Meeting Minutes: 1933-08-10 Board

A special meeting of the Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Company was held at
the main office of the corporation on Thursday, August 10th, l933. There
were present J. Robert Wiss, Norman F. Wiss and Jerome B. Wiss.

The President called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. Norman F. Wiss
made the following motion which was seconded by Jerome B. Wiss and
unanimously carried.

Resolved: That any funds at any time standing to the credit of this
corporation in the National Newark and Essex Banking Company, the United
States Trust Company, or any other depository, shall be subject to 
withdrawal upon checks when signed or drawn on behalf of this corporation by
any two of the following individuals:

J. Robert Wiss - Norman F. Wiss - Jerome B. Wiss - Raymond F. Kierstead.

That a copy of this resolution be sent to the National Newark and Essex 
Banking Company and the United States Trust Company immediately.

That this resolution is to be effective as of Monday morning, August 14th,

Being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

                                                Jerome B. Wiss Sect.