F.W. Sinon Jr. Is Married [to Margaret Simonds]
Married: February 12, 1954

The Newark Evening News, February 13, 1954 p.7-5


F.W. Sinon Jr. Is Married

Cornell Graduate Weds Margaret Simonds in Home Bridal

FITCHBURG, Mass.–The Marriage of Miss Margaret Simonds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan K. Simons of this place to Frederick W. Sinon Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Sinon of Mountain View terrace, Maplewood, took place yesterday at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Robert N. Foster officiated.

The bride wore a ballerina length gown of ice blue peau de soie with a shoulder length veil of ice blue tulle. She carried white orchids.

The bride's sister, Mrs. William B. Hurd, was matron of honor. Gale Hurd, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Richard R. Lowell served as best man and Harlan K. Simonds Jr., the bride's brother, ushered.

The bride is a graduate of Westover School, Middlebury, Conn. Mr. Simon is a alumnus of Culver (Ind.) Military Academy and Cornell University College of engineering. He is now an engineer with J. Wiss & Sons Co., Newark.

After a wedding trip to the West Indies they will make their home temporarily in New York.