J. Wiss Cutler, 26 Bank Street: With Family, circa 1870-1871

An albumen print of Jacob Wiss in front of his shop. He moved to 26-28 Bank St. in 1869, at which time the building was new. He owned the entire building. He lived upstairs, on one side or the other. Starting in 1872 Jacob used 28 Bank St (on the right) as the home address. Behind the building there were factory buildings accessed from Library Court, the alley to the right of the building. Credit: F.L. Huff, Huff's Photographic Gallery, 727 and 729 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. The same photo also appears in a business card.

Maps showing where the building was located.

Alongside of Jacob (born 1817) is Frederick C.J. Wiss (born 1858). Jacob's wife Maria (born 1827) and older daughter Mary (born 1855) are in upstairs windows. Louis T. Wiss (born 1860) and the younger daughter Augusta (born 1867) are in the entrance to upstairs.

Circa 1870-71. 10-1/4" × 14". This is in my collection. Click on web-sized picture to get full-sized one.
