Store Buys Back Tea Set Sold in 1897; Money to Poor

The Newark Evening News, January 21, 1931

1931-01-21 Store Buys Back Tea Set Sold in 1897

The spirit of 1897 in the form of an old silver tea set, tray and castor, all involving a curious little story, came to light last week when Mrs. Eliza Overlack of 40 Ninth avenue, Newark, walked into Wiss Sons, Inc., store in Broad street. She wanted to find out where she could sell the set as she no longer had any use for it since her husband's death.

It seems that Mrs. Overlack, who is eighty-two years old, has sufficient money for her own needs but not sufficient to satisfy her many charitable inclinations. Mrs. Overlack had bought the set from J. Wiss & Sons in 1897, before the establishment assumed its present name. She produced a receipted bill dated June 12, 1897, showing that she had paid $38 for the complete tea set, tray and castor.

When Mr. Wiss, whose grandfather founded the business back in 1848, learned that the set had been bought from the Wiss Store, he decided to take back this trophy of the past, paying the original price to Mrs. Overlack, who turned the money over to charity.