Meeting Minutes: 1922-12-29 Board

Dec 29/22  Special meeting of the Board of Director of 
           the J. Wiss & Sons Co. called to order at 9:40 A.M. 
           this Twenty Ninth day of December, Nineteen 
           Hundred and Twenty Two.

           Present were F.C.J. Wiss, J.R. Wiss & N.F. Wiss.
           Norman F. Wiss moved and J. Robert Wiss
           seconded the following: It is moved that we
           pay Frederick H. Rauh the sum of Twenty
           five Hundred dollar in addition to the wages
           provided for otherwise. This sum is in recognize
           of new patterns furthered by him and improvement
           introduced by him in the processor of manufacture
           as well as the unusual interest he is taking
           in the business all of which tend towards
           greater financial success. It is further
           moved that the treasurer is hereby directed
           to pay him said amount. Motion carried.

           N.F. Wiss moved that Five (5) shares of the
           common treasurer stock be sold to Frederick H. Rauh
           as provided for in resolution passed at stockholder
           meeting of January 24th, 1918, and at the
           price of Five Hundred ($500.00) dollar of share, and
           that the proper officer are hereby directed to issue
           the necessary certificate on receipt of payment
           for same. Motion seconded by J.R. Wiss and carried.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                           Jerome B. Wiss Sect.