Meeting Minutes: 1920-02-04 Board

Feb 4/20  Special meeting of the Board of Director of
          the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President
          this fourth day of February Nineteen Hundred and
          Twenty at Nine Fifty in the morning.

          Present were Fred C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss.
          The following resolution was presented and adopted:

          Resolved that the Treasurer of this corporation
          be and hereby is instructed to execute a power
          of Treasurer into Samuel Sachs and John C.
          Nanileleaf, committee of participation 
          Series B No. 19 representing a Balance of $782.84
          due from Herman Boker & Company who
          failed about January 1st, 1915, and it is further
          resolved that the seal of the corporation be
          affirmed to above mentioned transfer.

          Motion to adjourn carried.

                                        Jerome B. Wiss Sect.