Meeting Minutes: 1917-09-29 Board

Sep 29/17  Special meeting of the Board of Director held
           this Twenty ninth day of September, Nineteen
           hundred and Seventeen. Meeting called to order
           by president Wiss at 10:15 A.M.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, F.B. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss.
           J. Robert Wiss offered the following resolution, duly
           seconded by F.B. Wiss.

           The President is hereby specifically authorized
           and directed to sign contract No. 1053 for the
           signal corp., United States Army, to furnish
           material described in order No. 10190 for the
           sum of Nine Thousand one hundred and
           sixty seven dollar and fifteen cents ($9167.15).
           There being no further business, a motion
           to adjourn was carried.

                                             Fanny B. Wiss Sec.