Magic Lantern Glass Slide

Circa 1908, or shortly thereafter, based on the same image being in this 1908 magazine ad, and the pictured shears does not have the circa 1911 cloud logo. The woman pictured is The Wiss Girl, as shown in these 1908 ads.

No cracks in the glass. Tape around edges is in good condition. 4" × 3-1/4". No lantern glass slides have been found in the Wiss literature, though making such slides available to dealers is logical for them. Location of Peoples Hdwe. Co. is unknown, as a search finds multiple Peoples Hdwe. Co. businesses from the time this slide was made.

Harold Ives Company, of New York City, is the maker of the slide. They specialized in advertising slides to be shown in motion picture theaters prior to the features. Advertising slides in theaters were in use from 1908 to 1922.

Found on eBay and in my collection.

For this one my brother put the slide on a light box. This is what the theater patrons would have seen on the screen.


These are the seller's pictures. They show what the slide itself looks like.





