president at
           2:10 P.M. Present were F.B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss,
           Margarethe Wiss, F.C.J. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard and F.H. Rauh
           representing Mr. H. Rauh.

           Notice of meeting dated January 20th, 1917 was

           Minutes of Stockholder meeting of Jan 27/16 were
           read and approved.

           The treasurer exhibited the December 31/16 statement
           of book-keeper showing a satisfactory year, but
           final report was not completed.

           On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by M. Wiss
           all the action of the Board of Director for
           the past year were approved.

           Fred. C.J. Wiss, Fanny B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss
           were nominated as director to serve for the
           ensuing year and until their successor
           have been elected and qualified. There being
           no other nominations, the secretary was
           directed to cast a ballot for the nominees of
           the 1998 shares represented at the meeting
           F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss were
           declared elected. Motion to adjourn carried.

                                             Fanny B. Wiss Sec.