Meeting Minutes: 1921-12-20 Board

Dec 20/21  Special meeting of the Board of Director of
           the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order by President 
           Wiss at 9:35 A.M. this twentieth day of December, 
           Nineteen Hundred and Twenty One.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss and J. Robert Wiss and N.F. Wiss,
           Norman F. Wiss moved that a dividend of Ten 
           (10%) percent on the common stock of the company 
           be declared and hereby is declared payable at
           once out of the surplus of the company.

           Motion seconded by J. Wiss and duly carried,
           J. Robert Wiss moved that the action of the president
           is subscribing in the name of the company.

           Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) dollar toward the
           formation of a Five Insurance Company by
           the Manufacturer Association of New Jersey as
           outlined in their circular letter dated Sep. 1-1921
           be and hereby is approved, furthermore be it
           approved that in payment of the six hundred
           and fifty four (654) shares allotted to our company
           amounting to Nine Thousand Eight Hundred and
           Ten ($9810.00) dollar, Ten Thousand dollar of
           Liberty Loan Bonds of the Third issue were
           used. Motion seconded by N.F. Wiss and

           The President reports that above bonds were
           taken at par in payment of the trust certificate
           allotted according to the letter of Manufacturer
           Association of New Jersey, dated Nov 28, 1921,
           and that interest from September 15th, 1921 would
           be paid. Sep. 15/21 being the date up to which the
           US Government had paid interest on the bonds.

           The two letter of the Manufacturer Association
           referred to above, were ordered
           placed on file.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                          Jerome B. Wiss Sect.