Maps of Louis Wiss's Newark Homes: 1881-1922

From the Newark Directory:
1889. 9 Plum St. Louis lived here for five years (1891-1895). He got married while he was living here. Almost all of the properties on the single block street are owned by the Plum family. Louis would have been renting. You can see the Morris Canal along the left. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 3.


1889. 166 Bank St. Louis lived here for five years (1896-1900). You can see 166 along the upper edge. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 14.


1901. 83 Johnson Av. This is same the year that this address first appeared in the Newark Directory for Louis. It appears that Louis bought the corner house, labeled 81 on the map, from C.C. Gardner. Source map: Newark Atlas, Plate 23. [This and the next map rotated 90° for consistency.]


1912. 83 Johnson Av. House labeled as 81. The property has been subdivided. It looks like a garage on the other lot. Louis did have one for his car. Source map: Newark Atlas, Vol. 2, Plate 47


1926 Map. 83 Johnson Av. is the left map, and we see it has been developed into The Windsor apartment building. 24 Johnson Av., where Fanny was living in 1922 for about a year, is on the right map. Newark Atlas source maps: Left: Vol. 2, Plate 16, Right: Vol. 2, Plate 14.
