Meeting Minutes: 1935-03-11 Board

Special meeting of the Board of Directors of J. Wiss & Sons Co., held on
the 11th day of March, 1935, on motion duly seconded and carried it was.

RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is authorized and directed
to open a special bank account in behalf of this Company with the National
Newark & Essex Banking Co.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that until otherwise ordered, said bank be, and hereby
is authorized to make payments in amounts of not over Five ($5.00) Dollars
from this special fund of this Company on deposit with it upon and 
according to the special check of this Company signed individually by either
J. R. Wiss, N. F. Wiss, C. R. Kierstead or R. A. Marshall.

                                                   Jerome B. Wiss Sect.