Ring Switching and Theft Is Charge Against Woman

The Newark Evening News, December 29, 1926

1926-12-29 Ring Switching Theft Is Charge

A woman shopper in the jewelry store of Wiss Sons, Inc. at 665 Broad street yesterday did some queer shuffling of rings in a tray she was inspecting. A clerk, becoming suspicious, notified police headquarters and then entertained the shopper by showing her more jewelry until Sergeant Kaas, Detectives Morgan and Johnson arrived. They took her to headquarters.

There the woman who said she was Miss Julia Blast of 349 South Twelfth street, admitted she stole jewelry from L. Bamberger & Co. a few minutes before her visit to the Wiss store, police assert. Detectives quoted her as saying that in Bamberger's she had asked to look at onyx rings and had slipped a cheap substitute for one into a tray while taking a good one out. A bar pin and cameo brooch were included in the articles taken from the department store, said the detectives. The three articles were valued at $36. She is said to have admitted planning to substitute a ten-cent ring for an expensive one at Wiss's.

When detectives have finished an investigation the woman will be arraigned in the First Precinct Court on charge of grand larceny.