Meeting Minutes: 1918-01-24 Board

Jan 24/18  Meeting of the Board of Director of J. Wiss & Sons Co.
           held January 24th, 1918 after close of the Stockholder

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss and
           Fenny B. Wiss all the director elected at the
           stockholder meeting held this day.

           The board perfected its organization by
           the election of the following officer:
                Frederick C.J. Wiss - President
                Fanny B. Wiss       - Secretary
                Frederick C.J. Wiss - Treasurer

           Fanny B. Wiss moved that the salary of the
           President - Treasurer be increased 20% 
           from January 1st, 1918 seconded
           by J. Robert Wiss and carried.

           Motion to make the secretaries salary Six
           Hundred dollar for year - carried.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                          Fanny B. Wiss Sec.