Meeting Minutes: 1922-01-26 Stockholders

Article    Sec. IV. The Vice President shall, in the absence or
  IV       disability of the President, perform all the
           duties of that office.

           Sec. V. The Assistant Treasurer shall, under the
           Treasurer's direction, perform such duties of
           that office as may be assigned to him and in
           the absence or disability of the Treasurer
           shall perform all the duties of that office.

           Above additions to By-Laws were adopted at a regular
           Norman F. Wiss moved that Section 1, of
           Article V, of the By-Laws be amended by the addition of the
           words "or by such person or persons as may be authorized to
           sign by resolution passed by the Board of Directors", so
           that Section 1, will read as follows:

           "All monies of the Company shall be kept in
           the name of the Company in such bank or places of deposit as
           the Board of Directors may designate, and shall be drawn out
           by checks signed in the corporate name by the Treasurer or
           Secretary, or by such person or persons as may be authorized
           to so sign by resolution passed by the Board of Directors".