Meeting Minutes: 1923-01-25 Stockholders

Jan 25/23  The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the
           J. Wiss & Sons Co. held at the main office of the
           company at 33 Littleton Ave. Newark N.J. on the
           twenty fifth day of January Nineteen Hundred
           and twenty three.

           Meeting called to order by Vice Pres. J. Robert Wiss
           at two ten in the afternoon, present in person
           were Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, N.F. Wiss, J.B. Wiss,
           Grace V. Wiss, C.L. Gairoard, F.H. Rauh, C.A. Thober
           and represented by proxy - Fred C.J. Wiss and C.S. Wiss
           matching a total of Fifteen Hundred and seventy
           five shares represented.

           Secretary read notice of meeting dated January
           15th, 1923, a copy of which was transmitted to each common
           stockholder of record.

           Minutes of the stockholder meeting of Jan 26/23
           were read and approved.

           The report of Sales Manager C.L. Gairoard was
           read and ordered on file.

           The report of C.A. Thober - master mechanic was
           read and ordered on file.

           The Treasurer report dated December 31st, 1922
           was read discussed and ordered placed on

           On motion of C.L. Gairoard seconded by
           Fred H. Rauh all action of the Board of Director
           up to date were approved.

           The following were nominated as director to
           serve for the ensuing year and until their
           successor are elected and qualified: Fred C.J. Wiss,
           Fanny B. Wiss, J. Robert Wiss, Jerome B. Wiss and
           Norman F. Wiss, there being no other nominees,
           the secretary was directed to cast a ballot represents
           the stockholder at the meeting. The secretary cast
           the ballot and the nominees were declared elected
           by 1575 votes. A motion made by F.H. Rauh seconded by
           C.L. Gairoard was unanimously carried. This motion continued
           the thought that the stockholder express their approach
           to their President F.C.J. Wiss for his successful conduct of the
           business during 1921 & 1922, the results of which are now no
           apparent in that our business is continued to be on a
           round basis due to his business methods.

           Motion to adjourn carried.

                                            Jerome B. Wiss Sect.