Meeting Minutes: 1920-02-28 Board

Feb 28/20 Special meeting of the Board of Director of
          the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by the President
          this Twenty Eighth day of February Nineteen Hundred 
          and Twenty at Eight Thirty in the morning.

          Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss,
          J. Robert Wiss moved that Five (5) shares
          of common Treasury stock of the company be
          sold agreeable to resolution of the stockholder
          passed at the annual meeting of January 24th, 1918,
          and at the price of Four Hundred ($400.00) dollar
          per share to Frederick H. Rauh and that
          the proper officer are hereby directed to
          issue the necessary certificate, on receipt of
          payment for same. Motion carried.

          Motion to adjourn carried.

                                         Jerome B. Wiss Sect.